The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1277 You are fooled again

Chapter 1277 You are fooled again

"General, the enemy's firepower is so dense, can we really do this?"

Finally, the confidant lieutenant said cautiously.

"Why not?"

Bi Yi stared at the section of the city wall guarded by the trapped camp, sneered, and said, "Is it possible that he can count on the 100,000 trapped camp to defend our two million army from attacking the city?"

"The order goes on, and all the shield soldiers will set off immediately to protect the infantry from attacking the city."

"At the same time, one-third of the bowmen will shoot and kill the soldiers who are trapped in the camp. Even if they can't shoot them, I will make them feel uncomfortable and affect them to shoot arrows to kill Laozi's soldiers."


Bi Yi's order came down, and these lieutenants did not dare not to obey, and immediately went down to pass the order.

With Bi Yi's order, no matter how afraid these soldiers are, they have to go up with courage.

The shield soldiers carried their shields and rushed forward one by one.

The rain of arrows in the sky did not stop, but because of the shield, they did not suffer much damage.

Soon, the shield soldiers and the former infantry soldiers under Bi Yi converged.

With the help of the shield soldiers, those infantrymen were instantly relieved. Because of the shield's obstruction, their lives were more or less protected.

"The shield soldiers obey the order and form a formation!"

Bi Yi shouted loudly when he saw that his shield soldiers and infantrymen had joined together.

All the shield soldiers listened to Bi Yi's order and quickly formed a formation.

They were wearing shields and let the shields one by one, relying on the tall body of the shield soldiers, they actually blocked all the infantry.

"It does make sense."

Gao Shun saw it on the city wall with surprise in his eyes.

Bi Yi obviously used a lot of thought to form these shield soldiers, and the people he was looking for were actually much taller than the infantry, and they were guaranteed to form a defensive formation.

"This army formation is ridiculous."

When Xu Chu saw it, he smiled coldly and said, "On this army formation, as long as we attack with a log, we can instantly make those soldiers holding shields unbearable."

"When the military formation is broken, those infantrymen gather together and die even faster!"

"It's true, but you have to take into account the particularity of the soldiers in the camp."

Gao Shun shook his head and said, "Not every soldier in the army has armor made of fine iron."

"As long as it is an ordinary army and cannot stop the bow and crossbow shooting, Bi Yi can order the bow and crossbowmen to keep shooting arrows for cover, so..."

Looking at Bi Yi in the distance, Gao Shun continued: "Bi Yi can use bowmen to keep suppressing the defending soldiers on the city wall to ensure that these soldiers cannot throw out a large number of logs to attack his defensive formation."

"And those shields have some formations depicting them. If there are few logs attacking, the shields can block them. So..."

Gao Shun said: "That Bi Yi is called the first siege general under Qi Xuefeng's command is not without some real material."

"He does indeed have some unique achievements in the siege of the city."

"However, his achievements are not as good as yours, Admiral."

A lieutenant next to Gao Shun smiled and said, "If Bi Yi knew that he was walking into a trap now, I don't know what his mood would be."

"Haha, then he must even have the heart to commit suicide." Xu Chu laughed.

Gao Shun also smiled and said, "Prepare what you have prepared, and I will give Bi Yi a big gift later."

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