With the protection of the shield soldiers, the Bi Yiqian army who attacked the city did indeed block the crossbow arrows shot by the soldiers in the trap camp.

The damage was instantly reduced by half.

"The whole army listens to the order and presses it immediately!"

Seeing this scene, Bi Yi, who was in the Central Army, was excited and ordered loudly.

He wanted to take advantage of this good opportunity to break through the city wall guarded by the camp in one fell swoop.

At the same time, it also ordered the bowmen to use their arrows to the best of their ability, to shoot down the Tiger Guards who were still holding their shields, and to suppress all the Tiger Guard soldiers under the rain of arrows.

Guarantee the success of the infantry siege!

Under Bi Yi's order, a large number of infantrymen charged forward under the cover of shield soldiers.

Not only the former army, but even some soldiers of the central army rushed up under Bi Yi's order.

For a time, the soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty were densely packed under the city wall, watching from the high city wall, like rows of ants.

"Admiral, this time Bi Yi has definitely over half a million soldiers in the siege. Are we going to start our plan immediately?"

Xu Chu on the city wall said beside Gao Shun.

Gao Shun looked at the soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty who were rushing towards the city wall under the city wall, nodded and said, "Go ahead and execute the plan immediately!"


Xu Chu immediately ordered: "All soldiers immediately replace the crossbow arrows with fire arrows!"

Under the command of the general, the soldiers who were trapped in the camp quickly replaced the repeated crossbows in their hands with ordinary crossbows, with flaming fire arrows hanging on them.

"Fire Arrow?"

Bi Yi has been paying attention to the movement of the city wall. When he saw a sudden fire on it, he frowned. He didn't understand why the trap camp was replaced by the fire arrow.

"It's ridiculous!"

On the contrary, the lieutenant beside him sneered and said, "This Gao Shun is simply stupid. Could it be that he thought that he would be able to break through the defensive formation you set up by replacing him with fire arrows?"

"It's so ridiculous!"

The other lieutenants also sneered and said, "With the ferocious firepower of the repeating crossbow, maybe we can find a little chance at the connection position of the shield soldiers to cause sporadic losses to our siege soldiers."

"But now that the continuous crossbow is replaced by an ordinary crossbow, then they have no chance at all, and they are completely courting death."

"General, I ask you to come forward and lead the troops to break through the city walls guarded by the camp."

Some lieutenants thought this was a good opportunity for meritorious deeds. If he was a siege pioneer and broke through the city wall guarded by the trap camp, it would be a great achievement.

Rewards will follow.

"it is good."

Bi Yi nodded and said, "Go get ready and lead the troops to fight immediately."

He also didn't think that replacing the repeating crossbow with a fire arrow would have any effect on his defensive formation.

At this time, as long as there is a general with sufficient ability to lead, it will definitely be able to break the city wall in one fell swoop.

This made Bi Yidu couldn't help laughing. This may be the easiest time he has broken the city since he joined the army.

He had no idea that Gao Shun would be so stupid and not good at defending the city at all, and he would be helpless in the face of his own defense formation.

Even Huoya's ridiculous method was used.

The lieutenant went down with excitement on his face, and the rest of the lieutenants looked at this lieutenant with envy, envy that he could make great achievements right away.

At this time, the fire arrows released by the trapped camp on the city wall had already landed on the shield of the Bi Yi defensive army formation. of

The sound of 'ding ding' continued to sound, and all the fire arrows were bounced off.

When Bi Yi saw it, he didn't say much, just smiled coldly, and then looked at Gao Shun on the city wall with contempt in his eyes.

But he didn't see that the bounced fire arrows rolled outside the defensive formation and landed on the ground.

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