The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1280 Barbarian Gathering

The first thousand two hundred and eighty chapters barbarian gathering

"The barbarians have made a lot of moves recently. Several big tribes are in action. I want to see what calculus you are planning."

Lu Feng followed behind these barbarian cavalry, pondering in his heart.

In the past few days, he has seen several barbarian tribes' king's guards in action.

Such a situation is rare.

The guards of the king of the barbarian tribes are the elites of the elite, which is equivalent to the Liyang Changhen Army and the trapped camp.

It's an ace army!

But it is not the same as Liyang Changren's army trapped in the camp.

The Liyang Changhen Army and the trap camp are often used to defeat the enemy, but the barbarian king's guard is used to protect the royal family in the tribe and will not be used for offensive purposes.

Generally speaking, wherever the king's guards go, that is where the kings in this tribe go.

Now if he only saw one or two barbarian king guards, Lu Feng would not think there was any problem.

After all, the kings in the barbarian tribe like to hunt, and it is possible to go out with the king's escort.

But in the past few days, Lu Feng saw at least five guards of the king near here.

Then this is not normal.

And among the guards of the king that I saw, there were still some that were hostile to each other.

But there was no friction when they met, which is really abnormal.

The King's Guard that Lu Feng is now following is the Aohan tribe, one of the three largest tribes of the barbarians.

This tribe is not in the center of the northern grasslands, but in the direction of the nearby Ice and Snow Dynasty.

The strength is very strong, and it is rumored that he once fought against the army of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, and the outcome is 55%.

If there is really a big plan in the barbarian tribe, then the people in the Aohan tribe definitely know everything.

So, Lu Feng planned to follow the king's guard of the Aohan tribe to see what the barbarians were doing.

After half a day, the King's Guard of the Aohan Tribe arrived.

Lu Feng also followed here.

But looking at this place, Lu Feng frowned slightly.

"Barbarian Mountain?"

The Barbarian Mountain is the only mountain range in the northern grasslands. It is rumored that the barbarians have appeared many powerful people many years ago, and they are called barbarian gods.

Live in the mountain of the gods.

At the back, in order to commemorate the legendary barbarian god, the barbarian people regarded the barbarian mountain as a holy place.

The only Zongmen faction in the barbarians, the Changhe Gate, is located in the Barbarian Mountain.

The Changhe Gate is also respected by the barbarian tribes, because it is rumored that the founder of the Changhe Gate is the descendant of the barbarian god.

It's just that he didn't dare to use the name of the barbarian god, so the established force was called Changhe Gate.

These are rumours circulated by the barbarians.

However, Jin Yiwei under Lu Feng's command found out that the so-called barbarian god was a fictional man of the Wu clan, and Changhe Gate was not created by the descendants of barbarian gods.

It was the Wu clan, in order to better control the barbarians, so they came up with such a force to help them lead the barbarians.

Now that so many barbarian tribe kings have come to Barbarian Mountain, Changhe Gate, there is only one explanation, what is the Wuzu planning.

Intuition told Lu Feng that what the Wu clan planned must be related to the Nanyan Kingdom, and it could not be a good thing.

Without any hesitation, Lu Feng used his Xuanwen to hide his stature, sneaked into the Barbarian Mountain, and followed the guards of the king of the Aohan tribe to the mountain gate of Changhe Gate.

Soon, he had arrived outside the barbarian temple of Changhemen.

At this time, there were many guards of the king standing outside the hall. They did not enter the hall, but the king they protected all entered the hall.

There are various formations arranged outside the Barbarian Temple, and these soldiers are forbidden to enter.

But for Lu Feng, this lattice method is not enough.

Lu Feng simply avoided these formations and entered the Barbarian Temple.

The hall was already filled with the kings of the various tribes of the barbarians, and the king of the Aohan tribe that Lu Feng had followed before sat in the front three positions.

At this time, they all looked at the statue of the barbarian god directly in front of the hall with solemn expressions.

Lu Feng looked at the statue of the barbarian god and shook his head speechlessly in his heart, but he just used some simple Xuanwen and the current formation to create a little coercion, so that these barbarian people really thought it was a statue of the barbarian god. .

But there is no way, all the barbarians are ignorant, there are too few people who understand the talent of martial arts, and even fewer know the formation method, and I am afraid that there is not a single barbarian who knows Xuanwen.

It's no wonder that the Witch Tribe used some small means to convince the barbarian tribes.

"My lords, I would like to trouble you for a trip."

Just then, a voice came.

Immediately after, an old man dressed in Changhemen costume came out from behind the Barbarian Temple.

This person is the sect master of Changhe Sect, Pu Suoyun.

"The sect master is polite."

The one who spoke was the king of the Aohan tribe. He smiled and said, "The sect master must have something important for us to come here, but it doesn't matter."

"That's right, the sect master will say whatever he wants."

"Sect master, tell me what's going on."

"There are two main things in this trip. The first one, as everyone knows, is that we are going to send troops to attack the Kingdom of Nanyan." Pu Suoyun said: "I hope that the tribes that are not ready will prepare quickly, and don't make everyone wait too long. , missed this opportunity."


Lu Feng, who was in the dark, heard a secret voice in his heart, the Wu clan really wanted to use the iron cavalry of these barbarian tribes to attack the kingdom of Nanyan.


The king of a middle-class tribe looked embarrassed, looked at Pu Suoyun, and said, "Sect Master, we all know what you said, but how can the Nanyan Kingdom be so easy to attack?"

"Whether it's Ran Min, who is far from Beiguan, or Meng Tian, ​​who guards the rest of the border, they are all famous generals of the Nanyan Kingdom, not to mention that there are more troops in the Nanyan Kingdom. We are afraid that we will attack. Failed."


"I think you are afraid of Lu Feng and his Nanyan Kingdom." As soon as the man finished speaking, the king of another tribe stood up and sneered, "Are you afraid of seeing Lu Feng slaughtering the Tuoba tribe before? already?"

"Hmph." The king of the middle tribe who spoke earlier snorted coldly, but didn't say anything.

He was really scared.

Because his tribe was close to the Tuoba tribe who had been slaughtered by Lu Feng before, he knew the bloodshed best among the barbarians.

Under the order to kill the barbarians, his tribe was even more damaged.

Let him go to attack the Nanyan Kingdom now, he really does not have the courage.

"I know what you're worried about, but you don't need to worry now."

The head of the Changhe Gate, Pu Suoyun, looked at the middle-class tribal king who was talking, and said with a smile, "If it's just us barbarians, then I naturally wouldn't call everyone to attack."

"After all, although our iron cavalry is powerful, in terms of siege, it is still inferior to those human races, but it is different now."

"What's the difference?"

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