The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1281 Aren't you looking for me?

Chapter 1281 Aren't you looking for me?

It was the King of the Middle Tribe who asked the question. He looked at Pu Suoyun, the sect master of Changhe Gate, and said, "Now the Nanyan Kingdom has become even stronger, and even the Liyang Dynasty has been defeated by them, so we will attack now. What will happen to them?"

"Only on the northern grasslands, we rely on the fierceness of the iron cavalry to not be afraid of them. If we attack again, the end will definitely be very miserable!"

"Haha, that's because you don't know the situation of the Nanyan Kingdom recently. If you knew, you wouldn't think so."

Park Suoyun smiled.


The king of this middle-class tribe was slightly taken aback. The news of these tribes in the northern grasslands was lagging behind. Usually, they only knew what happened outside the northern grasslands when news came from Changhemen.

Now they really don't know what happened to Nanyan Kingdom.

Pu Suoyun looked at him and said with a smile: "That stupid emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom killed many geniuses from various forces in Yuzhou in Mochizuki Valley, and now these forces have begun to settle accounts with him."

"The Cangchu Dynasty, the Ice and Snow Dynasty, the Chongao Dynasty, the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Liyang Dynasty, five of the top ten dynasties attacked the Nanyan Kingdom."

"Among them, eight million soldiers from the Liyang Dynasty have been stationed in Tonglu City, a big border city, and they have already fought with the Yuanhongguan garrison led by General Gao Shun of the Nanyan Kingdom."

"On the front line of Tianxian Dao, the army of the Cangchu Dynasty is about to arrive, followed by the army of the Chongao Dynasty and the Silver Wolf Dynasty, and the army of the Ice and Snow Dynasty has also begun to move."

"Now the only thing waiting for the Nanyan Kingdom is its demise. We must seize this good opportunity to eat the fat in the north of the Nanyan Kingdom."

"In this way, in winter, our clansmen will not freeze to death because of the cold weather."

"So, we must attack the Nanyan Kingdom at this good opportunity!"

The head of the Changhe Gate, Pu Suoyun, stared at the king of this middle-class tribe and said, "The iron cavalry in your tribe, are you attacking?"

When he said this, he already had some murderous intent.

" is this possible?"

The king was a little stunned and said, "It is incredible that five of the ten dynasties have attacked the Nanyan Kingdom."

"But that's the truth."

The king of the Aohan tribe nodded and said, "The Ice and Snow Dynasty, which is close to my tribe, has frequently deployed troops during this period of time. I thought he wanted to do something, and ordered the tribe to prepare for battle."

"But they didn't attack us in the end. Now I know that they are preparing to deploy troops to attack the Kingdom of Nanyan."

"In this way, our opportunity has come out. This is a great opportunity to win the northern part of the Nanyan Kingdom in one fell swoop!"

"No, no, it's not like this." The king of the middle tribe said: "If the five dynasties are all attacking the Nanyan Kingdom, then if we send troops now, aren't we just trying to grab meat from these five dynasties? What are they going to do? bypass us?"

"I don't think we should attack the Nanyan Kingdom, we should..."


Before he finished speaking, the sword light flashed, his big head fell to the ground, and the headless corpse was still bleeding.

The murderer, Pu Suoyun, looked at the kings of other tribes coldly, and said, "Is there anyone who disagrees?"

Those tribal kings who were still afraid to attack, when they saw this headless corpse, how dare they say anything, and quickly said: "We all obey the order of the sect master."

For these tribes, except for those big tribes who are qualified to be on an equal footing with Changhe Gate, the kings of the other tribes are not qualified.

Seeing it in secret, Lu Feng smiled coldly in his heart. If the alliance of the barbarians is really completed, and tens of millions of iron cavalry attack the northern front line of the Nanyan Kingdom, it will indeed make the northern front line guarded by Meng Tian very uncomfortable.

It will also affect the military deployment of the entire Nanyan Kingdom.

After all, there are tens of millions of barbarian cavalry, and it is not so easy to deal with.

But now...

Looking at the kings of these barbarian tribes in the Barbarian Temple, Lu Feng sneered in his heart. If all the kings of these barbarian tribes died here today, then he would like to see what the Wu people use to lead those barbarian iron cavalry.

But he didn't rush to do it, because the Changhe Gate Sect Master said before that the kings of these barbarian tribes came here today for two reasons.

One thing is that the iron cavalry of these tribes wanted to attack the kingdom of Nanyan.

Another thing Lu Feng didn't know yet, he planned to wait and see what the other thing was before he started.

This Barbarian Mountain, when he came, he had already used his huge soul power to feel it, and there were no masters in it.

The most powerful one is only the Sixth Heavenly Emperor.

He can kill 10,000 like this.

"Sect Master, what is the other thing?" The king of the Aohan tribe asked aloud.

"The other thing you can all be very interested in."

Looking at the kings of these tribes, Pu Suoyun smiled slightly and said, "You may not believe it when you say it. Lu Feng of the Nanyan Kingdom has not returned to the Nanyan Kingdom yet."

"What? Haven't returned to Nanyan Kingdom yet?"

The kings of these tribes were stunned for a moment, but the kings of the three largest tribes sitting at the front had a glint in their eyes, looked at Pu Suoyun, and said, "Do you want to tell us, sect master, that Lu Feng still In the northern grasslands?"

"Yes, in the northern grasslands!"

Pu Suoyun was very sure. Looking at the kings of these tribes, he said, "If we can find Lu Feng and tell the people of the Wu people about his trace, the Wu people will send experts to help us attack the Kingdom of Nanyan."


Hearing this, the kings of these tribes were all excited and said, "As long as there are experts from the Wu clan to help, breaking the Nanyan Kingdom is simply an easy task."

"We immediately launched the spies in our respective tribes to find Lu Feng in the northern grasslands."

"Have to find him!"

The kings of these tribes of barbarians all know the existence of the Wu people, and they know that the Wu people are very, very powerful, and they exist at the same level as the dynasty.

But they didn't know the relationship between the barbarian gods, the Changhemen and the witches.

I just know that the Wu clan is very powerful, and they don’t have much interest in the northern grasslands. They just found a place to live, unless the barbarians ask them, or generally do not interfere in the affairs of the tribe.

It gives people a feeling of being aloof and not asking about the world.

Now that the Wu people are willing to take action, they are naturally very excited.

When Lu Feng heard it in the dark, his face was speechless.

After a long time, the other thing is to find your own!

He thought it was a big deal.

If that's the case, it's time to get started.

"The kings of all the tribes of the Wu clan are in a small hall, such a thing is probably rare in a thousand years!"

As the voice fell, Lu Feng's figure suddenly appeared on the head of the barbarian statue in the hall.


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