
Hearing this voice, everyone in the hall was shocked.

"Why, my eyes are blind, and I can't see where I am?" Lu Feng said again.

This time, the kings of these tribes in the hall knew that the sound was coming from the statue of the barbarian god, and their eyes were locked on the statue of the barbarian tribe, and they saw Lu Feng.

When these people saw that someone dared to stand on their savage god statue, they were furious and shouted: "You bastard, who are you? Come down quickly, or we will kill you with a thousand cuts!"

"Don't know who I am?"

Looking at the kings of these barbarian tribes, Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Aren't you looking for me? Don't you know who I am?"

"Looking for you?"

Some tribal kings were stunned for a moment, then reacted abruptly, stared at Lu Feng, and said in shock, "Are you Lu Feng, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom?"

"You're not stupid, you guessed it." Lu Feng said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha ha."

All of a sudden, the emperors of those tribes were very happy and laughed.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you break in."

"Lu Feng, Lu Feng, we were looking for you, but you came by yourself."

"As long as we catch you, the masters of the Wu clan will definitely help us to attack the Nanyan Kingdom, and then the entire Nanyan Kingdom will become our paradise."

"Not much nonsense, let's go together and catch him."

The kings of these tribes were full of excitement, and charged directly at Lu Feng.

On the contrary, Lu Feng was taken aback for a moment. Are these people fools? Don't you know your own strength?

Just rush up like this? Where does the confidence come from?

Shaking his head speechlessly, Lu Feng flashed the sword in his hand, the sword light flashed, and the fastest rushing tribe kings split into two and fell to the ground.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing one of the emperor's second-level celestial warriors and gaining 1 million experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing one of the emperor's first-level warriors and gaining 500,000 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing one of the Holy King's sixth-level warriors and gaining 100,000 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host..."

The system prompt sounded in Lu Feng's mind.

The kings of these tribes are strong and weak, but they have one thing in common.

They didn't provide much experience to Lu Feng.

If it wasn't for the fact that they were discussing dealing with the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng would not have much interest in taking action against them.

"You... your strength..."

The remaining tribe kings looked at Lu Feng in horror when they saw that Lu Feng had easily beheaded the previous people.

Their news was blocked, they knew that the Nanyan Kingdom was getting stronger and stronger, but they didn't know what the strength of the Emperor Lu Feng of the Nanyan Kingdom had reached.

Now seeing Lu Feng kill so many tribal masters with one sword, it is not just a little panic.

Compared to these people, Changhe Gate Sect Master Park Suoyun is much more direct.

Without a word, he turned and ran.

Compared with these barbarian tribe kings who did not know Lu Feng's strength, Pu Suoyun had more or less received some news from the Wu tribe.

Knowing that Lu Feng's strength is very powerful, he is not an opponent at all.

Run first to honor!


"Did you run?"

Lu Feng's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Pu Suoyun, and the Gan Jiang sword in his hand was placed directly on Pu Suoyun's neck.

Park Suoyun hurriedly controlled his body and stood still, with cold sweat on his forehead all of a sudden.

He could feel the cold blade cutting through the skin of his neck, and if he moved a little further, his neck would be cut by the blade.

"Yo, the control is pretty good." Lu Feng looked at Park Suoyun with a smile.

"No, don't kill me."

Pu Suoyun's pale face had fear written on it, looked at Lu Feng with a trembling voice, and said, "It's just that you don't kill me, I can help you control the barbarian iron cavalry, so that they will no longer attack you.


"It's a good thing to say, but unfortunately I have no interest at all."

The sound fell, the sword moved.

Broken neck.

The headless body fell to the ground.

If Lu Feng didn't know that Changhe Gate was just a pawn of the Wu clan, maybe he would really be interested in what Park Suoyun said.

But he knew very well that the so-called Changhe Gate was useless.

The one who decided to be together was the Wu clan in the back.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing one of the emperor's sixth-level celestial warriors and gaining 5 million experience points."

The system prompt sounded in Lu Feng's mind.


If Lu Feng just killed the kings of the barbarian tribes just to make the rest of the people a little scared, then killing Pu Suoyun now is to make them completely scared.

In their eyes, Park Suoyun has always been an invincible existence.

Now they were killed by Lu Feng without even holding on to a single move. How dare they dare to oppose Lu Feng?

One by one, they just want to run away desperately and get out of here.

However, under Lu Feng's sword, no one could escape.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the holy king Jiuzhongtian martial artist and gaining 150,000 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the emperor's first-level martial artist and gaining 490,000 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the emperor's second-level celestial warrior and gaining experience points..."


The system prompts kept ringing in Lu Feng's mind.

Every time it sounded, a barbarian tribe king died by his sword.

Soon, the kings of the barbarian tribes in the barbarian temple became corpses one by one.

The smell of blood filled the entire barbarian temple.

Even outside the hall, the strong smell of blood can be smelled.

The generals of the king's guard outside looked a little puzzled, not knowing what happened to you.

They wanted to rush in to see it, but the formation outside the Barbarian Temple was something they couldn't get in at all.

In the hall, Lu Feng stood there, looking at the experience points on his motherboard, his face full of helplessness.

Well, it is still a little bit of experience points, and his level can be upgraded to the seventh heaven of the emperor.

Not much worse, only three million.

"I originally planned to leave like this, but now it still needs three million experience points, so I can't let go of the guards of the king outside."

"Their lives should be able to collect these three million experience points!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Lu Feng held the Ganjiang sword in his hand and slashed it at the gate of the Barbarian Temple.


The door is broken.


The generals of the king's guard of the barbarian tribes in Outer Manchu discovered Lu Feng at once.

All eyes were locked on Lu Feng.

But soon, their eyes moved away and locked on the corpses on the ground.

They recognized it as the body of their king.

"You... you dare to kill our king?"

The generals of the King's Guard looked at this scene in disbelief.

This is a barbarian temple. There are many masters. How could someone assassinate their king?


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