The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1283 Kill the barbarians again

Lu Feng didn't give any chance to these barbarian tribe's king's guards.

The long sword was swung, and the sword energy was like a rainbow, quickly beheading these soldiers.

It was the generals who were killed first.

In a short period of time, none of the soldiers of the King's Guard outside the Barbarian Temple survived.

"Ding, congratulations on the upgrade of the host's level, the current realm is the seventh heaven of the emperor."

After killing another captain of the King's Guard at the Grandmaster realm, the meager experience provided finally allowed Lu Feng's experience to reach the limit of the emperor's sixth-level heaven, and successfully improved his realm, allowing him to successfully enter the emperor. later.


"Finally, we have reached the realm of the seventh heaven of the emperor."

Feeling the power flowing in his body, Lu Feng had a smile on his face.

After reaching the late stage of the emperor, he was able to feel that this was indeed different from the previous realm.

Not only the increase in energy in his body, but also his understanding of martial arts has also improved to a new level.

Of course, the more direct improvement is his combat effectiveness.

After reaching the seventh level of the emperor, he can use more means, whether it is the weak water sword art or something else, when it is displayed in this realm, the power will be much stronger than before.

Not to mention, his Xuanwen methods.

Using forbidden techniques in this realm is much more powerful than before.

"Lu Feng!"

At this moment, an angry voice came.


Hearing the sound, Lu Feng turned his head to look at the sky above Barbarian Mountain, where two figures appeared.

"Wizard semi-sacred?"

Seeing the clothes on these two people and the aura flowing in their bodies, Lu Feng was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the Witch Semi-Saint would appear here.

But fortunately, it was the Witch Clan Semi-Saint that appeared, not the Witch Clan Holy Venerable.

If it was the Holy Venerable, he would immediately choose to escape, but since it is a Semi-Saint...

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Lu Feng's figure flashed. Not only did he have no intention of escaping for his life, but instead he rushed directly to the two witch half-sages.

The Wu people want to take action against the Nanyan Kingdom. Now that they have the opportunity to damage the power of the Wu people, they will never let this opportunity go.


Gan Jiang's sword, the sword energy traverses, and the sword is cut down.

The speed of the sword energy was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already arrived in front of the two half-sages of the witch race.


The two half-sages of the witch race were a little stunned, and they never thought that Lu Feng would attack so decisively.

But after all, the two of them were half-sages of the witch clan. They were in the realm, and their reaction speed was very fast. When the sword qi was about to hit them, they forcibly moved their bodies and avoided the sword qi.

But the moment the sword qi broke through the air, it also made their scalps numb.

They had no doubts that if the two of them hadn't avoided the sword, at least they would have been seriously injured.

"Damn, how can this Lu Feng be so strong?"

"Steady, as long as the two of us can hold back Lu Feng until our ancestor arrives, he will surely die."

"Using the secret technique, be sure to hold Lu Feng back."

After the two half-sages of the witch race had a brief exchange, they thought of using a secret technique to hold Lu Feng back.


However, at this moment, Lu Feng's murderous voice suddenly came from behind them.

Before the two witch clan half-sages could react, they felt a strong wind suddenly coming from behind, and a 'bang' hit them.


They both vomited blood and flew out.

Where they just stood, where is Lu Feng standing.

The Gan Jiang sword in his hand has a sharp sword energy.

Even though the heavy attack was only a ground-level martial skill, the triple attack power that could be exploded in an instant caused serious injuries to the two witch semi-sages in an instant.

"This... this is impossible!"

After the two witch clan semi-sages stabilized their bodies, their faces turned pale, and they looked at Lu Feng standing in the air in disbelief.

The two of them were dignified and semi-sacred, and faced Lu Feng, a small emperor warrior, they were hit hard in an instant.

how can that be?

When did the emperor warrior become so strong?

Is it difficult that all the encounters you have encountered before are all fake emperors?

Especially the last attack, they didn't feel Lu Feng's breath at all, his attack came, and they were caught off guard.

Otherwise, by virtue of their semi-holy cultivation, they would not have been seriously injured in an instant.


Lu Feng, who stopped for a while, gave a light drink and disappeared.

"Be careful!"

Seeing that Lu Feng had disappeared, the two half-sages of the Wu clan shouted in a hurry, and at the same time, they quickly mobilized their infuriating qi and set up defenses in front of them.


As soon as the defense was raised, the sound of sharp knives penetrating into the flesh came.

The Wu clan half-sage standing on the left felt a sharp pain in his chest, and when he looked down, he saw the tip of the sword protruding from his chest.

"How... how is it possible?"

This half-sage of the Wu clan was full of disbelief, and his own defenses were raised. Why was Lu Feng able to pierce his defenses instantly and kill him?


At the same time, the True Qi surged in Lu Feng's body, pouring it into the body of the half-sage of the Wu clan, obliterating his soul.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a half-sage of the Wu clan, and gaining 200 million experience points."

The system prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

"Do not!"

The remaining half-sage of the Wu clan saw that his companion died instantly, and he was furious.

But he did not choose to shoot in anger, but turned around and ran.

He is still very awake now, knowing that neither of them were Lu Feng's opponents just now, and now there is only one person left, let alone Lu Feng's opponents.

It's better to run first, and the most important thing is to protect your own life.


"Where do you want to run?"

"Leap into the sky!"

When Lu Feng saw this half-sage of the witch tribe fleeing for his life, he continuously used his body technique to jump into the air, quickly jumping into space.

Lu Feng, whose strength has reached the seventh level of the emperor, has no side effects when he uses the sky jump again.

In just an instant, Lu Feng's figure had already reached the front of this half-sage of the witch tribe.


In the terrified eyes of this witch tribe semi-sage, Lu Feng held the Gan Jiang sword in his hand and slashed his head with a sword.

"Shu Zian dares to be presumptuous!"

But at this moment, a roar came from the void.

Immediately after that, a monstrous weather attacked, directly pressing on Lu Feng, causing him to stop, and the sword that he cut off also stopped in place.


The half-sage of the Wu clan heard this voice, but there was a look of joy in his eyes. This was the holy deity of the Wu clan.

With the holy ancestors here, I will not be in trouble, and I will not be killed.

This life can be saved...


Before the thought in his heart was over, he heard the sound of a sharp blade piercing into the flesh again.

"Huh? Strange, what does this mean?"

But before he could figure out what the sound was, he lost consciousness.

A headless corpse fell from the void.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for beheading the semi-sacred warrior and gaining 250 million experience points."

The system prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

"Good, good, good!"

"very good!"

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