The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1386 Yu Kaijun's worries

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-six chapters Yu Kai's worries

Lu Feng ignored the Dynasty Shuangjue, waved his hand, and even sealed their mouths.

"Push down."


The Six Swordsmen detained the completely sealed Dynasty Shuangjue.

Soon, Xun Yu walked in.

"Your Majesty, will this kind of duality towards the dynasty anger the dynasty?" Xun Yu said with some concern.

"do not worry."

With a smile on his face, Lu Feng said, "Now, as long as we don't kill the Dynasty Shuangjue, it is impossible for the Dynasty to attack us now."


Xun Yu looked puzzled.

Lu Feng explained, "The current dynasty is waiting for us to fight against other forces in Yuzhou. It's better to fight one and lose both, and then come out and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

"The best proof is that they deliberately delayed the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins, so at this time, they will not take action."

"Besides, if I didn't do anything before and let the dynasty be arrogant, my Nanyan Kingdom's face would not be good either."

Lu Feng said lightly, "Although the dynasty is strong, there is no need to pretend to be a grandson in front of them in today's Nanyan Kingdom."

Xun Yu nodded and said, "Indeed, if the dynasties are allowed to be arrogant, this will be a blow to the reputation of the rising kingdom of Nanyan."

"Furthermore, now that His Majesty has so decisively and easily won the Dynasty's Shuangjue, it will make the Dynasty more jealous of His Majesty. Without absolute certainty, the Dynasty will not be able to take action."

"After all, if they and the Nanyan Kingdom were to lose both, the Yuzhou forces like the Cangchu Dynasty would be the happiest."

However, after pondering for a while, he still said, "Your Majesty, I suggest that the news of the appearance of the Imperial Dynasty Shuangjue in the Nanyan Kingdom should not be spread out."

Lu Feng nodded.

He also understood that at this time, if he deliberately spread this news, he would undoubtedly be trampling on the face of the dynasty.

At that time, no matter how reluctant the dynasty was to take action at this time, it would have to take action.

Now Lu Feng has no plans to tear his face with the dynasty.

At least, not to tear the face now.

After all, the so-called alliance headed by the Hundred Nations Academy he was going to deal with!

"Wen Ruo, you send someone to spread the news to the dynasty, tell them that the dynasty is in my hands, let them send someone to redeem the people!" Lu Feng said.

"The minister leads the order."

Soon, Xun Yu went to pass the news to the dynasty.

This will take some time. After all, Jin Yiwei, who is hiding in the dynasty, cannot be allowed to pass the message directly. It will take a few days to go through the channels on the bright side.



With a loud bang, the gate of the City Lord's Mansion in Tonglu City was knocked open.


Xu Chu and Meng Taoming led the trap camp and the Tiger Guards to quickly enter, and soon there were screams from inside.

Outside, Gao Shun and Jia Xu stood on the chariot with smiles on their faces.

Before, Gao Shun led the trap camp and the Tiger Guards on the west gate city wall to resist the counterattack of the Xiguan camp of the Liyang Dynasty.

In the end, they persisted until the three million army led by Jia Xu arrived, and immediately launched a counterattack.

The 8 million army led by the enemy general Qi Xuefeng lost more than half in this battle.

Now the City Lord's Mansion has also been breached, and two-thirds of the entire Tonglu City has fallen into the hands of the Nanyan Kingdom army led by Gao Shun.

Only the part that was leaning against the east gate was still in Qi Xuefeng's hands.

"Prime Minister, Qi Xuefeng has already led the troops to the east gate, so the Gu family can start planning." Gao Shun smiled.

The Gu family's manor is close to the east gate, and it can even be said that the entire east gate is controlled by the ancient family.

Qi Xuefeng led the other troops to withdraw to the East Gate, which happened to be within the absolute control of the Gu family.

Jia Xu nodded and said, "It's about time."

"Come on, send orders to Gu Wenqian and let him act according to the plan."


The secret emissary of Jinyiwei immediately went to spread the news.


Ancient secrets.

Gu Wenqian and Gu Chen sat opposite each other.

"Ancestor, the Prime Minister sent an order, let us act according to the plan." Gu Wenqian said.

"Then act according to the plan!" Gu Chen nodded and said, "Do it immediately, don't make mistakes and miss the big plan."


Gu Wenqian immediately went down and acted according to the plan.

"General, more than two-thirds of Tonglu City has fallen into the hands of Gao Shun, should we continue to defend it?"

At the east gate of Tonglu City, in the temporary military camp set up by Qi Xuefeng, the chief general of the Xiguan camp of the Liyang Dynasty, a group of lieutenants were looking at Qi Xuefeng worriedly.

Qi Xuefeng's face was gloomy, and he said coldly, "What? Do you want to retreat?"

"General, it's not that we want to retreat, but in the current situation, it is meaningless for us to continue to defend Tonglu City. It is better to take our remaining three million troops to retreat to Duxiongguan to guard against the enemy's east. Come in." The lieutenant smiled bitterly.

Qi Xuefeng's expression was even more ugly.

He also did not expect that Bi Yihui would be wiped out in the previous offensive and defensive battle of Ximen, and he did not expect that the fighting strength of the Nanyan Kingdom would be so terrifying.

If it weren't for his order to withdraw quickly, more troops would have died in that battle.

But even so, his army lost nearly four million.

Up to now, there are only 3 million troops left under his command, among which there are more than 100,000 wounded soldiers, and the morale of the army is also declining.

But he can't withdraw!

He wants revenge!

Avenge the ancestors who died of the Wu clan, and avenge the dead masters of the Wu clan.

Although he couldn't kill Lu Feng, he had to kill as many soldiers of the Nanyan Kingdom as possible and make Lu Feng pay the price!

Qi Xuefeng's real name is Gongyang Xuefeng, a member of the Wu clan, and his status is not low, he is the young patriarch of the Wu clan.

Unlike the young patriarch on the bright side of the Wu clan, Qi Xuefeng was arranged to grow up in the Liyang Dynasty from a young age, study, and finally became a general of the Liyang Dynasty, and was highly regarded by the emperor.

He has been hiding his identity in the Liyang Dynasty, so that in the future, the Wu people will go south and simply take the southwest of Yuzhou. When attacking the Liyang Dynasty, with him as an inner responder, he can easily break the defense of the Liyang Dynasty and successfully destroy the Liyang Dynasty. Drop the Liyang Dynasty.

But neither the Wu clan nor Qi Xuefeng expected that such a variable would appear as Lu Feng, let alone that Lu Feng could lead the Nanyan Kingdom to grow to the current level.

He defeated the barbarian iron cavalry several times, defeated the Liyang Dynasty several times, and now defeated the Cangchu Dynasty.

If he can accept these, then a news from the Wu clan makes him unable to calm down.

Of all the ancestors of the Wu clan, Gong Yangxu was the only one alive now, who was seriously injured.

The rest of the ancestors were all killed by Lu Feng, completely dead.

When he first heard the news, Qi Xuefeng almost collapsed.

He has been undercover in the Liyang Dynasty for decades, in order that one day the Wu people will go south to make achievements.

But he didn't expect that after waiting for decades, what he was waiting for was news that made him desperate.


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