The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1387 The Gu family plan begins

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-seven chapters of the ancient family plan began

Lu Feng!

Whenever he thinks of this name, Qi Xuefeng can't wait to eat his flesh and drink his blood.


Unparalleled hatred!

It's just that no matter how much he hates it, he can't do anything. He doesn't have the strength to kill Lu Feng, he can only kill the army of Nanyan Kingdom.

However, Gao Shun led the army of Nanyan Kingdom to give him a great defeat.

Complete defeat!

But even so, Qi Xuefeng would not choose to retreat. He had to choose to fight to the end. Even if he died in the end, he would have to bite off a piece of meat from the Nanyan Kingdom.

Anyway, the army that is being used now is not the army of the Wu clan, so he doesn't feel bad at all.

Absolutely cannot be withdrawn!

This was what Qi Xuefeng had already planned.

He will use the army of the Liyang Dynasty and the Kingdom of Nanyan to fight to the end to avenge those who were killed by Lu Feng in his own clan.

That's all, he couldn't say it.

Looking at the generals in the account, Qi Xuefeng took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, don't forget, and after that, it will be Duxiongguan."

"After Duxiong Pass, there will be no defense of Xiongguan and Jiancheng. Moreover, the troops on the western front line of the Liyang Dynasty are now in Tonglu City. Once we retreat, the enemy can take advantage of the situation and enter Duxiong Pass. If we break Duxiong Pass, You can go all the way east and kill the capital directly."

"We are all servants of His Majesty, His Majesty is in the capital, how can we retreat now to give the enemy a chance to put His Majesty in crisis?"

"But General, we still have an army of 3 million. As long as we retreat to Duxiong Pass and rely on our army of 3 million, how can we not be able to hold Duxiong Pass?" said a lieutenant general.

"To shut up!"

Qi Xuefeng glared at the lieutenant and said, "I have made up my mind, I will never retreat!"

"Tonglu City is our last battlefield. Anyone who dares to say more will be killed without mercy!"

This time,

The generals in the account understood that Qi Xuefeng did not want to retreat.

Qi Xuefeng is the main general, and his orders are everything.

Even if there are other thoughts in their hearts, they dare not say more.

"Report, General, the Gu family sent an envoy to ask for an interview." At this moment, a soldier entered the account.

"The ancient family sent an envoy?"

Qi Xuefeng frowned slightly, he didn't understand what the Gu family meant by sending people at this time.

After a slight hesitation, he said, "Let him in."


Soon, the messenger sent by Gu Wenqian walked into the account, looked at Qi Xuefeng, and said, "Gu Nuo, the messenger of the Gu family, has seen the general."

"No need to be polite."

Qi Xuefeng looked at Gu Nuo and asked, "The Gu family asked you to come here now, but what's the matter?"

"My patriarch asked me to tell the General that he will hold a banquet at the Gu Family Manor tonight and invite the General to a banquet to discuss the issue of dealing with the Nanyan King Team." Gu Nuo said.

"Deal with the Nanyan King Team?"

Qi Xuefeng's eyes suddenly lit up.

It suddenly dawned in my heart, yes, within the Liyang Dynasty, it is not only the royal family of the Liyang Dynasty that wants the Nanyan Kingdom to be destroyed, but also the Guxuan business firm.

There were many conflicts between Guxuan and Nanyan Kingdom before.

And the East City of Tonglu City is basically the Gu family has the final say.

But if he leads the troops to retreat, the troops of the Nanyan Kingdom will definitely enter the East City, and it will not be himself who will face the Nanyan King team, but the Gu family.

At this time, the Gu family was no less nervous than himself.

They even wanted to defeat the Nanyan King Team and bring Tonglu City back into the hands of the Liyang Dynasty.

After figuring this out, Qi Xuefeng immediately said, "Okay, I will definitely go to the banquet on time tonight!"

Gounod didn't say any more and immediately retired.


After Gu Nuo left, Qi Xuefeng looked at the generals in the account, laughed loudly, and said, "Everyone, the Gu family is looking for this general to discuss the matter against the Nanyan King Team."

"With our army and the strength of the Gu family, could it be that we can't stop the army of Nanyan Kingdom?"

Those generals who were originally worried were also relieved after knowing what the Gu family meant.

After all, the Gu family is one of the top ten commercial firms in Yuzhou. Although it is located at the end, it is still one of the top ten commercial firms, and its strength is still there.

With the Gu family taking action, they will naturally face much less pressure from the Nanyan Kingdom.


When night fell, Qi Xuefeng took his personal guards to the outside of the Gu Family Manor.

Gu Wenqian was waiting at the door.

"Haha, General, stay safe." Gu Wenqian laughed when he saw Qi Xuefeng coming.

He had previously met Qi Xuefeng in the capital of the Liyang Dynasty.

"Gu Patriarch, long time no see, how are you doing?" Qi Xuefeng laughed.

"Oh, it's really bad recently." Gu Wenqian sighed and said, "Now that the troops of the Nanyan Kingdom have arrived, and the foundation of my ancient family is in Tonglu City, how can I be good?"


Qi Xuefeng also sighed softly and said, "It's all my fault that I underestimated Nanyan Kingdom at first, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"It's not a general, we really didn't expect the Nanyan Kingdom to become so powerful now, but it's okay now."

Gu Wenqian said, "I believe that my Gu family and the general's army will join forces to block the Nanyan Kingdom!"

"Haha, with the Gu family helping out, what is there to worry about in the mere Nanyan Kingdom?" Qi Xuefeng laughed.

"Exactly." Gu Wenqian smiled.

It's just a sneer in my heart, and you won't feel that way in a while.

Now he said, "General, please, let's go to the manor to discuss how to cooperate."

"it is good!"

Qi Xuefeng did not suspect him, so he asked the personal guards to wait outside, and followed Gu Wenqian into the manor.

When Gu Wenqian turned around, he gave Gu Nuo a look behind him, Gu Nuo understood and nodded slightly.

After Qi Xuefeng and Gu Wenqian entered the manor, he waved his hand and a formation suddenly appeared, covering the bodyguards that Qi Xuefeng brought.

"What do you want to do?" the captain of the personal soldiers shouted loudly, sensing that something was wrong.

The only answer to him was "Kill!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen holy kings flew out of the formation, and in the blink of an eye, the personal guards were slaughtered.

And there is a formation as a cover, and there is nothing strange.

Qi Xuefeng, who followed Gu Wenqian into the Gu Family Manor, had no idea what was going on outside.

Soon, Qi Xuefeng followed Gu Wenqian to the Gu family hall.

The banquet was arranged in the hall, Gu Wenqian brought Qi Xuefeng to the main seat, brought a glass of wine to Qi Xuefeng, smiled and said, "General, this wine is the elf wine that I took a lot of effort to get from the elf tribe. , come, have a taste."

Qi Xuefeng held the wine glass, sniffed it lightly, and said, "Well, it's a good wine, and the aura is tangy. This wine can help warriors improve their cultivation."

"Exactly." Gu Wenqian smiled and said, "General, try it and see how it goes."


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