The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1388 Qi Xuefeng died, Tonglu City fell!

Chapter 1388 Qi Xuefeng dies, Tonglu City falls!

Qi Xuefeng didn't think too much, he took the wine glass and drank it all in one go.

After closing his eyes and feeling it for a while, he sighed and said, "The articulation is fragrant, the spiritual energy is in the soul, good wine, good wine!"

Gu Wenqian sneered even more when he saw it.

After a while, Qi Xuefeng opened his eyes and said with a smile, "Patriarch Gu, I am willing to take out such a good wine to entertain this general, and this general has thanked me."

"General, you're welcome." Gu Wenqian smiled and said, "Good wine must be paired with the right person."

After a short pause, Gu Wenqian said again, "General, what do you think of the Kingdom of Nanyan?"

"What do you think of Nanyan Kingdom?" Qi Xuefeng was stunned for a moment, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes.


Gu Wenqian sighed.

"Why is Patriarch Gu sighing?" Qi Xuefeng asked suspiciously.

"I sighed because of the general's words." Gu Wenqian said.

"my words?"

Qi Xuefeng frowned and became even more puzzled. "Patriarch Gu, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"Very wrong."

Gu Wenqian looked at Qi Xuefeng and said, "Although Nanyan Kingdom was a kingdom before, it is no longer an ordinary kingdom after Emperor Lu Feng ascended the throne."

"Lu Feng led the kingdom of Nanyan, ruled the southwest of Yuzhou, rejected the northern barbarians, and defeated the Liyang Dynasty. One thing is that no one in Yuzhou has done it."

"Not to mention, at the moment, he is leading the army to defeat the army of the Cangchu Dynasty, beheading the ancestor of the Cangchu Dynasty, Chu Yiheng, and defeating the ancestor of the holy ancestor, Chu Zhenlong."

"Isn't such a Lu Feng the wise master that the generals pursued all their lives?"

"As a famous general of the Liyang Dynasty, the general is not planning to follow the Ming master to achieve a great cause?"

"You are here to persuade Nanyan Kingdom to surrender the future!"

Qi Xuefeng narrowed his eyes.

He now understood Gu Wenqian's words.

"If the general had answered well before, then I would have persuaded to surrender, but now I am no longer persuaded to surrender."


With a long sigh, Gu Wenqian looked at Qi Xuefeng and said, "I originally planned to give the general a way to live, but the general doesn't cherish it himself, so don't blame me."

"General, on the road to Huangquan, go all the way!"

"You want to kill this general?"

When Qi Xuefeng heard it, he sneered and said, "Gu Wenqian, it's not that this general looks down on you, but even the stinky fish and rotten shrimp of your ancient family, you want to kill this general?"

"General, I know you are good at it, but have you forgotten the glass of wine you drank?" Gu Wenqian smiled.


Qi Xuefeng's complexion changed greatly, and he hurriedly ran the exercises, trying to mobilize his inner qi.

But the exercise method worked, not only did not mobilize the true qi, but a violent energy suddenly poured out of his dantian and hit his heart.


His heart was instantly injured, Qi Xuefeng vomited blood, glared at Qi Xuefeng, and shouted, "Despicable, you actually poisoned me!"

His voice was loud, and he shouted with all his might.

"It's useless, your personal guards are now corpses and can't save you." Gu Wenqian knew what Qi Xuefeng was thinking, and said lightly.


"Patriarch, everyone was killed, not a single one survived."

At this time, Gu Nuo walked in with a bloody knife in hand.

Gu Wenqian nodded, looked at Qi Xuefeng, and said, "General, you have no chance."

"No, no, no!"

Qi Xuefeng still couldn't believe it, but in the current situation, he also understood that Gu Wenqian couldn't lie to himself anymore.

Because that makes no sense.

He hurriedly said, "Gu Wenqian, don't forget, in the east city of Tonglu City, I still have an army of 3 million people. If they find that I haven't returned, they will definitely raise troops to attack your ancient home."

"The Gu family will surely perish by then. I advise you to give me an antidote now, or you will surely die!"

"Do you think the Prime Minister's plan is just to kill you?" Gu Wenqian said lightly.

"Prime Minister?"

Qi Xuefeng was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, saying, "These are all planned by Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Gu Wenqian sneered.

After getting a positive answer, Qi Xuefeng was suddenly full of despair.

If it was the Gu family's plan, he felt that he still had a chance, because he still had an army of three million.

Who is Jia Xu? That's a poisonous scholar who is famous in Yuzhou!

How could Jia Xu's plan give himself a chance?

The 3 million army is much less fortunate.

Gu Wenqian looked at Qi Xuefeng and said, "General, I already gave you a chance, but unfortunately you didn't grasp it yourself."

"If you were like me and surrendered to the noble emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, how could you end up like this?"

"Don't forget, the current Nanyan Kingdom is no longer the Nanyan Kingdom of the past!"

"Ha ha."

Qi Xuefeng smiled disdainfully and said, "Gu Wenqian, I look down on you."

"Your ancient family was pressed on the head by Lu Feng and stepped on it. Instead of thinking about revenge, you surrendered to Lu Feng."

"Coward, trash!"

"Whether it is a coward or a waste, as long as I can control the Gu family, as long as I can lead the Gu family to become stronger step by step, and follow His Majesty the Emperor to become the strongest family in Yuzhou, who would dare to call me Gu Wenqian a coward? ,waste?"

"History has always been written by victors. As long as I am the last victor, who would dare to say that I am Gu Wenqian?"

Gu Wenqian looked at Qi Xuefeng and said lightly, "I thought you could be a general, and I understand this better than I did, but I didn't expect that, I was wrong about you."

"Now, it's time for you to hit the road."

The sound fell, he pointed a finger, and a burst of energy hit Qi Xuefeng's body, detonating the toxin in his body.


There was a sound in Qi Xuefeng's body, and after that, there was no longer any breath of life.


But then, there was a buzzing sound in Qi Xuefeng's body, followed by a gray shadow that quickly shot into the distance.

"not good!"

Gu Wenqian's face changed slightly, and he was about to stop the gray shadow, but before he moved, a handprint appeared in the sky and caught the shadow.


When Gu Wenqian saw Gu Chen, he quickly asked, "Ancestor, what is that?"

Gu Chen looked at the gray shadow in his hand, pondered slightly, and said, "This is the secret method of the Wu clan to protect the soul. Only the noble people in the Wu clan can have it."

"How could the secret magic of the Wu clan appear on Qi Xuefeng? Could it be that Qi Xuefeng is a member of the Wu clan?"

"do not know."

Gu Chen shook his head and said, "However, only the people of the Wu people can successfully cultivate the secret methods of the Wu people. Qi Xuefeng is probably a person of the Wu people."

"You immediately have someone report this news to Your Majesty."


When the Gu family started to attack Qi Xuefeng, Gao Shun also led the army of the Nanyan Kingdom. Under the leadership of the people sent by the Gu family, they walked into Dongcheng from a road unknown to Qi Xuefeng's army.

Then attack quickly.


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