
Yu Kaijun sighed in his heart. He was also very helpless. Under the current situation, he could not set up a teleportation array in the military camp.

Because once activated, the enemy will be able to detect the fluctuation of the teleportation array.

After all, Lu Feng is an array mage who is proficient in ancient Xuanwen. It is difficult to set up a teleportation array under his nose.

He didn't know that Lu Feng had left Tianxian Dao and returned to Nanyan City.

It's not that Yu Kaijun didn't think about starting the teleportation formation on Longmus Mountain, but now if he starts to bring in food and grass, he also needs the army to escort it to the million-dollar mountain.

And they are still five or six days away from the mountain where they are now.

After pondering slightly, Yu Kaijun said, "Go ahead and select some soldiers from the army, and then go around the barracks to hunt monsters."

"There are not many others in the million-dollar mountain, and there must be many monsters. Find some giant monsters and kill them. Their meat will allow us to last for a while."

"But General, this may expose our whereabouts!" The lieutenant looked worried.

Yu Kaijun's expression darkened when he heard that, indeed.

Hunting one or two monsters is not a problem, but once there are too many, the Nanyan King Team will definitely find out.

After all, Jin Yiwei and Shadow Secret Guards, as well as those scouts in Yue Fei's army, are not dry eaters.

"I can't control so much now, go and choose now!"

Yu Kaijun knew the consequences, but now he has no other way.

This is the only way.

Otherwise, wait until the army has no food and grass, and then do this again, and the monsters may not be able to hunt and kill.


The lieutenant commanded.

However, just above the canyon, there are two pairs of eyes staring at the canyon below with excitement.

They were Jin Yiwei's spies, specially sent to investigate the traces of Yu Kai's remnants.

According to some traces they had before,

Find it here!

"Go back immediately and report to the general."

The two looked at each other, and their bodies quickly retreated and disappeared above the canyon.

And just not far from them, there are soldiers arranged by the Kai Army patrolling, but the Jinyiwei spies have practiced special secret techniques to hide their bodies, and these soldiers cannot find them.

"General Yue, great joy, great joy!"

In the tent of Tianxian Dao Yue Fei's army, Liu Ji ran in excitedly.

"Master Liu, what makes you so happy?" Yue Fei, who was sitting in the main seat with a worried face, looked at Liu Ji strangely.

"General Yue, there is news from the Jinyiwei spies that they have discovered the location of the remnants of Yu Kai's army." Liu Ji said excitedly.


Yue Fei, who was sitting originally, heard Liu Ji's words and stood up abruptly. He stared at Liu Ji and asked anxiously, "What did you say? Jinyiwei spy discovered the news of Yu Kai's remnant army?"

"That's right, that's it!"

With a smile, Liu Ji said, "The news from Jin Yiwei's spies just now has completely locked the trail of the enemy!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Liu Ji's confirmation, Yue Fei laughed and said, "Finally let us find it, good, great!"

The reason why Yue Fei just now looked worried was because of the remnants of Yu Kai's army.

He asked a large number of Jinyi Guard spies and Shadow Secret Guard spies, plus scouts, to inquire from three parties, but still no news of the remnants of Yu Kai's army was found.

You must know that the remaining soldiers led by Yu Kai's army are the army of the Cangchu Dynasty. Once the reaction time is too long for an opponent of this level, it is enough for them to send reinforcements.

What he was worried about was that the reinforcements from the Cangchu Dynasty arrived through some special means, and then assembled the army to fight.

In this way, you will lose the battlefield initiative that you have won before.

Now that he has found the place where Yu Kai's remnants are, he can lead the troops to attack directly and destroy them all, breaking the Cangchu Dynasty's idea of ​​sending reinforcements.

Yue Fei immediately asked, "Where is Yu Kai's army?"

"A million mountains!"

"A million mountains?"

Yue Fei frowned slightly and said, "This is Yu Kai's army who is quite good at choosing places. It is indeed very difficult for people to find out that they are leading the remnants to hide in the millions of mountains."

"It's no wonder that the spies we sent out earlier couldn't find any trace of the enemy."

Liu Ji nodded and said, "Yeah, none of us thought that Yu Kai's army would lead his troops to hide in the millions of mountains, and let us waste a few days of searching."

"And the terrain in the million-dollar mountains is complicated, and the cavalry cannot attack. We can only let the infantry attack, which will relatively weaken the combat effectiveness of our army."

"Although it has some influence, it's not enough to influence the overall situation." Yue Fei waved his hand and said, "Our army is like a rainbow now, so don't worry about this influence."

"Send the order, and reward the Jinyiwei spy who found the enemy's trail."

"Yes!" Liu Ji replied.

"At the same time, prepare the army. I will personally lead the army to attack the Yu Kai army camp this time!" Yue Fei said.

Soon, Yue Fei's order went down, and he immediately ordered five million infantry to go to the Million Mountain.

This time, Lu Bu and Zhao Yun also fought with the army.

Although the cavalry cannot fight, both of them are sage-level warriors, and in a mountain range with complex terrain such as the Million Mountain, the fighting power of the two can be maximized.

"Admiral, good news, good news!"

In the mountain of one million, in the canyon where the Kai army was hiding soldiers, a lieutenant ran in excitedly and said loudly: "General, there is news from the dynasty that His Majesty the Emperor sent two million reinforcements carrying a large amount of food and grass from the dynasty. We are starting from within and are arriving in batches through the teleportation array, as long as we persist, we will have reinforcements!"


Yu Kaijun, who was originally worried, was overjoyed when he heard the news, and reinforcements from the dynasty came, even though the number was now only two million.

Compared to the tens of millions of troops led by Yue Fei of the Southern Yan Kingdom, it was a bit small, but for now, with the addition of these two million new troops, Yu Kai's army would have no problem at least defending Longmu Mountain, not to mention a counter-offensive.

As long as he can defend Longmu Mountain, he can defend the teleportation formation, and the elite soldiers of the dynasty will come in a steady stream of energy, which is great news for him.

"Go on the order to greatly reduce the ration consumption of the soldiers these days, and at the same time increase the number of monsters hunted."

"We must defend here and wait until reinforcements arrive!" Yu Kaijun immediately ordered.


The lieutenant went down excitedly to pass the order.

"Admiral, something is wrong."

"The big thing is bad."

Before the lieutenant could go down, Han Jing hurried in.

"As a lieutenant general of the army, you are so flustered, what's your etiquette?" Yu Kaijun frowned when he saw it, and was very unhappy.

Han Jing couldn't care about his manners, and hurriedly said: "General, our scouts at the periphery of Million Mountain have heard news that they found that Yue Fei was on his way to lead his troops."


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