The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1392 Yu Kaijun's final arrangement


Yu Kaijun, who was overjoyed at the fact that the dynasty sent reinforcements, suddenly stopped smiling.

"You...what did you say? I didn't hear it clearly, say it again."

Yu Kaijun's voice was a little unbelievable and a little trembling.

"Go... Admiral, the scouts discovered the traces of Yue Fei's army and are coming to us." Han Jing's face was also a little pale.


Yu Kaijun, who was originally happy, sat on the ground, his happy face completely disappeared.

The whole person looks like a mourning concubine.


A group of lieutenants in the account hurriedly surrounded Kai Jun and hurriedly helped him up. They wanted to say a few words to comfort him, but in this situation, they couldn't say anything.

Yu Kaijun, who was lifted up, was full of despair and bitterness, and said: "I thought that the army had withdrawn to the millions of mountains, and made many, many hiding, plus the complex mountain topography, can hide from Nanyan. minions of the kingdom."

"But I never imagined that Yue Fei would find it before I waited for the dynasty's reinforcements to arrive."

"Sad, sad!"


Yu Kaijun, a dignified general, has completely lost his energy now.


The lieutenants around him looked at Yu Kaijun one by one, hesitating to say anything.

"You don't need to say anything, I know what you want to say." Yu Kaijun waved his hand, walked to his seat and sat down, saying, "Yue Fei's actions really hit me completely, but I'm not going to collapse. , you don't have to worry."

The lieutenants breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that Yu Kaijun is the main general with more than one million soldiers joining the army. If he collapses, then they are really finished.

"Admiral, what should we do now? Continue to retreat to the depths of the million-dollar mountain, or fight to the death?" Han Jing asked aloud.

"Withdraw? How to withdraw?"

Yu Kaijun sighed and said, "The depths of the millions of mountains are the paradise of monsters, and high-level monsters are emerging one after another. If we retreat to the depths of the millions of mountains, it is like seeking death by ourselves. How can we retreat?"

"The order goes on, and based on the current canyon, a defensive front will be constructed immediately."

"This operation is a mountain operation. The strongest cavalry of the enemy cannot fight, and our threat will be much less."

"As long as we can make perfect use of the terrain, there is no chance of turning defeat into victory!"


Han Jing and the other lieutenants immediately took orders and were about to go down.

"Han Jing, you stay here."

Han Jing, who was about to withdraw, immediately stopped when he heard Yu Kaijun's words.

After the other lieutenants in the account had left, Han Jing said, "General, do you have any orders for me to stay?"

Yu Kaijun did not answer immediately, but was silent for a while.

After a full quarter of an hour, he said: "You go and select the three thousand elites, along the edge of the million-dollar mountain, immediately rush to Luan'an City, and then immediately build a defense."

"At the same time, report to His Majesty the Emperor that Luan'an City must be strictly guarded, and the Kingdom of Nanyan will definitely use troops in Luan'an City next."


Han Jing was shocked.

Luan'an City was the most southwestern city in the Cangchu Dynasty and the closest city to the Nanyan Kingdom located in the southwest of Yuzhou.

Although it was recently, it was relatively recent compared to other Cangchu dynasty cities.

In fact, even starting from Tianxian Road, it would take a full month for the army to rush to Luan'an City at the fastest speed.

Yu Kaijun said at this time that he would defend Luan'an City, obviously taking into account the situation behind.

Moreover, this is also in disguise to say that Yu Kaijun does not have any confidence in his current battle.

"Admiral, you..."


Before Han Jing could finish speaking, Yu Kaijun waved his hand to interrupt him, sighed and said, "I know better than you what the situation is now."

"Although our army still has about 1.5 million troops, the enemy army has tens of millions. Even if the cavalry cannot fight in a million mountains, there are still millions of troops."

"And the enemy's momentum is like a rainbow, and our army's morale is low. In this case, the possibility of winning is too low and too low."

"But General, right now we are in a million-dollar mountain, and we can use the terrain to fight. We..."

"We are not the aborigines of the million-dollar mountains. Even if we come here for a few days and understand the terrain, what can we do? After a few days of fighting, everyone is on the same starting line."

"And our army's morale is low, the enemy's morale is like a rainbow, our army's food and grass are exhausted, and the enemy's food and grass are abundant, how to fight?"

Yu Kaijun had a wry smile on his face, he knew very well what his current situation was.


Han Jing wanted to say that this possibility was too small, but found that it was the truth and could not change anything at all.

"Once I am defeated here, the Nanyan Kingdom will definitely advance, and Luan'an City will be their target."

"Luan'an City is located in the southwest of the dynasty. There are no enemies around on weekdays. The city has been in disrepair for a long time and cannot stop any enemies."

"If Nanyan Kingdom finds an opportunity, it will be a weakness for the dynasty. Therefore, this time, you must ask Your Majesty to strengthen the defense of Luan'an City to prevent Nanyan Kingdom from plotting."

"The last general takes orders!"

Han Jing replied and paused for a while. He looked up at Yu Kaijun and said, "General, the last general will be waiting for you in Luan'an City."

"Yeah." Yu Kaijun nodded and said, "Go down!"


Han Jing didn't say anything more, and ordered to retreat.

After Yu Kaijun left, he just sighed.

"General Yue, our scouts have discovered the enemy's location, and they have built a defensive front."

Outside the Million Dollar Mountain, Wen Chou brought the news of the scouts to report to Yue Fei.

"As expected."

Yue Fei nodded and said, "Send the order to Qin Qiong and order him to attack from the left immediately."


Qin Qiong, who was leading the troops on the left, got the order and immediately shouted: "The whole army obeys the order, kill!"


Qin Qiong took the lead and rushed forward with the soldiers.

"Report, General, the enemy general Qin Qiong has already led the troops to kill from the left."

Not long after Qin Qiong moved his troops, Yu Kai's army was ordered.

"Send the order to the left guard, let him defend the left front at all costs!" Yu Kaijun said solemnly.


Under the order of Yu Kai's army, the guards on the left defensive front took soldiers to resist the attack of Qin Qiong's army.

It's just that these soldiers are the defeated army, not only the morale is low, but the bow and crossbow that countered the enemy's charge are also retreating and losing a lot.

There is simply no effective countermeasure.

But Qin Qiong is different here.

"Bowmen, immediately release arrows to cover the infantry raid." Qin Qiong ordered loudly.


The crossbow formation formed by the archers in his army immediately picked up their bows and set up arrows, shooting sharp crossbow arrows one by one, forming a rain of arrows, pouring down on the enemy's positions.

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