The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1439 Yes, this is robbery!

"Girl in purple, is it really good for you to arrange this?"

Jia Xu is a poison fighter. Most of the issues he considers are very tricky. He often makes up his mind, and the other party will never think about it better.

He also had a preliminary idea about cooperating with monsters, which was enough to make monsters very painful.

The plan is to wait until Gu Ziyi comes back and tell Gu Ziyi.

But now looking at Gu Ziyi's booklet, he realizes that his thought is the kindness of kindness.

The things in Gu Ziyi's booklet say that robbery is a bit too light, and it can be said that it is killing the monster!

Unless the monster is a fool, it is absolutely impossible to agree!

"His Majesty."

"Prime Minister."

"Don't worry, the monsters written on my booklet will definitely agree!" Gu Ziyi said with great certainty.

"How could this possibly agree?"

Jia Xu shook his head and said, "The monsters aren't fools either. The contents of your booklet are simply ripping off their skins!"

"No, they will definitely agree, because our Nanyan Kingdom has a bargaining chip that the entire Yuzhou does not have, and this bargaining chip is fatal to the temptation of monsters!" Gu Ziyi said with great certainty.

"Oh? What chips?" Lu Feng asked in surprise.

Jia Xu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Are you referring to the original Xuanwen in the hands of His Majesty?"

"The initial Xuanwen in His Majesty's hands is naturally very valuable. If it is to the other forces, the temptation is great."

"But monsters can't arrange Xuanwen, so the role of Xuanwen is greatly reduced in monsters." Gu Ziyi said.

"Then what did you say?" Jia Xu asked.

"Two people from the Nanyan Kingdom!"

"Those two?"

"Master Sun Simiao and Master Ou Yezi!"

"Sun Simiao and Ou Yezi?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly.

Said: "You want to say, use their two professions to negotiate with monsters?"

Ou Yezi's refining level was originally a god-level refining master, but when Lu Feng summoned him later, the refining level was sealed, and only the high-level earth-level.

But as Lu Feng's strength increased step by step, Ou Yezi's refining level also began to unblock.

Up to now, he is already a middle-grade sage-level refiner!

Sun Simiao is now a sage-level mid-rank artifact refiner, and even a sage master!

These outsiders don't know, because Lu Feng asked Jin Yiwei to completely block the news.

But those who are trusted inside know it.


Gu Ziyi said respectfully, "In the entire Yuzhou, there is only one holy-level alchemist, Dan Longyan, the city lord of Dan City. Besides, there is no other holy-level alchemist."

"Master Sun Simiao is a middle-rank alchemist. As long as we reveal it to the monsters, the monsters will be crazy about it."

"Because only holy-level alchemists can refine holy-level pills, this is a huge temptation for monsters!"

"Similarly, Lord Ou Yezi is a Saint-level middle-grade craftsman, but the entire Yuzhou now has no holy-rank middle-grade craftsman, only the dynasty has a few heaven-rank top-ranking craftsmen. "

"Holy-level weapons can only be refined by holy-level refiners, and the allure of holy-level weapons to monsters is also huge, especially those holy-level monsters."

"They have cultivated to the holy level, and usually use a certain part of their body as a weapon, but they are far less than the real holy level divine weapon. If they can be refined, the power will be even greater."

"Therefore, as long as the news of Lord Ou Yezi and Lord Sun Simiao is disclosed to the monster beast, the monster beast will definitely be crazy about it!"

"With the clever skills of these two adults as a bargaining chip, there is no need to worry about those monsters not agreeing to our request!"

When Jia Xu heard this, he suddenly realized.

It turned out that Gu Ziyi had such considerations, and I have to say that such considerations are really the best policy.

This also made Jia Xu sigh in his heart. Sure enough, an insider is an insider. He uses everything to the extreme, and the monster will agree to it if he is dead.

If he was asked to do this, he might not be able to think so clearly.

It's true that there is a saying in the art industry that they specialize in it.


After pondering slightly, Jia Xu said: "Miss Ziyi, your idea is naturally very good, but if the monsters really ask us to make them holy-level medicinal pills, holy-level divine weapons, this is not a good thing. ."

If you really let the monsters get holy-level medicine pills and magic weapons, the speed of strength growth will be somewhat uncontrollable.

"Don't worry, Lord Prime Minister, this is not a problem."

Gu Ziyi smiled slightly and said, "Whether it's a holy-level medicine pill or a holy-level divine weapon, refining it is not a simple matter. If we really want to ask, we can agree to it."

"But the time is under our control. It can be refined in ten or twenty years, or it can be thirty or fifty years."

"After all, everyone in the world knows that it is not an easy time to refine holy-level elixir and magic weapons, and it is a common occurrence for decades!"

Jia Xu nodded, Gu Ziyi took this into consideration.

"If that's the case, then there's no problem."

After Lu Feng heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and it was indeed no problem to leave this matter to Gu Ziyi.

Moreover, Gu Ziyi thought it so clearly, he didn't need to let Jia Xu and Xun Yu follow him, he just left it to Gu Ziyi.

Although Gu Ziyi's loyalty has not yet reached the level of die loyalty, there are still ninety-nine, which is not much different from die loyalty.

For Lu Feng, it is absolutely trustworthy.

"Tomorrow is the day to discuss cooperation with the monster, and I will let Sun Simiao and Ou Yezi go with you." Lu Feng said.

"Sir, thank you, Your Majesty."

Gu Ziyi understood what Lu Feng meant and immediately thanked him.

Lu Feng nodded and said nothing.


The next day, in the Sihai Building, the largest official restaurant in Nanyan City, Gu Ziyi, Sun Simiao and Ou Yezi waited here early.

At the appointed time, the trio of monsters headed by Hu Li'er also came.

"Where's Lu Feng?"

Hu Li'er frowned when she saw Gu Zi and Sun Simiao and Ou Yezi, and said, "Today is the day when Million Mountain and the Kingdom of Nanyan are discussing cooperation, why is Lu Feng not here?"

"Your Majesty has something to do today, so he sent me to take full responsibility for the cooperation and negotiation." Gu Ziyi said softly.


Lao Niu glanced at Gu Ziyi, snorted coldly, and said, "I'm also an envoy sent by a million mountains, but your Nanyan Kingdom asked a little woman to discuss cooperation with us. !"

Hu Li'er didn't speak, just frowned, obviously very angry that Lu Feng sent a little woman in Gu Ziyi.

"You can't say that."

Gu Ziyi was neither humble nor arrogant, looked at the old cow, and said, "Your Majesty is the monarch of the Nanyan Kingdom. In the millions of mountains, the only one who can sit on an equal footing with His Majesty is your demon monarch."

"Could it be that His Majesty the Demon Lord of the Million Mountains will also come to Sihailou today?"

Remember Aishang for 1 second: .. m.

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