The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1440 Really fragrant warning!

Gu Ziyi's words made Hu Li'er's complexion change slightly.

Hei Ying snorted directly and said, "My Majesty the Demon Lord is respected, how could I come to your little Nanyan Kingdom!"


As soon as Hei Ying's words fell, Hu Li'er scolded secretly in her heart, she couldn't hear the words of the woman in front of her, she was really stupid!

"In that case, what qualifications do you have for your Majesty to discuss cooperation with you in person?"

Gu Ziyi smiled slightly and said, "I am Gu Ziyi, the servant of the household of the Nanyan Kingdom. It is not a disgrace to your majesty for me to discuss cooperation with you."

"Oh, I didn't expect that the Nanyan Kingdom would even have a female class as an official." Hu Li'er said.

"Our Majesty is sensible, knows people to make good use of them, let alone a female class, what if they are monsters? As long as they are capable enough and loyal to Your Majesty, His Majesty will entrust them with important tasks."

"If Miss Li'er is interested, you can also come to Nanyan Kingdom to try it out. Maybe Your Majesty will see your ability and let you become an official in Nanyan Kingdom." Gu Ziyi smiled.

"Miss Ziyi is kind to me, but I, Hu Li'er, are used to the life of monsters, and I'm not used to the life of your human beings."

Hu Li'er said: "Let's talk about cooperation!"

"it is good!"

With a move in Gu Ziyi's hand, she took out the booklet she had prepared for Hu Li'er, and said, "Miss Li'er, this is the cooperation plan I came up with. Please take a look at it."

As a result, Hu Li'er opened it and took a closer look, her complexion suddenly turned ugly, and she snorted coldly: "Your Nanyan Kingdom is too deceiving!"

"Is it true that we can't find other partners besides Nanyan Kingdom?"

"what happened?"

Lao Niu and Hei Ying both asked in doubt when they saw Hu Li'er getting angry.

"See for yourself."

Hu Li'er handed the booklet to Lao Niu and Hei Ying.

After watching the old cow,

Directly, he roared: "Do you Nanyan Kingdom think that my million mountains are easy to bully?"

After seeing it, Hei Ying also said coldly: "Heaven-level elixir can only be exchanged for one earth-level elixir. Are you taking advantage of the monsters in our millions of mountains?"

"let's go."

Hu Li'er looked ugly, and said coldly: "Without the Nanyan Kingdom, we still have the Dynasty, the Cangchu Dynasty, and even the Dan City."

"It is absolutely impossible to cooperate with them to be such an excessive request!"

"Your Nanyan Kingdom is so rude!"

Facing the furious trio of monsters, Gu Ziyi was not surprised at all.

When she took out this booklet, she knew that the monster would have such a reaction, and now everything was within her expectations.

With a slight smile, he said, "I, Gu Ziyi, was in charge of the business of Yushang Firm in Nanyan Kingdom. Before, I was the eldest lady of Guxuan Firm, and half of the market of Guxuan Firm was managed by me."

"Therefore, I have also heard about the cooperation between several major firms and monsters."

"Oufeng Firm cooperated with you Million Mountains before. You can only get three or five earth-level elixir for a heaven-level elixir."

"The weapons in exchange for the ore veins are also of inferior quality, and the low power makes people laugh."

"You are dissatisfied, but there is nothing you can do, because as long as you cooperate with the human business, this is what you will definitely meet."

"You can't make pills, you can only exchange pills from humans, so the requirements are often made by human firms, and you don't have much ability to change."

"You can only choose not to cooperate!"

"Miss Li'er, you came to Nanyan Kingdom to cooperate this time, because you are dissatisfied with the conditions given by the big firms such as Oufeng Firm, Forest Firm, and Yicheng Firm!"

"So what?" Hu Li'er said coldly, "Even if their conditions are excessive, they are better than yours!"

"In the past, no matter how much we suffered, we took out a heaven-level elixir and got a few earth-level elixir, but when we came to you, we only got one! It's even less than what we got before!"

"Not to mention the ore veins and other materials, etc. What we got is nearly half less than before. You think that our monsters are easy to bully, so would you agree to such cooperation conditions?"

"It is true that we give less than they give you, but..."

Gu Ziyi stared at Hu Li'er and said, "There are some things that only we can give you, and the other forces in Yuzhou, including Dancheng, can't give them to you!"

"Ha ha."

Hu Li'er smiled sarcastically and said, "You really look down on your Nanyan Kingdom!"

"I really think that with a little strength, you can compare with other dynasties in Yuzhou? What can you give that they can't give?"

"We came to the Kingdom of Nanyan. First, we were dissatisfied with what other firms gave us, and the other was because of the potential of the Kingdom of Nanyan."

"But now your Nanyan Kingdom has given us even less. Do you think we will agree to your humiliating conditions just by virtue of your so-called potential?"

"That's right!"

Lao Niu also snorted coldly: "Even if the treasures of our millions of mountains, the heaven and earth elixir are all rotten in the mountains, we will never agree to your excessive cooperation conditions!"

"Oh, really?"

Gu Ziyi took it easy and said with a smile: "Miss Li'er, I think you should have heard of Saint-level alchemists and holy-level alchemists!"


"Saint-level alchemist and holy-level alchemist?"

Hu Li'er's complexion changed, and she instantly thought of what Gu Ziyi said, and immediately asked, "You mean that there are saint-level alchemists and saint-level alchemists in Nanyan Kingdom?"

"Girl Li'er is really smart."

Gu Ziyi pointed at Sun Simiao next to him and introduced: "Miss Li'er, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Sun Simiao, a middle-rank alchemist who is currently working for the kingdom."

Pointing at Ou Yezi again, he said, "This is Mr. Ou Yezi, a middle-grade sage smelter, who is also serving the kingdom!"

"So, Miss Li'er, you should understand very well, what I mean by what Nanyan Kingdom can give you, other forces can't give you!"

Hu Li'er's complexion changed for a while, a moment of excitement, a moment of pondering, and a moment of frowning.

In the end, she stared at Sun Simiao and Ou Yezi and said, "You said that one of them is a holy-level alchemist and the other is a holy-level alchemist, but it's just your empty words!"

"It's too easy for me to believe you like this!"

"Since I'm here, I won't lie to you like this."

Gu Ziyi looked at Sun Simiao and Ou Yezi, and said, "Two adults, I hope you each will prove your strength."

Before coming, Lu Feng had told Ou Yezi and Sun Simiao to cooperate with Gu Ziyi.

Remember Aishang for 1 second: .. m.

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