The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1444 You dare not refuse

"Let her in!"


Soon, Zhen just walked in with the blood eagle.

"What's your business with me?" Lu Feng looked at the blood eagle and asked.

"Have you forgotten what you said when you recruited me before?" Xue Ying said.

"What did I say?"

Lu Feng was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he realized it and said, "What are you talking about to help you activate the Sky Thunder Eagle in your body?"


The blood eagle stared at Lu Feng and said, "You said that when you enter the Holy Venerable, you will help me activate the Thunder Eagle bloodline in the sky!"

"Now that you are in the realm of sainthood, why don't you help me activate the blood in my body?"

Lu Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "What I said at the time was that after I reached the realm of a high-grade ancient array mage, I will help you activate the blood in your body!"

"It's not the realm of the Holy Venerable!"

"But it doesn't matter."

Lu Feng looked at the blood eagle and said, "Now I can help you activate the blood in the body, but..."

"But what?"

"I have two methods that can help you activate the blood vessels in your body. One is to use the array method to forcibly activate the blood vessels in your body, as I said before."

"The second method is to find a place where the power of thunder and lightning is strong, and use my magical power to control thunder and lightning to pour the power of lightning into your body, and activate the blood in your body with the power of lightning and lightning." Lu Feng said.

"What's the difference between these two methods?" Blood Eagle asked.

"The first method can activate the bloodline in your body, but it can't let you get all the inheritance in the bloodline. There will also be a large part of the inheritance sealed in the bloodline, and you have to unseal it yourself."

"The second method does not have this problem. Not only can it activate the bloodline in your body, but it can also use the power of thunder and lightning to unseal all the inheritance in your bloodline, allowing you to obtain it all."

"It's up to you how you choose." Lu Feng looked at the blood eagle and said.

Xue Ying said without hesitation, "I naturally choose the second method."

This choice does not require much thought.

Because the inheritance of the seal in the bloodline, if you rely on your own strength to unblock it, it is not that simple.

There are many monsters with ancient bloodlines. The bloodlines in their bodies are strong, but the inheritance sealed in the bloodlines cannot be obtained in a lifetime.

Among the difficulties, the blood eagle is very clear.

Therefore, she will choose the second method without hesitation!

"Smart choice!"

Lu Feng nodded and said, "But in this case, you still need to wait for a while, and I need people to find a place with the power of lightning!"

"it is good!"

The blood eagle nodded, for the inheritance of the blood in her body, she can still wait for this time.

But still asked: "How long do you need?"

"If you let human warriors look for it, it will take a lot of time, but you are lucky, and you can ask the demon clan to help you find it."

Generally, where there is a powerful thunder and lightning power, there will be powerful monsters born.

These places are difficult for human warriors to find, but for monsters, they can know more or less.

Right now, there is a trio of monsters headed by Hu Li'er in Nanyan City. He believes that he can get the answer he wants from Hu Li'er.

The blood eagle didn't say anything more and went down.

Lu Feng immediately sent a message to Gu Ziyi, asking her to bring Hu Li'er to the palace after completing the cooperation.


"Miss Ziyi, I don't know how your majesty decides?" Hu Li'er looked at Gu Ziyi and asked.

Gu Ziyi had already received Lu Feng's reply, smiled slightly, and said, "Miss Li'er, Your Majesty agrees to the request of Your Majesty the Demon Lord."

"The Kingdom of Nanyan can provide millions of mountains with three holy-level medicinal pills and three holy-level divine weapons, but there is a time limit." Gu Ziyi said.

"What do you mean?" Hu Li'er frowned slightly.

"The Nanyan Kingdom will be completed within 150 years, and within Yuzhou, the Nanyan Kingdom must be the only partner of the Million Mountains.


"If Million Mountain is looking for other forces in Yuzhou to cooperate, our cooperation will be void, and what Million Mountain wants will no longer exist!"

"In addition to this, the Million Mountain must also ensure that the Oufeng Firm, Forest Firm, Yicheng Firm, or other firms, once their warriors enter the territory of the Million Mountain, you must do your best to hunt them down and not let them be let down. They got the elixir ore veins in the million-dollar mountain!"

"This is to prevent you from being dark, and continue to cooperate with other firms in this way!"

The latter requirement was added by Gu Ziyi himself.

This is to completely monopolize the elixir ore veins and so on in the Million Mountain.

In this way, the Yushang Firm under Lu Feng's command will have a steady supply of elixir and mineral veins from the millions of mountains.

In this case, Gu Ziyi had a 100% certainty that it would only take about fifty years for Yushang Commercial Bank to become the largest commercial company in Yuzhou, and even make Yushang Commercial Bank a little famous on the mainland of Kyushu.

This is Gu Ziyi's confidence!

Hu Li'er frowned slightly, the one-hundred-and-fifty-year time limit was a small problem.

Monster beasts have a long lifespan, and even the lowest-level monsters have a lifespan of more than 150 years.

The Nanyan Kingdom has a one-hundred-and-fifty-year time limit, and for these holy-level monsters, it's just time to sleep.

But the latter requirement is not so simple.

Hu Li'er looked at Gu Ziyi and said, "Girl Ziyi, Oufeng Firm, Forest Firm, Yicheng Firm, and other forces, they want to enter the Million Mountains to find spiritual medicine veins, how can we stop them?"

"You are embarrassing us!"

"Also, our monsters don't look like human beings. What we say is what we say. If we say that we only cooperate with Nanyan Kingdom, we will definitely only cooperate with Nanyan Kingdom. You should believe us!"

Hearing this, Gu Ziyi sneered in his heart.

If you really think that monsters are trustworthy, and what they say is what they say, they will be eaten without even bones.

Among the monsters in the millions of mountains, especially the holy-level monsters, none of them are very good at it!

She said lightly: "If you feel embarrassed, then we can't guarantee that we will supply the things that millions of mountains want within the specified time."


Hu Li'er's complexion sank, and this ancient Ziyi made it clear that she was determined that a million mountains would not dare to refuse to cooperate with the Kingdom of Nanyan.

Because once you refuse, you will not be able to get holy-level medicinal pills, holy-level divine weapons.

These things are so important to Million Mountain!

It is precisely because of this that Gu Ziyi is so fearless!

Taking a deep breath, Hu Li'er said: "I can't decide this matter alone, I want to ask your Majesty the demon."


Soon, Hu Li'er raised the barrier again and communicated with the demon king of Million Mountain.

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