Soon, the communication between Hu Li'er and Yaojun ended.

Looking at Gu Ziyi, Hu Li'er looked a little helpless, sighed softly, and said: "Miss Ziyi, Your Majesty the Demon Lord has agreed to your request, we will let some high-level monsters appear on the periphery of the Million Mountain, and let them go after them. Except for the Nanyan Kingdom, the rest of the warriors who entered the Million Mountains will be killed."

"Promise that the warriors of Oufeng Firm and other firms will not get any elixir and ore veins from the Million Dollar Mountain."

"But Your Majesty the Demon Lord also said that you must give us what we want within one hundred and fifty years!"

When she said this, Hu Li'er really sighed and sighed in her heart.

To be honest, she really admired Gu Ziyi in her heart.

Grasp the psychology of these millions of mountains to the extreme.

After thinking that it is impossible for these monsters to give up holy medicine pills and holy weapons, they must cooperate with the Nanyan Kingdom, so this request is made.

And everything is just as she calculated, it is really impossible for these monsters to give up holy-level medicine pills and holy-level divine weapons.

It can only be to send high-level monsters to chase and kill people from other businesses in the periphery of Million Mountain.

In this way, as long as the Nanyan Kingdom can provide enough medicinal herbs, the millions of mountain elixir in Yuzhou are almost owned by the Nanyan Kingdom.

Even, for the sake of holy pills, many high-level pills in the depths of the millions of mountains will be owned by the Nanyan Kingdom.

You know, that's the entire million-dollar mountain!

With so many supplies of elixir, it is impossible for the Nanyan Kingdom to be strong or not!

And the key to all of this cooperation...

Looking up at Sun Simiao and Ou Yezi, it was because of the existence of these two saint-level alchemists that the Nanyan Kingdom had such confidence.

I really don't know that the charm from the Nanyan Kingdom can make this level of existence work for it.

That Emperor Lu Feng, is it really impossible?

Hu Li'er sighed in her heart, she really didn't know what to say.

After Gu Ziyi got an accurate reply, she smiled and said, "In that case, let's sign the contract!"

Soon, Hu Lier made sure that there was no problem with the contract, and then signed it on behalf of Million Dashan.

After the contract was signed, Gu Ziyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although during the whole negotiation process, she showed ease and calmness.

In fact, no matter how calm he is, as long as the contract is not signed, he will be a little nervous.

Now that the contract is signed, these problems are gone.

As for the breach of contract, Gu Ziyi is not worried.

Because of the gas transport contract they signed, as long as one party breaches the contract, the gas transport backlash will occur.

Whether it is the Million Mountain or the Kingdom of Nanyan, it cannot withstand this kind of backlash.

So, basically there is no breach of contract!

"Miss Ziyi, the contract has been successfully signed, and the three of us should return to the million-dollar mountain. When we come next time, we will bring a large amount of elixir in exchange for elixir. I hope that Miss Ziyi will inform His Majesty the King of Nanyan. Prepare enough pills!" Hu Li'er said.

"It's natural, but Miss Li'er, don't leave in a hurry, your Majesty has something to look for you." Gu Ziyi said.

"Find me?"

Hu Li'er was a little surprised and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty didn't say anything." Gu Ziyi shook his head and said, "It's just that His Majesty's message just said that if the contract is successfully signed, let Miss Li'er go to the palace, and His Majesty will ask anything."

"What do you want to do?" Lao Niu snorted coldly, "Do you want to detain Hu Li'er?"

"No way!"

Gu Ziyi stared at the holy rhinoceros and said coldly: "It is impossible for my Nanyan Kingdom to do such a thing. If your Majesty has something to look for, it must be something else."

"It's fine if Miss Li'er doesn't go. I'm just sending a message for His Majesty, but if I miss something, it's not my business."

After that, Gu Ziyi left with Sun Simiao and Ou Yezi.

After Hu Li'er pondered slightly,

Still decided to go to the palace.

She was not worried about what Nanyan Kingdom would do to her, because behind her stood a million-dollar mountain, which was a real behemoth.

Soon, Hu Li'er arrived at the palace, and led by the two sisters, the two sisters, to the imperial study where Lu Feng was.

"Miss Ziyi said that His Majesty is looking for me? Dare to ask what is it?" Hu Li'er asked straight to the point.

Lu Feng didn't hide it either, and said directly, "I asked Miss Li'er to come here because I want to ask Miss Li'er about something."

"whats the matter?"

"I heard that monsters have a wide range of channels. I would like to ask, does Miss Li'er know where there is a very powerful lightning power?" Lu Feng asked.

"The power of lightning?"

Gu Ziyi frowned slightly and said, "Why is Your Majesty asking this?"

"Why don't you care about the girl in Ziyi, you just say you know?" Lu Feng said.

"Your Majesty doesn't say why, why should I tell His Majesty?" Hu Li'er smiled sweetly.

"how about this?"

With a move in Lu Feng's hand, an elixir with a thin halo appeared in his hand.

"Holy pill!"

Hu Li'er's eyes narrowed suddenly, and she could see at a glance that the halo was a pill soul, the symbol of a holy-level pill!

"It's the holy-level pill." Lu Feng nodded and said, "This holy-level pill is the Golden Soul Mingxin Pill, which can help the monsters greatly increase the power of their souls, and even increase the level of the monsters' souls by one. realm!"

"I think Miss Li'er should know more about the value of this than me!"

Hu Li'er's eyes were instantly hot.

Of course she knew how precious it was.

This is especially important for a monster like her, whose combat power relies heavily on the power of the soul!

Taking a deep breath, Hu Li'er suppressed the heat in her heart and asked, "I told you, will you give me this medicinal pill?"

Lu Feng nodded and said, "You told me, and after taking me to confirm the authenticity, this medicinal pill is yours!"

"it is good!"

Hu Li'er nodded immediately and said, "In the millions of mountains in Xizhou, there is a race called the Thunder Clan. They feed on thunder and cultivate thunder and lightning. They are very powerful!"

"In the ancestral land of their clan, there is a thunder pool, and the power of thunder and lightning in it is very powerful, and there are rumors that it is the most powerful places in the Kyushu!"

"Western State!"

Lu Feng pondered slightly and said, "Are you sure it's true?"

"Of course it's true!" Hu Li'er said with great certainty, "I have been to the Thunder Clan before and know the place. Although I haven't seen the Thunder Pond, the Thunder Pond must exist."

"If Your Majesty wants to go, I can take you there now!"

"Not in a hurry for now."

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "I'll let you know when I go."

"Okay, anytime." Hu Li'er said immediately.

After pondering for a while, she added: "One more question, why would Your Majesty be willing to take out holy-level medicinal pills for a place with the power of thunder and lightning?"

"I think it's not that simple!"

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