The first thousand four hundred and fifty-nine chapters of the Mei Snake family

"Your Majesty, the slave family will take you to our clan to wait for a while. After I hand over the medicinal pills obtained from this transaction to His Majesty the Yaojun, I will come back and take you to the Million Dollar Mountain in Xizhou." Hu Li'er told Lu Feng said.

"it is good."

Lu Feng didn't say much.

Because he has enough confidence in his own strength, no one can keep him if he wants to leave.

Therefore, he is not worried about whether Hu Li'er will play any tricks.

What's more, his soul power has always been feeling the fluctuations of Hu Li'er's soul, and he has not noticed any abnormality.

If Hu Li'er had other plans, there would be something unusual when she said this.

Soon, Hu Li'er brought Lu Feng to her clan.

Hu Li'er is a nine-tailed fox, rumored to be the descendant of the nine-tailed celestial fox in ancient times, but now, their bloodline is weak, and their strength is not so strong.

The entire race is close to the edge of the depths of the millions of mountains, which is a mountain.

Moreover, this is also because the Yaojun of the Million Mountains values ​​Hu Li'er's talent, otherwise the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan would not have the strength to live in the depths of the Million Mountains.

After Lu Feng arrived in the Hulier clan, the power of the soul secretly inspected the entire nine-tailed fox clan and found that there were not many members in the entire nine-tailed fox clan.

Adding all of them, there are just over a hundred nine-tailed foxes.

The strongest person, except for Hu Li'er, has only a nine-tailed fox at the peak of the first-level holy god.

But the weakest is also a seventh-level monster, which is equivalent to the realm of human holy king.

"The patriarch is back."

"The patriarch is back."

As soon as Hu Li'er returned, many people from the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan ran out with excitement on their faces.

There are also many injured members.

The nine-tailed fox of the Holy Venerable 1st Layer Heaven, which Lu Feng felt with his soul power, walked at the forefront.

It is an elderly nine-tailed fox.

"Elder, what happened in the clan?" Hu Li'er hurriedly asked the elderly nine-tailed fox when she saw that the clan member was injured.


The first elder sighed and said: "Patriarch, since you left, the Meishe clan has launched several attacks on us, and many members of the clan have been injured, but now it's alright, the patriarch, you are back, those Meishes will I can't be arrogant anymore!"

"Damn it!"

Hu Li'er's face became gloomy.

"what happened?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly and asked aloud.

He has no interest in paying attention to the internal struggle of the demon clan, but now he needs Hu Li'er to take himself to Lei Chi, so he doesn't have so much time to waste here.

"It's nothing." Hu Li'er didn't intend to tell Lu Fengduo the internal battle of the demon clan, and said, "You rest in the clan first. After I go and give the things to the demon lord, I will come back and take you out."

"it is good!"

Lu Feng did not ask any further questions.

"Patriarch, is he human?"

At this time, the first elder of the nine-tailed fox felt Lu Feng's human breath and asked aloud.

Hearing the words of the first elder, many nine-tailed foxes stared at Lu Feng with vicious eyes.

The hatred between monsters and humans comes from their blood, and they hate humans very much.

"Go back to me all!" Hu Li'er shouted angrily when she saw it.

When those nine-tailed foxes saw Hu Li'er getting angry, they all shrugged and went back.

Hu Li'er looked at the Great Elder, pointed at Lu Feng and introduced: "He is His Majesty the King of Nanyan Kingdom, and the partner of His Majesty the Demon Lord. First Elder, take good care of him, I will be back soon."

When the first elder heard that Lu Feng had a relationship with Yaojun, he didn't ask any more questions.

After Hu Li'er left, he took Lu Feng to a huge tree hole and let him rest in it, while he left.

"Strange, why do I feel that in these nine-tailed foxes, except for Hu Li'er, the bloodlines of everyone else have been imprisoned?"

After the elder nine-tailed fox left, the blood eagle said with some doubts.

"You feel it too?" Lu Feng looked at the blood eagle in surprise.

When he first entered the nine-tailed fox clan, he had already felt that the soul of the nine-tailed fox had been imprisoned.

Moreover, this confinement is also related to the initial Xuanwen.

But unexpectedly, the blood eagle also felt it.

The blood eagle heard Lu Feng's question, nodded, and said: "I have a talent, I can feel the strength of the blood in many monsters, I can feel the blood of the nine-tailed fox is very strong, but it gives people a different feeling. It's very weak, like being imprisoned by someone!"

Listening to Lu Feng, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The bloodline of the blood eagle is worthy of the ancient divine beast, the Sky Thunder Eagle. Such talent is really strong.

You must know that monsters can devour other monsters' bloodlines to increase the strength of their own bloodlines. Blood Eagle can feel the strength of other monsters' bloodlines. If she really wants to devour, then she wants to improve her own bloodline, very Simple.

"I don't know what happened to the bloodline of the nine-tailed fox, but these have nothing to do with us. We just need to wait here for Hu Li'er to come back."

Lu Feng could feel that the bloodline imprisonment in the nine-tailed fox was related to the original Xuanwen, but he couldn't see that the prisoner was imprisoned by the original Xuanwen.

What is certain is that it is not the initial Xuanwen that he controls now.

But just like he said, these are the things of the demon clan and have nothing to do with him.

He just needs Hu Li'er to take him to Lei Clan and find Lei Chi to improve his strength.

The blood eagle nodded and didn't ask any more questions.


"Kill these damn foxes and rob them of their demon pills."


Not long after, there was a scream of killing from outside the tree hole.

"What's the situation?" Blood Eagle suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's none of our business."

Lu Feng sat cross-legged in the tree hole, eyes closed.

However, the power of his soul has already shrouded this place.

He found that red giant pythons were attacking the nine-tailed fox.

Not surprisingly, these red giant pythons should be the charming snake clan that the nine-tailed fox elder said earlier.

The strength of this Mei Snake clan is not weak, the strongest has the peak of the Holy Reverence Second Layer, if there is no Hu Li'er, the nine-tailed fox is not the opponent of the Mei Snake clan.

At this time, more than 100 members of the Nine-Tailed Fox fought against the Mei Snake Clan under the leadership of the Great Elder.

The elder met Mei Snake's largest red giant python, the Mei Snake at the peak of the second level of the Holy Reverence. He was completely crushed and beaten, and was quickly injured.

The rest of the nine-tailed foxes were not the opponents of the other Meishes, and they were quickly defeated, and more than five members of the nine-tailed foxes were killed in a short while.

"Mei Wugu, you killed me like this nine-tailed fox member and our patriarch can't spare you!" The elder roared angrily.


The red giant python who was fighting the Great Elder snorted coldly, and said, "When I swallow your demon pill, I will become the demon saint of the Holy Venerable Third Heaven, even if Hu Li'er finds it again. How? I'm afraid she won't make it?"

"Even if you become the demon saint of the Holy Venerable Third Heaven, you are not the opponent of the patriarch, she will definitely be able to kill you at that time!"

"I advise you to retire quickly, lest Li'er kill your entire clan behind you!" the Great Elder shouted.

"This day, you are destined to be invisible!"

"Because you are going to die today!"

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