Chapter 1460 shot

Mei Boneless smiled coldly and strengthened her attack.

The nine-tailed fox elder who was not an opponent in the first place, when Mei Wugu stepped up his attack, the situation suddenly became precarious.

"Your Majesty, if we sit idly by and let the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan be destroyed, Hu Li'er may not take us to Lei Chi when he comes back." Xue Ying could also feel the situation outside and whispered to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng frowned slightly.

Indeed, if Hu Li'er came back and saw that the entire race of the nine-tailed fox had been wiped out, but she did not take action, even if she did not dare to take action against herself, she might not take herself to Lei Chi.

However, it is not so easy for Lu Feng to make a move.

After all, this is a million-dollar mountain, and if you are a human being here, if you attract other monsters, you will be in trouble.

Not good for his plan!

But this is not the case now.

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Feng said, "Just help the nine-tailed fox!"

The sound fell, and he controlled the power of his soul to quickly press it.

"Give me death!"

Mei Wugu found a flaw in the defense of the Nine-Tailed Fox Great Elder, grinned, and hit him directly.


When the first elder saw it, his face was desperate. She had no time to avoid this kind of attack, so she could only wait to die.

She had completely closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.


But at this moment, there was a loud noise in front of him.

The first elder heard the voice and opened his eyes abruptly, but saw a gray soul force in front of him, blocking the boneless attack.

"Who dares to spoil my boneless deeds in secret?"

Seeing that her attack was blocked, Mei Wugu roared angrily.


Lu Feng said coldly.

With the blessing of the power of the soul, the voice is like a god of nine heavens and nine heavens, with supreme coercion, which makes Mei Wugu and those Mei snakes' faces change drastically.

Mei Wugu's face was gloomy, he finally waited until Hu Li'er was not in the nine-tailed fox clan, the Yaojun didn't have time to pay attention to the nine-tailed fox now, and immediately brought the masters of the clan to attack the nine-tailed fox.

Unexpectedly, an inexplicable master came out halfway, and let himself get out of the way.

Taking a deep breath, Mei Wugu said solemnly: "My friend in the dark, I am the patriarch Mei Wugu of the Mei Snake clan. As long as you are willing to ignore today's affairs, I promise that you will be my Mei Snake clan friend in the future."

"Even, whatever you want, as long as my Meishe clan has it, I can give it to you!"

"I don't say it for the third time, this is the second time, get out!" Lu Feng said coldly.

"Friend, don't deceive people too much, I'm not easy to mess with, you..."

"court death!"

Lu Feng said no more, the power of his soul turned into a sharp sword in Xu Kongg, stabbing Mei Wugu.

Mei Wugu's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly defended, but his soul power was not at a level in front of Lu Feng at all, and was directly breached.


The huge boneless python swallowed a mouthful of blood and said anxiously, "I'm going, I'm going, I'm going."

After that, he hurriedly retreated with the Meishe family.

The moment his defense was breached, he knew that the master in the dark was very powerful and that he was not an opponent.

If you stay any longer, you may not survive.


Before leaving, he turned his head and glanced coldly at the nine-tailed fox. One day, he would swallow all the nine-tailed foxes here!

The Meishe clan retreated, making all members of the Nine-Tailed Fox clan heave a sigh of relief.

The first elder turned his head and looked at the direction of the tree hole where Lu Feng and Xue Ying were located. He intuitively told her that it must have been the human who had taken the shot just now, otherwise the Mei Snake clan would not have retreated.

"Little Ling'er, you go get me the spirit fox wine, and I'll give it to the two friends of the patriarch." The elder said to a very cute little nine-tailed fox behind him.


The little nine-tailed fox looked at the great elder in disbelief and said, "Great elder,

It takes us a hundred years to brew a pot of spirit fox wine. In addition to the one for His Majesty the Demon Lord, we only have a little left. Do we still have to give it to them? "

"Be obedient, go quickly," said the elder.


The little nine-tailed fox went to get the spirit fox wine reluctantly.

Inside the tree hole, the blood eagle looked at Lu Feng and said, "Your Majesty, why didn't you just kill that charming snake?"

When Lu Feng did it before, she could feel that Lu Feng was showing mercy, otherwise that Mei Wugu would have died thousands of times.

"After all, this is a million-dollar mountain. It's enough to help Hu Li'er keep the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. There's no need to cause more trouble." Lu Feng shook his head and said.

After all, this is not Yuzhou.

If it was Yuzhou, the Mei snake would have long since become a corpse, and it would even be turned into a snake soup.

In this million-dollar mountain, it is not a good thing for Lu Feng to come here for the first time.

The blood eagle nodded and said nothing more.

"Two distinguished guests, can the old lady come in?"

At this moment, the voice of the Great Elder came from outside the tree hole.

"come in."

Soon, the Great Elder walked in.

Lu Feng looked at her, stunned.

The big elder at this time is not in the state of the nine-tailed fox body, but transformed into a human form.

A very beautiful and charming woman, looking like a human being in her thirties, she exudes mature charm and is very attractive.

If this is okay, the key is that only the most important three points of the Great Elder who turned into a human shape are covered by a few leaves, and the rest are all red fruit.

Looking at it is really heart-warming.

Lu Feng coughed lightly and said, "What's the matter with the first elder?"

The first elder smiled and said: "This is the spirit fox wine brewed by the clan. It has a very good effect on the practitioners. It is specially brought to the distinguished guests to taste."

The elder is also a wise man.

Seeing that Lu Feng did not show up directly to help the Nine-Tailed Fox before, but chose to use the power of her soul, she knew that Lu Feng was a human being, and it was difficult to take action clearly, so she chose this method.

She came to thank her, but she didn't point it out, she just knew what she knew.

"Thank you."

Lu Feng thanked him, and the first elder put down the spirit fox wine and left.

After he left, Lu Feng looked at the small wine gourd in front of him, and sighed softly, "Sure enough, there are many treasures in the million-dollar mountain, and the wine is actually a thousand-year-old gourd."

"This is put in Yuzhou for a refiner to get, and a little refining can become a good treasure."

At the same time, he also threw an identification technique on the spirit fox wine in the gourd.

People are in a million mountains, and some things have to be careful.

Soon, the exploration technique returned information.

Linghu Wine: Unique to the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan in the Million Mountains, it takes a hundred years to brew a small pot, which is very precious.

Function: It can help the warrior to purify the mind, and at the same time make the warrior immune to all charm techniques, and has a very small chance to make the warrior's soul power more pure.

Grade: Saint-level middle grade

"It's a good thing."

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