Lu Feng looked at the blood eagle and asked, "What do you think of this place?"

The blood eagle felt the power of lightning around him, nodded, and said, "It should be enough for me to awaken my bloodline."

"it is good!"

Lu Feng didn't say much, his hands changed quickly, and in front of him, a large number of thunder and lightning mysterious texts emerged.

Under the control of Lu Feng, these lightning mysterious texts quickly condensed, and after a while, they turned into a lightning mysterious formation.


Under the control of Lu Feng, the lightning profound formation flew into the tumbling peak of the 'Purple Gold Burning Thunder'.


Immediately, Zijin Burning Thunder surged wildly, and a large amount of lightning power was sucked in by the lightning profound formation.

In the thunder and lightning profound formation, he soon possessed a very, very pure power of thunder and lightning.


Lei Zhan felt the power of these pure thunder and lightning, and his face was full of disbelief.

As the Patriarch of the Thunder Clan, he has come to this Thunder Pond many times, but he has never seen such pure lightning power.

"That lightning profound formation is actually able to purify the power of lightning, this...this..."

Lei Zhan really didn't know what to say.

You must know that although the strength of Lei Clan members is faster than that of monsters, it is also much slower than that of human warriors.

Because the way for Raiden members to prompt their strength is not to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but to absorb the power of thunder and lightning between heaven and earth.

Because of the Thunder Pond, members of the Thunder Clan cannot improve their strength slowly, but because the power of thunder and lightning is violent and destructive, it usually takes one or two months for members of the Thunder Clan to absorb the power of lightning for a day or two. It can be refined into pure lightning power, and then it can be completely absorbed and turned into its own strength.

But the power of lightning in this lightning profound formation in front of me is really too pure. If it is given to the members of the Thunder Clan, they will be able to quickly absorb and refine to enhance their strength.

Over time, the speed at which Thunder Clan members improve their strength will be very, very terrifying.

Maybe a member with better talent can become a saint in hundreds of years!

Lei Zhan looked at the lightning profound formation, and his eyes were full of longing.

If the Lei Clan could obtain such a profound formation, then the strength would be improved more than just a little bit.


Looking at Lu Feng, Lei Zhan smiled bitterly in his heart, this is the means of the human being in front of him, and it has nothing to do with his own Lei Clan.

"go in!"

After the lightning profound formation made the power of lightning very pure, Lu Feng said to the blood eagle.

The blood eagle nodded, and his figure entered the power of thunder and lightning condensed in the thunder and lightning profound formation.

Soon, a large amount of pure lightning power poured into the blood eagle, stimulating her blood.

After a while, the blood vessels in the blood eagle changed a little. Although it was very small, Lu Feng could still feel it through the lightning profound formation.

This also put him at ease.

Stimulating the bloodline of the blood eagle with the power of thunder and lightning really helped awaken the bloodline of the sky thunder eagle in her body.

Although the changes are still very small, over time, it will naturally be successful.

After there was no problem with the blood eagle, Lu Feng started his own business.

His figure flickered, and when he reached the other side of the mountain, he found a place to sit cross-legged.

"Lightning control!"

Without much delay, Lu Feng used his supernatural powers to control thunder just after sitting down.

When the magical power was activated, the tumbling purple-gold lightning bolts trembled slightly, as if they were being pulled by something, and gathered in Lu Feng's body.

It just didn't take long for these purple gold burning thunders to stop, as if the pulling force had no effect.

Lu Feng watched and shook his head slightly. Sure enough, the level of 'Lightning Control' was still too low.

Lightning control was the supernatural power he obtained from killing the Silver Flood Dragon King before, and it was a high-grade heaven-ranked one, which seemed to be very good at the time.

But for him now, it's not enough.

The rank of this Purple Gold Burning Thunder is not low, and the Thunder Control Magical Powers can't control them.

However, Lu Feng was not disappointed. After all, what he wanted was lightning that could not be controlled by lightning.

This will allow him to carry out his own plans.


Lu Feng moved his hands,

Several thunder and lightning mysterious texts appeared in the void.

Lu Feng quickly controlled these few thunder and lightning Xuanwen to bless his supernatural power 'Lightning Control'.


With the blessing of Thunderbolt Xuanwen, Zijin Fenlei, who had not understood before, was once again attracted by the pulling force, and came into Lu Feng's body, to be charged with Lei Shentong to control it.

Soon, Zijin Fenlei arrived in front of Lu Feng, allowing him to be led by the thunder-controlling supernatural power blessed by the thunderbolt Xuanwen.

Lu Feng controlled Zijin Fen Lei to integrate into the thunder and lightning mysterious text, and then used the thunder and lightning mysterious text to lead into the control of the thunder god.

Because the control of thunder magic is now blessed by thunder and lightning Xuanwen.

Now Zijin Fenlei has been integrated into the Thunderbolt Xuanwen again, which is equivalent to controlling the thunder magical powers being blessed by both the Thunderbolt Xuanwen and Zijin Fenlei.

In the process of blessing, he controlled Zijin Fen Lei even more strongly.

The three soon formed a cycle.

But the cycle wasn't solid enough for Lu Feng to take the final step.

Lu Feng was not in a hurry. He used his inner Qi to maintain the thunder control power, so that the cycle of the three could continue, making them smoother.

After everything became very coherent, Lu Feng could take the final steps.

"What is he doing?"

When Lu Feng moved, Lei Zhan in the distance was full of doubts.

He initially thought that Lu Feng wanted to use the lightning profound formation to purify the power of lightning, and then use it for his own use.

Unexpectedly, Lu Feng did not do this at all.

Now he can't understand Lu Feng's purpose at all.

"Patriarch, should you tell me now, why did you bring a human being to the depths of the Thunder Clan, and now it's even in the Forbidden Mine Pond?"

At this time, behind Lei Zhan, the voice of the great elder of the Lei Clan came.

"Big elder."

Lei Zhan turned his head to look at the Great Elder, without concealing it, he told him what had just happened.

When the elder heard it, his face was full of anger, and he said: "Patriarch, just because of this, you will let a human come to my Thunder Clan forbidden area!"

"Have you forgotten our hatred with humans?"

"Elder, I have never forgotten the hatred between the Thunder Clan and the Human Race!" Lei Zhan stared at the Great Elder and said solemnly, "But don't forget, if the Thunder Clan is destroyed today, then everything will disappear. ."

"Only with the existence of the Thunder Clan can we have a chance to take revenge!"

"Since you still want revenge, start today."

The first elder pointed at Lu Feng on the mountain peak, and said coldly: "We will immediately trigger the thunder in the Thunder Pond, and we will definitely be able to kill that human being!"


Lei Zhan immediately said: "This person is very powerful, and it is not so easy to kill him."

"Not to mention, I have already agreed to his request. If I make another move now, I will not believe what I say. As the Patriarch of the Thunder Clan, how can I be a villain who does not believe what I say?"

"Since you refuse, let the old man come!"

The Great Elder was full of anger and shouted: "Lei Lai!"

Immediately, thunder bursts, condensed on the head of the elder.


Under the control of the Great Elder, these thunderbolts blasted directly towards Lu Feng.

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