The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1472 Attacking the Aohan Tribe


Thunder struck Lu Feng.

The terrifying thunder instantly enveloped Lu Feng's body and attacked Lu Feng frantically.


When the first elder saw it, he disdainfully said: "Patriarch, this is the so-called master you said? In the face of my attack, it was too late to dodge, and I was completely hit by my attack. Can such a person defeat you?"

Compared to the first elder's disdain, Lei Zhan's expression was a bit ugly.

Because he could feel that Lu Feng was not injured in the thunder!


At this moment, Lu Feng, who was shrouded in thunder, suddenly opened his mouth.

His voice was like that of the Nine Heavens King, when the decree came out, the gods gave in.

The thunder that had shrouded him quickly dispersed, lingering around Lu Feng's body, as if they were protecting their monarch.


The Great Elder was stunned when he saw this scene.

Although he is not a warrior of the fourth level of the holy god, but he is also a warrior of the third level of the holy god. He attacked a human being in this thunder pool, and now his attack is actually controlled by this human being.

How could he dare to believe this?

Compared to him, Lei Zhan gave a wry smile and said, "Control the thunder!"

He could see that the attack of the first elder was to provoke thunder and lightning, and then go to kill Lu Feng, but those thunder and lightning were controlled by Lu Feng.

These lightning control methods are really powerful.


At this time, Lu Feng spoke again.

Those Tianlei rushed towards the Great Elder as if they had heard an order.

"don't want!"

When Lei Zhan saw it, his complexion changed greatly. He knew very well that Lu Feng's strength was extremely terrifying. If these thunderbolts controlled by Lu Feng hit the Great Elder.

With the strength of the Great Elder, there is no doubt that he will die!

Lei Zhan took a quick shot and blocked in front of the first elder, trying to catch Lu Feng's attack for the first elder.

However, soon his expression became more frightened.

Those Tianlei actually bypassed him and attacked the Great Elder directly.


The Great Elder's figure was instantly destroyed by the thunder attack!

Not even the scum is left of the dead.

"You deceive people too much!"

Lei Zhan was furious and glared at Lu Feng.

"If he wants to kill me, I will kill him. Why is it too much to deceive others?" Lu Feng said coldly, "Could it be that you think I will allow him to attack me, and I will only stick to the defense and be a saint who repays grievances with virtue?"

"It's ridiculous!"


Lei Zhan wanted to refute, but he couldn't find anything to refute.

Indeed, under the circumstances that he had already negotiated with Lu Feng, the first elder still came over and shot, trying to kill Lu Feng.

Speaking of which, this is the real deception.

But the point is, it is the Great Elder who is dead now, not Lu Feng.

This makes Lei Zhan difficult to do.


Kill Lu Feng?

Don't make fun of it, with Lu Feng's strength, how to kill him?

If he didn't know that Lu Feng was proficient in lightning and lightning, Lei Zhan might have used the Thunder Clan's Tianlei Great Array to fight Lu Feng to the death.

But now that he knew that Lu Feng was proficient in thunder and lightning, he had no such thoughts.

The reason is very simple. The Thunder Clan's Tianlei Great Array is constructed by relying on the Thunder and Lightning Xuanwen. Lu Feng controls the Thunder and Lightning Xuanwen, which is equivalent to controlling the foundation of the Tianlei Great Array.

In this case, the Tianlei Great Array was of no use to Lu Feng.

Without the Tianlei Great Array, the Thunder Clan's desire to kill Lu Feng was nothing short of whimsical.

Taking a deep breath, Lei Zhan's face was gloomy, and he didn't say any more.

Lu Feng ignored Lei Zhan and concentrated on his own business.

Speaking of which, he would like to thank the Thunder Clan Great Elder, because his attack just now made the cycle between the Thunder Control Supernatural Power, the Thunderbolt Xuanwen, and the Zijin Fenlei become more coherent.

If nothing else, in about 20 days, he will be able to make the control thunder supernatural power advance.


Northern Battlefield.

"General Meng, march for another half day, and we will arrive at the territory of the Aohan tribe."

Nanyan Iron Cavalry Central Military Department,

Ran Min said to Meng Tian.

These days, Meng Tian, ​​Ran Min, Huo Qubing, and Wei Qing led the army to attack the northern steppe barbarians. In a short period of time, they had already achieved brilliant results.

In addition to the destruction of their respective combat targets, they also destroyed several medium tribes along the way.

Now, one third of the territory of the northern grasslands has reached the territory of the Nanyan Kingdom.

After they were destroyed, Xun Yu in the rear sent the city-building workers who had been summoned long ago to the northern grasslands to build the city wall.

Most of these workers are warriors, because of the news released by the Nanyan Kingdom earlier, as long as the city is successfully built within the limited time, these people can get some martial arts skills.

For this reason, many scattered cultivators were willing to follow the person in charge of the Nanyan Kingdom to the northern grasslands to establish a city.

With these warriors taking action, the speed of building the city is very fast.

In just a short period of time, more than a hundred small cities and five medium-sized cities have been established in one-third of the northern grasslands.

Only the construction of large-scale cities requires all kinds of things, and it has not been successful for the time being.

When the construction of the large city is completed, this third of the northern grassland will become a new county in the Nanyan Kingdom.

However, at present these cities have no inhabitants, only some troops are stationed.

Ordinary people have to wait until the war is over before they dare to go.

"The scouts came to report earlier, the Aohan Tribe is ready to fight, and we have to prepare," Meng Tian said.

"General Meng, I don't think it's necessary at all."

Ran Min smiled and said: "These days, we have killed more than 50 million barbarian troops. If all the barbarians are added up, we have killed 500 million at least."

"After these battles, it is already certain that the combat effectiveness of the barbarian army is very low. The reason why they were able to gain the upper hand in the battle with the king's army before was all because they had excellent warhorses."

"At the moment, our army has enough warhorses, a strong army, and even our generals have arranged an army formation. Even if the Aohan tribe claims to be one of the three barbarian tribes, it cannot be our opponent!"

"Having said that, you have to be careful." Meng Tian shook his head and said, "After all, it's just an Aohan tribe with a standing army of more than 50 million, plus there are some human scum among them, who can advise them. , Consolidate the army formation, and cannot relax our vigilance."

At this stage, Meng Tian also doesn't look down on the combat effectiveness of the barbarian army, but the Aohan tribe is different. The standing army of 50 million iron cavalry is a very large number.

It is more than ten times that of his iron cavalry.

Not to mention that there are some human race scum in the Aohan tribe to help them gather the army formation, which can be regarded as a minor trouble.

"Report, general, the battle letter from the Aohan tribe!"

At this moment, a scout came quickly to Meng Tian.

"War book?"

Meng Tian was stunned.

Remember Aishang for 1 second: . m.


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