The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1473 General of the Aohan Tribe

Chapter 1473: The General of the Aohan Tribe

Chapter 1473: The General of the Aohan Tribe

"Aohan tribe actually gave us a letter of war?"

Ran Min was also stunned when he heard it, his face full of incredulity.

None of the barbarian tribes they killed earlier had the guts.

But I never thought that this Aohan tribe would even submit a gauntlet.

"It's kind of interesting."

Meng Tian smiled and said, "It seems that this Aohan tribe is quite confident in themselves."

"This makes the war a bit more interesting." Ran Min smiled and said, "General Meng, since the enemy has already entered the war book, we don't have to retreat."

He threw up his hands and said, "The last general invites the battle, and this is the battle vanguard!"

"Not urgent."

Meng Tian shook his head and said, "Since the enemy army dares to come to the war book, there may be some special means. We can't take it lightly, and we will read the war book first."

Taking the war book in the scout's hand, Meng Tian read it carefully, smiled, and said, "What an Aohan tribe, it's a bit smart."

"Oh? General Meng, what's wrong?" Ran Min asked suspiciously.

"Look at it."

Meng Tian handed the war book from the scout to Ran Min to read.

Ran Min took the gauntlet, read the contents above, and smiled, and said, "Who said that these northern barbarians are foolhardy? Isn't this very clever?"

"It turns out that you want to fight with our 100,000 army with a million elite iron cavalry, which is really not ordinary."

The war book said very clearly, the people of the Aohan tribe put their status very low, saying that the Nanyan Kingdom is powerful, and if they fight with the same force, the Nanyan Kingdom is bullying people.

Therefore, they proposed that the Aohan tribe use a million troops to fight the 100,000 troops of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Moreover, the four northern generals, Meng Tian, ​​Ran Min, Huo Qubing, and Wei Qing were not allowed to participate in this battle.

In other words, it completely restricted the high-end combat power of the northern battlefield of the Nanyan Kingdom.

"Smart is smart, but it's just some ridiculous little smarts." Meng Tian smiled and said, "He is confident from there, thinking that we will agree to such a ridiculous request?"


Ran Min shook his head and said, "Could it be that the Aohan tribe really thought we would think we were powerful, so they were careless and would agree like an idiot?"

"The ridiculous little cleverness of the Aohan tribe is considered a joke. But..."

After a short pause, a cold light flashed in Meng Tian's eyes, and he said, "This kind of cleverness of the Aohan tribe has given us a good opportunity to attack!"

"Oh? A good chance to attack?"

Ran Min was stunned, looked at Meng Tian doubtfully, and asked, "General Meng, what do you mean by that?"

"Since the Aohan Tribe has an offer to fight, then we agree to fight with them, but..."

With even more coldness in his eyes, Meng Tian said coldly, "The battle written in the Aohan tribe's war book is their army of one million, our army of 100,000, we propose, their army of 2 million, and our army of 200,000."

"By then,

I will let Huo Qubing and Wei Qing hide in the army. When the battle begins, I will immediately let the two of them take action. With the strength of the two, they are enough to wipe out the enemy army. "

"At that time, the rest of our army will take advantage of the situation to launch a general attack, and we will definitely defeat the enemy army!"

Ran Min listened, overjoyed, and said, "Second! General Meng, I'll make arrangements now."

As for whether this secret trick would affect anything, Ran Min was not worried at all.

Because soldiers never tire of deceit!

If the leader of the army also pays attention to being upright, then even if you can succeed, you will definitely make the soldiers under your command pay a heavy price.

So, if you can defeat the enemy army without paying a lot of price now, why not do it?

Soldiers never tire of cheating!

On the battlefield, only the winner has the right to speak.

If the army suffered a disastrous defeat because of going to be upright, it would really be a big joke.

As a general in the north of the Southern Yan Kingdom, Ran Min is naturally very clear about these things, but he doesn't think there is anything wrong with Meng Tian's plan.

It didn't take long for the reply message from Meng Tian's side to arrive at the Boiled Tribal Army.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"As expected, Meng Tian, ​​the so-called northern military capital of the Nanyan Kingdom, has become completely conceited because of their several victories."

Bao Xinlu, the commander of the Aohan tribe, laughed out loud when he got the news, his face full of confidence.

Bao Xinlu was not a barbarian. He was originally a general of the Ice and Snow Dynasty. He later thought that he was very capable, but the Ice and Snow Dynasty did not give him a corresponding position, so he directly abandoned his wife and went to the Aohan tribe, which was not one of the three major tribes at that time. Pursue glory and wealth.

As for his wife and children, the Ice and Snow Dynasty was not polite and killed them all.

Bao Xinlu himself is indeed prosperous and rich.

Because the Aohan tribe's army has not attacked the Ice and Snow Dynasty once or twice, but they have all suffered from the Ice and Snow Dynasty's army formation, so they also want to train an army formation.

But the generals of the barbarian tribe, all advocating the supremacy of force, are not very strong, and no one is proficient in military formation.

The king of the Aohan tribe was very angry, and it happened that Bao Xinlu came and was reused.

Bao Xinlu is indeed a bit capable. He arrived in the Aohan tribe, and with the support of the king of the Aohan tribe, it took ten years to turn the army of the Aohan tribe into a real elite iron cavalry, able to form an army formation.

Then, he led these troops to annex several tribes on the northern grassland, thus making the Aohan tribe one of the three major tribes in the northern grassland.

If it weren't for the fact that the other two big tribes saw the rapid development of the Aohan tribe, and also attracted some human generals to train their troops, perhaps the northern grasslands would have long since become the dominant force of the Aohan tribe.

Of course, this premise is that the Wu clan does not appear, if the Wu clan does, the Aohan tribe will not be able to jump up.

Bao Xinlu also made great contributions to making the Aohan tribe one of the three major tribes. He married the daughter of the king and became the general of the Aohan tribe.

Especially after the incident in the Barbarian Temple, the king of the Aohan tribe was killed, and Bao Xinlu was even more powerful in the Aohan tribe, and he had become the general of the Aohan tribe, leading all the elite iron cavalry.

The new king of the Aohan tribe is just one of his puppets.

"General, I really didn't expect that Meng Tian would be so stupid. He actually agreed to use 200,000 troops to fight against our 2 million troops. He is simply the purest idiot!" Said the lieutenant next to Bao Xinlu.

Bao Xinlu laughed and said, "This is also normal."

"After all, none of the barbarian tribes that the Nanyan Kingdom has destroyed these days poses a threat to them, and their army is completely pushed over."

"Under this circumstance, Meng Tian is naturally conceited to the extreme, thinking that the iron cavalry of our barbarian tribe is nothing more than this!"


The smile on his face disappeared, and Bao Xinlu's eyes glowed with a cold light, and said: "The reason why Meng Tian has been pushing all the way these days is because he didn't meet the iron cavalry of our Aohan tribe."

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