The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1474 Soldiers never tire of cheating

"In the situation where it is generally believed that our barbarian tribe's iron cavalry is not strong, Meng Tian is naturally very contemptuous of us!"

"But today, what they encountered was my Aohan tribe, and they were destined to return in a woe!"

"Send the order, and order the Wild Wolf Rider to prepare for battle immediately!" Bao Xinlu ordered loudly.

The wolf cavalry is an elite iron cavalry formed by Bao Xinlu after he came to the Aohan tribe. It is an absolute elite carefully selected from the 50 million standing iron cavalry of the Aohan tribe, and then trained by him to form a super strong fighting force. Elite cavalry.

There are only three million people in total, and after various battles, over one million were lost, and the remaining two million wolf riders became even more powerful.

In the process of the Aohan tribe becoming the three major tribes of the barbarians, the wolf riding contributed a lot.

Bao Xinlu directly used the wolf cavalry, the purpose was to defeat the army Meng Tian brought to the battle with the fastest speed, to gain the first opportunity, and then take advantage of the situation to attack and defeat Meng Tian's army in one fell swoop.

A day later, the armies of both sides arrived at the battle position.

"It seems that we really underestimated the Aohan tribe's army."

Among the 200,000 troops sent by the Nanyan Kingdom to fight, Huo Qubing and Wei Qing discussed in a low voice.

The wild wolf cavalry sent by the Aohan tribe in front of him was covered in animal leather armor and had a strong military force. It was a good iron cavalry.

"It looks good, but compared to our army, it's still a lot different." Wei Qing said with a smile: "With our army's combat power, even without you and me, it's enough to win this battle."

"It is."

Huo Qubing nodded. After these days of fighting, the military power of their army became more powerful, and the military formation became more solid.

If Meng Tian didn't want to take the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on the enemy, Huo Qubing and Wei Qing would not need to hide in the army.

On the other side, Bao Xinlu also saw the army of Nanyan Kingdom.

He was covered in black armor, with vigorous blood, high morale, and a strong killing intent condensed in the void, combined with the military formation, making the military prestige even stronger.

This scene of admiration made Bao Xinlu's face very ugly.

As a general,

He is also a master general who is proficient in military formations. From these signs, he can be sure that the army sent by the Nanyan Kingdom to fight is definitely the elite of the elite.

He had never seen an iron cavalry with such power even in the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

This made him somewhat uneasy.

He originally thought that the wolf rider he had trained was the number one in the northern grasslands.

After all, in cavalry, barbarian soldiers have a natural advantage, because they are on horseback all the year round, as long as there is a good general who trains well, they can become elite soldiers.

Therefore, he has a lot of confidence in this battle.

But now, after seeing the troops sent by the Nanyan Kingdom, he no longer has such confidence.

The iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom should not be underestimated!

"General, the enemy army must be the elite of the elite. It is impossible for them to be like this with millions of troops. We will win this battle!" The lieutenant saw Bao Xinlu's complexion and knew what he was thinking. He said immediately. .

Bao Xinlu nodded and said, "Go shout and ask who is leading the army."


The deputy general ordered to go out, facing the location of the Nanyan Kingdom's army, and shouted loudly: "Who is the enemy in the future? Quickly report the name, my proud cold army will not kill the unknown!"

"What a crazy tone!"

A general on the iron cavalry side of the Nanyan Kingdom came out on a warhorse and said coldly, "I am Ning Yuanding, the deputy general of Meng Tian's general in the northern battlefield of the Nanyan Kingdom, and the one who sent you savage barbarians to hell!"

Ning Yuanding was the first general in the northern battlefield except for Meng Tian, ​​Ran Min, Huo Qubing, and Wei Qing. His strength reached the third level of the emperor, and his army formation ability was also very strong. He was a fierce general.

When Bao Xinlu in the back heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Meng Tian is really too conceited.

He was a little worried at first, Meng Tian promised not to let Huo Qubing and Wei Qing Ranmin join, but they would change their minds on the spot.

But I didn't expect that Meng Tian really didn't ask Huo Qubing to come.

If Huo Qubing had three generals and these brave troops, then he might be really worried.

but now……


Bao Xinlu snorted coldly and said, "Arrogant human beings, my barbarian iron cavalry will definitely chop your so-called elites into flesh!"

"The whole army obeys the order."


Bao Xinlu didn't talk nonsense. With a wave of his hand, the two million wild wolf riders who had been prepared for a long time immediately launched a charge.


On the Nanyan Kingdom's side, Ning Yuanding also shouted loudly, and charged with the 200,000 Nanyan Kingdom iron cavalry behind him.

Although the troops occupy an absolute disadvantage, the troops of the Nanyan Kingdom did not have any confusion. On the way to charge, the military formation was already solid.

On the other hand, the army of the Aohan tribe, although it was an elite iron cavalry trained by Bao Xinlu, the army formation of the wolf cavalry was also somewhat loose, not as solid as the Nanyan Kingdom's army formation at all.

However, because the number of people has the absolute upper hand, it is even better in terms of military prestige.


Soon, the two armies collided.

In an instant, the stump of the broken arm flew around, and blood was flowing.

A soldier fell to the ground, a corpse.

The place where the two armies collided was instantly filled with broken corpses.


Bao Xinlu shouted loudly, and the wolf cavalry moved quickly, encircling the army of the Nanyan Kingdom from all sides.

Facing the siege of wild wolf riders, the Kingdom of Nanyan did not make any changes, just frantically slaughtering the army in front of it.


Bao Xinlu smiled coldly when he saw it.

When his own army forms an absolute siege to the Nanyan Kingdom, then with the number of his own troops, he can instantly destroy the Nanyan Kingdom's army.

If Ning Yuanding was smart now, he would quickly choose to break through, instead of continuing to charge forward.

"Sure enough, in the northern front line of Nanyan Kingdom, except for Meng Tian, ​​Ran Min Huo, Qu Bing and Wei Qing, the rest of the generals are worthless trash!"

Bao Xinlu did not hesitate, and immediately ordered to go down, so that the army could speed up the encirclement.

In the case that the Nanyan Kingdom did not respond, it didn't take long for the Wild Wolf Rider to complete the siege of the Nanyan Kingdom's army.


Bao Xinlu ordered a charge without hesitation.

Under Bao Xinlu's order, the Wild Wolf Cavalry immediately launched a surprise attack on the troops of the Nanyan Kingdom from around.

Arrows shot in the air, covering the army of the Nanyan Kingdom.


Ning Yuanding shouted loudly, the army formation was mobilized, and the iron cavalry formed a defensive formation in the blink of an eye.

"Ding ding ding."

The defense of the army blocked all the incoming arrows.

But the Wild Wolf Riding took advantage of this good opportunity and rushed over from all around.

For a time, there were wild wolf knights in all directions. If they collided with the defense of the Nanyan Kingdom's army at the same time, the defense would be broken!

When Bao Xinlu saw this scene, a smile appeared on his face, as if he saw the scene where the enemy army was broken through by his own wolf riding.

But at this moment, a cold shout suddenly came out: "Broken!"

Remember Aishang for 1 second: . m.

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