
At this moment, a cold shout suddenly came from the army of the Nanyan Kingdom.

"what sound?"

When Bao Xinlu heard this, his face was full of doubts.

Just before he could understand, a terrifying wave of infuriating energy suddenly came out from the Nanyan Kingdom's army and hit the wolf rider who was rushing towards the Nanyan Kingdom's army.


The sound of a sudden explosion sounded, and the menacing wolf ride fell to the ground like rice blown by the wind.

The wave of infuriating energy dissipated, and there was no more wolf knight standing on the battlefield.




As the chief general, Bao Xinlu was completely stunned.

He has led the army for decades, and he has never seen this happen.

Millions of wild wolf riders were killed by a wave of true energy, and not one was left!

How terrifying is this!


At this moment, another angry shout came from the army of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Immediately after, he saw two generals in battle armor flying out, leading the 200,000 iron cavalry to charge against his army.

"Huo Qubing!"

"Wei Qing!"

When Bao Xinlu saw these two people, his expression changed dramatically.

He now understands what happened to the wave of infuriating energy just now, and it must have been caused by Huo Qubing.

With the strength of the Holy Venerable Huo Qubing, and without the suppression of the army, it is not difficult to do.

"Damn Nanyan Kingdom,

You can't believe what you say! "

Bao Xinlu, who had reacted, roared in the direction of the army of the Nanyan Kingdom.

He really thought that Meng Tian didn't send Huo Qubing a few people, but he didn't think that Meng Tian actually asked Huo Qubing and Wei Qingzang to give himself a fatal blow to the wolf riding in the army that was about to fight.

You must know that the Wild Wolf Cavalry is the most powerful army of the Aohan Tribe!

Their loss in battle is a loss to the combat effectiveness of the entire Aohan tribe, not to mention that it will greatly damage the morale of the Aohan tribe.

"Haha, Bao Xinlu, you traitor who betrayed mankind, are you too embarrassed to say what you say?"

Huo Qubing laughed loudly, got on the war horse, and held a Zhang Baping gun, saying, "Today, I, Huo Qubing, will cut your head off!"


When the sound fell, Huo Qubing took the lead and rushed towards Bao Xinlu's follow-up army.

Wei Qing's side is the command of the 200,000 Nanyan Kingdom Iron Cavalry, loudly: "Condensation!"

Under his control, the already fierce Nanyan army formation became even more violent.


With a wave of Wei Qing's hand, the 200,000 elite iron cavalry fully demonstrated their sharpness and charged towards the enemy.

Under the blessing of the military formation, these 200,000 elite iron cavalry are like a wild beast, with an unstoppable momentum!

"Wait for Nan Yan'er, An dare to bully me, Aohan, no one?"

Bao Xinlu was furious and shouted: "The whole army obeys the order, kill!"

"Kill the enemy, kill!"


Under Bao Xinlu's order, the innumerable army behind him rushed towards the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom.

"Dadutong, Bao Xinlu really can't gather an army of tens of millions."

In the rear of the Nanyan Kingdom army, Meng Tian led a million iron cavalry here.

They stared at the charge of Bao Xinlu's tens of millions of iron cavalry, with more or less disdain on their faces.

Because they can see that Bao Xinlu's tens of millions of iron cavalry, the army formation is not a whole, but more than 20 million army formations.

Such an army formation, wanting to pose a threat to the Holy Venerable, is simply whimsical.

"It's just that I looked at Bao Xinlu highly."

Meng Tian looked at it and shook his head. At first, he was afraid of the 50 million standing iron cavalry of the Aohan tribe. After all, Bao Xinlu was there.

Bao Xinlu can lead the Aohan tribe to become one of the three major tribes of the barbarians on the northern grasslands today. His strength is definitely not weak, and he may be able to gather an army of tens of millions of troops.

In this way, coupled with the 50 million standing iron cavalry, even if the Nanyan Kingdom's army is ferocious, it is still a big challenge.

But now it seems that he has high regard for Bao Xinlu.

Bao Xinlu's army formation ability, Dingtian is to control two or three million troops, beyond this number, it is impossible to control at all.

This is why the Aohan tribe's tens of millions of iron cavalry, the condensed army formation is not a whole, but divided into small army formations.

In this way, there is no threat to the army of the Nanyan Kingdom at all.

"Send the order to Ran Min, let him attack immediately, no need to wait for Huo Qubing to break the line." Meng Tian ordered.


The lieutenant summoned the order immediately.

On the other side of the battlefield, Ran Min, under Meng Tian's arrangement, led two million iron cavalry to the left side of the entire battlefield. He planned to launch an attack on the enemy after the start of the war and disrupt the enemy's army. layout.

Now that it has been determined that the enemy army is not a whole, there is no need to wait any longer.

After receiving Meng Tian's order, Ran Min immediately rushed to the battlefield with two million cavalry.

At this time, Huo Qubing, who was at the forefront, had already arrived in front of the enemy's formation.


With a wave of the barbarian spear of Zhangbaping in his hand, the terrifying air of the gun swept across, and the barbarian army composed of two million troops was directly destroyed, and then the two hundred thousand iron cavalry led by Wei Qing rushed to kill.

One side is the ferocious army formation, the other side is the army formation broken, under the collision, the result is no longer needed to say.

The barbarian iron cavalry lost the cohesion of the army, and just touched it, it was already collapsed.

A good fight turned into a slaughter.

What makes people laugh is that it is the barbarian iron cavalry that has a larger number of people who are killed.


After Huo Qubing broke the barbarian army's formation, he didn't stop, and immediately moved his target to attack another barbarian army that was returning to Weiqing's army.


With a loud noise, the barbarian army formation was also shattered.

The army, which was still somewhat mighty, was suddenly demoralized, and all the soldiers were terrified.

"The whole army obeys!"


At this moment, Meng Tian in the back also rushed over with the remaining Nanyan Iron Cavalry.

Compared to Wei Qing's army, the army led by Meng Tian this time was even more morale, and the army formation was like a rainbow.

As soon as the armies on both sides touched, the barbarian iron cavalry was directly defeated.

In the blink of an eye, the barbarian army at the forefront has been completely defeated!

Those troops in the rear haven't figured out what happened in front of them, but they have already been attacked by the defeated troops in front.

On the contrary, it was more convenient for the troops of the Nanyan Kingdom to rush to kill.

Crazy carnage!

The barbarian cavalry fell one by one like rice blown by the strong wind.

"General, this can't be done!"

The lieutenant next to Bao Xinlu saw this scene, and his eyes were full of horror, and said: "That Huo Qubing is a holy warrior, with him, our military formation is useless at all, and it will be broken by him with a little touch. already."

"Without the blessing of the army formation, our army is no match for the enemy army at all!"

"General, think of a way!"

Bao Xinlu also looked gloomy when he saw it. He didn't expect such a situation, but he didn't panic, but sneered and said, "Don't worry, the show has just begun!"

Remember Aishang for 1 second: . m.

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