The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1478 What? Want to run away?

Hearing the words of the Black-robed Holy Venerable, the generals of Gongyangzhong and the Aohan tribe were completely stunned.

They only know that Meng Tian is the northern military commander of the Nanyan Kingdom, and they also know that Meng Tian is a warrior in the realm of the emperor, but they don't even know that Meng Tian is a holy warrior!

If someone else said this, they wouldn't believe it, but the person who said this is a saint!

How can the words of the Holy Venerable be false?

Meng Tian must be the saint of martial arts!

How can this make them accept it?

Bao Xinlu, the generals of the Aohan tribe, were completely stunned.

In the northern battlefield of the Nanyan Kingdom, Huo Qubing, a holy general, is enough to give them a headache, and now there is another Meng Tian, ​​how can they fight?

Not to mention, it is rumored that among the four northern generals of the Nanyan Kingdom, Ran Min is the strongest.

Huo Qubing and Meng Tian are both saints, and Ran Min is stronger than them, so he must be a saint!

How can they fight?

Bao Xinlu felt that the entire sky was darkened, and there was no hope of victory at all.

"You dare to be stunned when you fight with me?"

"Just looking for death!"

Here, Huo Qubing found that Gong Yangzhong was in a daze, but he didn't hesitate.

The infuriating energy in the body rushed over in a more violent manner, and blessed it on the Zhangba Pingman Spear.


With more infuriating blessings, Zhangba Pingman Spear instantly shattered the defense in the ram.


The ram vomited blood, and his body fell back nearly a thousand meters.

Huo Qubing's blow not only shattered his defense, but also severely damaged his martial arts.

Martial arts have suffered from each other,

Let his combat effectiveness drop by more than 30%!

Huo Qubing didn't stop, holding a Zhangbaping gun, catching up with super fast speed, and in the frantic attack on the ram, it was clear that he wanted to take advantage of your illness to kill you.

In the face of Huo Qubing's tidal wave of attacks, Gongyangzhong has no ability to fight back, and can only rely on his remaining strength to resist with difficulty.

But even so, it wouldn't last long.

The Black-robed Holy Venerable saw the predicament of Gongyangzhong, and his figure flashed, and he wanted to rush over to help Gongyangzhong to clear the siege.

It's just that he moved fast, Meng Tian's speed was not slow, and his body moved sideways, blocking the front of the black-robed Saint Venerable.

"Step aside!"

The black-robed saint stared at Meng Tian and said, "I respect you as a saint, and I don't want to kill you, but if you don't let go, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Oh? When will the killer of the blood-clothed building still be merciful?" Meng Tian looked at the black-clothed saint with a smile.

The black-clothed sage's expression changed slightly, but he quickly recovered as before, snorted coldly, and said, "What did you say about the killer of the blood-clothed building? I am the Wuzu sage!"

"Stop pretending!"

Meng Tian shook his head and said, "Although your aura belongs to the Wu clan, the blood in your body cannot deceive anyone. You are a member of the Shining clan, a saint-level killer of the Blood Clothes Building!"

"It seems that your blood-clothed building has been united with the Wu clan a long time ago, which makes me a little surprised."

When he said this, Meng Tian's heart was somewhat solemn.

The Bloody Clothes Building is not a good thing.

It is the super strength that Yuzhou has a number of, and the strength is not under the Cangchu Dynasty. There are even rumors that the hidden masters in their clan are stronger than the Hundred Kingdoms Academy.

Just a bloody building is enough to make people difficult to deal with.

If you add another witch clan, it will definitely be a threat no less than the dynasty to the Nanyan Kingdom.

Fortunately, fortunately, when His Majesty participated in the imperial call-up order, he severely injured the Wu clan masters. Otherwise, with the help of the Wu clan masters and the killers of the Blood Clothes Building, the northern grasslands would not be so easy to deal with.

However, this also made Meng Tian more determined to eliminate the barbarians and witches in the northern grasslands as quickly as possible, otherwise it would give them time to breathe, which was definitely not a good thing for the Nanyan Kingdom.

Seeing Meng Tian revealing his identity, the Holy Venerable in Black said coldly, "Since you know that I am the killer of Xueyilou, you should know my strength."

"I want to kill you, I want to kill you, easy!"

"But today my goal is Huo Qubing, not you, you should retreat quickly, or don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"


The long sword in Meng Tian's hand groaned and said, "I want to see how ruthless you are!"

"court death!"

Seeing that Meng Tian couldn't be avoided, the Black-robed Holy Venerable shot violently.

His figure turned into a stream of light, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Meng Tian, ​​and he was stabbing at Meng Tian with a long sword in his right hand.

Meng Tian didn't panic, and the long sword in his hand was placed in front of him, blocking the attack of the black-robed saint.

But it's not over yet.

On the left hand of the black-robed saint, a cyan dagger appeared at some point, turned slightly, and stabbed at Meng Tian's dantian.


Meng Tian felt the attack of the black-clothed saint. Although there were some surprises, there was no chaos.

True Qi quickly condensed defenses in Dantian, blocking the attack of the cyan dagger.

"Army Slash!"

At the same time, the long sword in Meng Tian's hand was violently pressed down, and the ferocious aura of the army appeared on his sword, and quickly pressed against the black-robed saint.

"What? Army formation?"

Feeling the breath of the military formation, the black-robed Saint Venerable's complexion changed dramatically, he hurriedly pulled away, and distanced himself from Meng Tian.

Then he looked at Meng Tian in horror, and said in shock, "You can actually integrate the general formation into your attack, you... are you an imperial general?"

"No, it's impossible, you can't be the emperor!"

Before Meng Tian could say anything, the black-robed saint shook his head for a while, denying his answer, and said, "If you are an emperor, just wave your hand and the barbarian cavalry in front of you will disappear, you are definitely not an emperor! "

"But why can you incorporate the general array into your sword?"

Meng Tian smiled slightly and said, "Although I haven't reached the realm of an emperor yet, I can still mobilize the army!"


With a wave of his hand, the force of the army formed by the Nanyan Iron Cavalry below suddenly flew towards him.


Meng Tian held a long sword and slashed it down.

Motivated the power of these army formations to slash towards the black-clothed saint.

The power of the terrifying military formation pressed on the black-robed Saint Venerable, causing the speed of the true flow in his body to drop not only a little bit, but his combat power fell to the bottom in an instant.

But he still laughed and said, "You want to kill me?" "

"It's ridiculous!"

"Don't forget, I am the Killer of the Blood Clothes Building, I am the Holy Spirit of the Shining Tribe, and I am born to be able to control space!"


When the sound fell, the black-robed Saint Venerable spread the power of space, and his figure disappeared in the air.

When Meng Tian saw it, he didn't pursue it.

After all, he is not an emperor, and the reason why he can mobilize the army is only because of his supernatural powers and martial skills, which gave him more combat power after he reached the realm of the saint.

The power to mobilize the army is one of them.

But if you want to use this to hunt down a Holy Venerable, you think too much.

The Holy Venerable wants to run, but he can't catch up at the moment.

However, there was no frustration on his face.

Because this is not over yet.

"What? Do you want to run away?"

At this moment, another voice suddenly came from the air.

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