"What? Do you want to run away?"

At this moment, another voice suddenly came from the air.

Before everyone could react, there was a sudden 'bang' loud noise, and immediately after everyone saw a person was beaten out in the void and smashed into the formation of the barbarian iron cavalry of the Aohan tribe.

Killed a lot of barbarian cavalry.

But that's not the point. The point is that they found out that the person who was beaten out was the black-robed Saint Venerable who had just escaped from Meng Tian's hands!

Who was he shot down by?

Bao Xinlu from the Aohan tribe hurriedly looked up at the sky, wanting to see who could bring back a saint who was determined to escape.

Moreover, this saint is still the saint of the Shining tribe in the Blood Clothes Building!

However, when they saw who it was, their expressions became even more frightened!

Because the person standing in the sky turned out to be Ran Min!

"Cough cough."

"Cough cough!"

The black-robed saint got up from the ground with difficulty.

Apparently seriously injured!

He looked up at Ran Min who had knocked him out of the void, his eyes dignified to the extreme, he did not expect that Ran Min's strength would be so terrifying.

When he used his Shining talent, he could still be discovered, and he also knocked himself out from the void, completely breaking his hope of escaping.

"Since you're here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Ran Min walked in the air, walking towards the black-robed saint step by step, and said, "My Nanyan Kingdom has always been very hospitable. If your Excellency is here today, if you don't treat him well, wouldn't it be a loss of courtesy?"

"If you spread it out, you will be laughed at."

"Ran Min!"

The black-robed saint stared at Ran Min and said solemnly, "I know that you are very strong,

But don't forget, you are not the number one in Yuzhou, and the kingdom of Nanyan you are loyal to is not the number one in Yuzhou. I advise you, it's better to keep a low profile, so as not to suffer unwarranted disasters! "

"Thank you for your kind words and persuasion. In return, I will send you to my Nanyan Prison to enjoy 'prosperity and wealth'!"

The sound fell, Ran Min's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the black-robed saint.


Before the Black-robed Holy Venerable could react, Ran Min suddenly shot, directly sealing the Black-robed Saint Venerable's dantian and soul power.

In an instant, the black-robed saint was captured by Ran Min!


Bao Xinlu and the other generals of the Aohan tribe were completely stunned when they saw this scene, what should I do?

The Holy Venerable they had placed their hope in was so easily captured by Ran Min, what else could they do?


Before they could react from this scene, a cold and murderous voice entered their ears.

In their unbelievable gazes, Huo Qubing stabbed Gongyang with a barbaric spear in his hand.

Immediately following, the vitality in the ram quickly passed.

In just a few seconds, it has become a corpse.

Moreover, the power of the soul was also smashed by the Zhangbaping Gun.

Among the martial artist rams of the second-level peak of the Holy Reverence from the Wu clan, the dead can no longer die!

This made Bao Xinlu's generals of the Aohan tribe even more confused.

They thought they had 50 million standing iron cavalry, plus the wild wolf cavalry, and the secret help of the witch masters, today's battle will be won without a doubt.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of the war, the wolf rider had already become two million corpses.

Then, the witch masters they had hoped for were also finished.

Only their fifty million standing iron cavalry was left.

If it was in the past, they must be confident in themselves.

But now, they have lost a little bit of confidence.

In front of the army of the Nanyan Kingdom, there are three saints!

O three saints! ! !

Coupled with the well-equipped and ferocious army of several million Nanyan Iron Cavalry, what if they had an army of 50 million? How can you stop it?

"The whole army obeys the order and charges!"

On Meng Tian's side, after eliminating the warriors of the Wu clan, he immediately ordered a charge.

Under the leadership of Huo Qubing and Ran Min, the more than four million iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom quickly attacked the iron cavalry of the Aohan tribe from both sides.

Directly ahead, Meng Tian returned to the army and led the troops to press on.

There is also Wei Qing, who also rushed to kill the enemy.

The fighting strength of the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom is far greater than that of the barbarian iron cavalry. In addition, there are fierce generals such as Huo Qubing and Ran Min. Although the Aohan tribe has 50 million iron cavalry, they have no resistance and are losing ground!

A few hours later, the army of the Aohan tribe was completely defeated, and in the entire prairie, countless iron cavalry of the Aohan tribe rode their horses to escape to the rear.

Behind them, Huo Qubing, Ran Min and the others led the Nanyan Iron Cavalry to chase them frantically, leaving the corpses of barbarian Cavalry on the grassland.

In the end, it was no longer a battle at all, but turned into a one-sided slaughter again!

The enemy has no resistance at all!

And this battle lasted for a full seven days!

For seven days, Nanyan Iron Cavalry, led by Meng Tian, ​​Ranmin and others, frantically pursued and killed the Iron Cavalry of the Aohan Tribe.

The Aohan tribe had 50 million standing iron cavalry. In the process of being hunted down, they suffered heavy losses, and only less than 5 million people survived.

But it's not over yet.

Under Meng Tian's order, the army took advantage of the situation to attack the Aohan tribe and slaughter the barbarians of the Aohan tribe.

In a few days, hundreds of millions of barbarians of the entire Aohan tribe were slaughtered.

The original Aohan tribe, one of the three major tribes of the northern steppe barbarians, exists in name only!


News of the northern battlefield spread quickly.

Within a few days, Yuzhou's strengths were more or less known.

Let those dynasties, sects, and families be even more afraid of the Nanyan Kingdom.

The northern grasslands can exist for such a long time, and the Wu clan can exist for such a long time, not only because of the remoteness of the terrain, but also because the Wu clan is not weak, so those strengths are unwilling to attack the northern grasslands.

But now, the Kingdom of Nanyan has done it!

With five million iron cavalry, they dared to attack the entire northern grasslands, and even more than ten tribes of northern barbarians were slaughtered. Among them, the Aohan tribe, one of the three major tribes, was also destroyed.

A saint of the Wu tribe was killed, and one of the saints who participated in the blood-clothed building was captured.

In this battle, the Nanyan Kingdom killed at least one billion northern barbarians!

This is really a scary number!

It is a number that Yuzhou's strength can never imagine.

However, it makes sense to think about it.

The four northern generals of the Nanyan Kingdom, Meng Tian, ​​Huo Qubing, and Ran Min are all holy warriors. If they lead the troops to attack, how can the barbarians be able to stop them?

Now let's see what other means the Wu clan will have!

Therefore, many forces in Yuzhou chose to see how they would develop in the future. If the Wu clan made a move, relying on the background of the Wu clan, the Nanyan Kingdom would not be able to seek benefits.

They might have a piece of the pie by then.

This is the mainstream idea among those forces that are far away from the northern grasslands.

In the Ice and Snow Dynasty, the waves caused by this matter are not small.

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