The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1480 Ice and Snow Dynasty Takes Action

Ice and Snow Dynasty Palace.

In the imperial study, Emperor Nangong Rong was accepting General Zu Zhi's report on the battle situation in the northern grasslands.

"I didn't expect that the strength of the Nanyan Kingdom's army would be so strong. Before January arrived, the northern grasslands had to pay a heavy price, and the Aohan tribe was defeated by them."

"With such strength, it's no wonder that those people are extremely afraid of the development of the Nanyan Kingdom." Nangong Rong sighed after hearing his minister's report.

Originally, because of Lu Feng's strength, they were no longer taking the Nanyan Kingdom lightly, but they never thought that this would still underestimate the Nanyan Kingdom.

The Northern Iron Cavalry of the Southern Yan Kingdom took less than a month to beat the barbarians of the northern grasslands into fools.

The Aohan Tribe, one of the three major tribes, was destroyed, and the barbarian middle-class tribes were destroyed, and the loss of the barbarian iron cavalry had exceeded one billion.

This is a very terrifying number, enough to set off a monstrous wave in Yuzhou.

But it's not the scariest.

More importantly, on the northern battlefield, the strength displayed by the troops of the Nanyan Kingdom would be even more apprehensive, especially the four northern generals, in addition to Wei Qing, Meng Tian, ​​Ran Min, and Huo Qubing were all holy generals.

The three holy generals, no matter which dynasty, even the dynasty, dare not underestimate.

The battle strength displayed by the Nanyan Kingdom this time is enough for Yuzhou to raise its threat level by one level.

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Nanyan is getting stronger and stronger now, we have to guard against it!"

General Zu Zhi of the Ice and Snow Dynasty said in a deep voice.

"General Zu, what do you mean by that?" Nangongrong frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, is an ambitious person. This can be seen from his actions after taking over as the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom!" Zu Zhi said.

Nangong Rong nodded and motioned for him to continue.

Zu Zhi continued: "If Lu Feng is just an ambitious person, then there is no need to worry, but the key point is that this ambitious person is not only amazing in his own strength, but also has many fierce generals under his command. ,

There are already more than six people! "

"This is a very terrifying number. Among the top ten dynasties in Yuzhou, the Cangchu Dynasty, which ranks first, does not have six sage generals on the surface, and our Ice and Snow Dynasty, adding up all the secrets and secrets, does not have six. Holy warrior."

"Nanyan Kingdom has such strength, no matter who it is, the threat is very terrifying."

"Right now, the Nanyan Kingdom is attacking the northern grasslands, and the northern grasslands are already an iron cavalry that is unable to resist the Nanyan Kingdom. As for the Wu clan..."

After a short pause, Zu Zhi continued: "There were rumors before that the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, had killed the Wu clan saint in the northern grasslands when he was summoned to the dynasty, causing heavy losses to the Wu clan masters."

"In the beginning we thought it was just a rumor, but now, the Nanyan Kingdom has already destroyed the Aohan tribe and killed a saint of the Wu clan, the rest of the Wu clan still haven't moved, no accident, it should be like It's rumored."

"The holy masters of the Wu clan have been damaged by Lu Feng as early as the imperial conscription order. Therefore, the remaining two barbarian tribes in the northern grasslands are absolutely impossible for Meng Tian and his opponents."

"One month at the shortest, two months at the latest, all the barbarian tribes on the northern grasslands will definitely be wiped out by Meng Tian's troops. At that time, the northern grasslands will be completely included in their territory."

"Also, we got the news that the Nanyan Kingdom not only destroyed the barbarians, but more importantly, they built a lot of cities on the northern grasslands."

"Although these cities are not close to each other, for the cavalry, they can reach each other in half a day, which is of great strategic significance!"

"Strategic significance?" Nangongrong frowned even more, and said, "General Zu, your words have deep meaning!"

"Your Majesty Shengming, there is indeed a deep meaning in the final commander's words." Zu Zhi bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I have said before that the Emperor of Nanyan Kingdom is an ambitious fellow."

"If he just wants to destroy the barbarians in the northern grasslands, so that those barbarians will no longer invade the kingdom of Nanyan, he only needs to destroy these tribes, and then lead the troops to retreat, then the barbarians will not be able to intrude any more in a thousand or two thousand years. Nanyan Kingdom."

"But, that's not what Lu Feng did. He is building those cities of great strategic significance!"


Looking up at Nangong Rong, Zu Zhi said solemnly: "The last will dare to conclude that Lu Feng's goal is definitely not only the northern grasslands, our Ice and Snow Dynasty must also be in his plan!"


Nangong Rong was shocked and said, "The Ice and Snow Dynasty is the second largest in military strength among the ten dynasties. Even if Lu Feng is ambitious, how dare he plan to attack the Ice and Snow Dynasty?"

"Your Majesty, this is true under normal circumstances, but..."

Looking at Nangong Rong, Zu Zhi said helplessly: "At present, the Nanyan Kingdom already has six Sage Generals, and they are already qualified to confront the Ice and Snow Dynasty head-on."

"In addition, they used the temptation of the martial arts and martial arts of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in the kingdom to let the warriors build cities on the northern grasslands."

"It will only take less than a year, and there will definitely be many cities in the northern grasslands. At that time, these cities will continuously provide sufficient supplies for the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom on the northern grasslands."

"With the strength of Lu Feng and his five advisors, how could these cities be abandoned? Their ultimate goal must be the Ice and Snow Dynasty!"

"Absolutely impossible!" Nangong Rong shook his head and affirmed: "Even if what you say is true, the Kingdom of Nanyan will not dare to have any ideas about the Ice and Snow Dynasty!"

"He Lu Feng doesn't have the guts!"


When Zu Zhi heard this, he really didn't know what to say. The emperor he was loyal to was so confident that he dared to say that Lu Feng didn't have the courage?

He sighed softly in his heart and said, "Your Majesty, have you forgotten? The Nanyan Kingdom has already fought against the Cangchu Dynasty and won a great victory. Under such circumstances, how could he be afraid of the Ice and Snow Dynasty? How could you not have the guts to attack the Ice and Snow Dynasty?"


Nangongrong was speechless for a while. Indeed, Lu Feng's Nanyan Kingdom had already defeated the Cangchu Dynasty, the leader of the ten dynasties. In this case, to say that the Ice and Snow Dynasty would make the Nanyan Kingdom fear, say this, Few people may believe it.

But Nangong Rong still couldn't believe it.

After all, the Ice and Snow Dynasty is the second most powerful existence in the top ten dynasties in terms of military strength. How can its terrifying strength be comparable to that of a kingdom?

"Zu Zhi is right, Nanyan Kingdom is building a city on the northern grassland, and the goal must be my Ice and Snow Dynasty!"

At this moment, an old voice came.

Remember Aishang for 1 second: . m.

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