The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1484 The Battle of Destroying Chen Song (1)

Ran Min didn't intend to explain too much, but thinking about it, if he didn't explain clearly enough, the lieutenant would inevitably be unable to keep up when it went on.

After pondering slightly, he said: "My plan is very simple, I lead the elite 100,000 vanguard army to attack the enemy army, you..."

"No, no!"

"Absolutely not!"

The lieutenant heard it and said anxiously, "General, there are 60 million enemy troops!"

"Even if you are brave and unstoppable, but just leading a 100,000 vanguard army to attack the enemy army is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, General, we absolutely cannot do this!"


When Ran Min heard this, his face was speechless.

Said: "You listen to me first."

"I led a 100,000 vanguard army to attack the enemy army. When the enemy army came over to chase and kill us, we immediately retreated and lured the enemy army to pursue."

"When we withdraw to this position, at least a day and a half later, the long-term pursuit and killing will greatly damage the energy of the army!"

"When the enemy army comes after us, we must be extremely tired. At this time, we will lead a 900,000-strong army to fight back against the enemy army, and we will definitely be able to defeat the Chensong tribe's army in one fell swoop and achieve a great victory!"

When the lieutenant heard it, he immediately understood what Ran Min meant, and hurriedly said, "The general is wise."

"You can lead the rest of the army now, take a good rest here, and in a few days, we will attract the enemy chasing troops and launch an attack!"


After Ran Min made arrangements, he immediately led the selected 100,000 vanguard troops to set off.

"Report, Your Majesty, the spies reported that they found the traces of the Iron Cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom!"

Not long after Ran Min's vanguard set off, the spies of the Chen Song tribe discovered them.

When Uncle Chen Song heard the report, he snorted coldly and said, "I underestimate the Kingdom of Nanyan, I didn't expect them to be so fast."

Looking at the soldiers reporting below,

He asked, "How many troops does the enemy have?"

"The spies were worried that they would be discovered by the enemy if they got too close, so it was not clear how many enemy troops there were."


Uncle Chen Song Xiang snorted again, and said, "The reason why my dignified warriors of Uncle Chen Song did not dare to approach to check the number of enemy troops was because they were afraid of being discovered!"

"It's just trash!"

"Your Majesty, the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom has just destroyed the Aohan Tribe, and its power is fierce. It is normal for the warriors in the tribe to be afraid. As long as we defeat the enemy in the next battle, the warriors in our tribe will It will still turn into a hungry wolf and completely bite the Nanyan Kingdom to death!" A courtier stood up and said.

"It's natural!"

Uncle Chen Song Xiang was very confident and said, "Go ahead and let the army prepare for battle immediately. This king will kill the enemy army completely after they appear in our field of vision!"



Two days later, Ran Min led 100,000 vanguard troops to a place not far from the Chensong tribe.

The Chensong tribe was worried that their army would be destroyed by all, so they condensed all the troops within the tribe, but Ran Min's march along the way was not hindered by any.

"General, the Chen Song tribe is ahead, and their army is already waiting for us." The lieutenant came to Ran Min to report.

Ran Min nodded.

The barbarian tribes have no city walls, and the troops of the Chensong tribe are all standing on the grasslands, waiting for their own troops.

"The order goes on, the whole army rests for half an hour."

"After half an hour, attack immediately."


Ran Min's order went down, and the army rested in place.

On the Chensong tribe's side, the new king, Chensong Xiangbo, rode a war horse in the middle of the army, surrounded by a large army, protecting him.

"What's going on? Why hasn't the enemy launched an attack yet?" Chen Song Xiangbo frowned.

"Your Majesty, the spies have just come to report that the enemy is resting on the spot. No accident, they will definitely attack us after they are repaired." The general next to him immediately reported.


When Uncle Chen Song heard this, he got angry and said, "You dare to rest in front of my tribal army, and you can be like everyone in our army?"

"Send the order, and let the former army launch an attack immediately. This king wants to let the enemy army know that they underestimate the power of our Chensong tribe army!"


The general next to Uncle Chen Song was hesitant, and said, "Your Majesty, the army of the Nanyan Kingdom is strong and should not be underestimated. Will we be caught in the enemy's tricks if we launch an attack rashly?"

"What kind of trick can be calculated against my tens of millions of troops?"

Chen Song Xiangbo said coldly: "In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a joke."

"Send the order, and order the front army to attack the enemy immediately!"

When the general saw that Chen Songxiang had made up his mind, he didn't dare to say more, and he quickly sent an order to let the former army launch an attack.

After the general sent the order, Chen Song Xiangbo's cronies said, "Your Majesty, isn't this a bit too rash?"

"What is there to be rash?"

Uncle Chen Song sneered and said, "The five million troops in the front are just the troops that escaped from other tribes these days. They are not the army of our Chen Song tribe. If they are killed, our tribe will have nothing to lose."

"And it can also test the strength of the enemy for us. If they can cause some trouble to the enemy, it will prove that the army of the Nanyan Kingdom is nothing more than that. We will take advantage of the situation to launch an attack, and we will be able to kill all the enemy."

"At that time, it will be my Chen Song tribe who will gain fame and fortune, so why not attack at this time?"

After the cronies understood Chen Song Xiangbo's intentions, they shouted wisely.

After receiving the order, the former army here did not dare to neglect, and immediately launched an attack.

"Report, General, the enemy has launched an attack."

On Ran Min's side, just after letting the army rest, he received the news from the scout.


Ran Min was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the Chen Song tribe would take the initiative to attack.

But this is good, lest he is launching a charge to seduce the enemy.

"The whole army listens to the order and prepares to fight!"

Ran Min shouted loudly.

The iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom, who was resting, immediately followed the order and prepared for battle.

Soon, the enemy army appeared in Ran Min's eyes.

Ran Min looked at it, and immediately frowned.

The enemy troops rushing in front of them, dressed in different clothes, are not the army of the Chensong tribe at all.

After thinking about it for a while, he understood who these people were, and he sneered. Originally, he planned to pretend that the army would fight, and then lead the army to retreat, let the enemy pursue and kill him, and hit his own strategy.

But these are not the army of the Chen Song tribe, so he does not plan to retreat.

After all, the army he wanted to lure was the army of the Chen Song tribe.

"The whole army listens to the order and shoots arrows!"

Ran Min shouted loudly.


Immediately, the sound of breaking the air appeared in the air, and countless sharp arrows flew into the sky, forming a rain of arrows, pouring down on the rushing enemy army.

Puff puff!

Soon, the sound of sharp knives piercing into the flesh sounded from the barbarian army.

Remember Aishang for 1 second: . m.

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