The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1485 The Battle of Destroying Chen Song (2)

Iron ore in the northern grasslands is scarce, and iron-making technology is even more backward.

Basically all the tribes, except for the guards of the king, other soldiers are basically leather armor, and even some are ordinary clothes.

This kind of equipment is useless in the face of the Nanyan Iron Cavalry's strong crossbow shooting.

The rain of arrows shot by Ran Min here, basically two or three arrow seedlings can take away a barbarian soldier.

After a wave of arrows, the barbarian iron cavalry that rushed over had already fallen a lot.

However, the barbarian iron cavalry was not at a disadvantage. Although their bows and crossbows were not as far as Nanyan's side, at the cost of a lot of soldiers' lives, they rushed into the range of their bows and crossbows.

Under the command of the general, countless arrows poured down on the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom.


When Ran Min saw it, he snorted coldly and waved his hook halberd violently, and the terrifying True Qi appeared in the air, which directly blocked the rain of arrows.

Even if sporadic arrows were shot, the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom was a real iron cavalry, all wearing iron armor, it was difficult to be shot.


After Ran Min blocked the enemy's first wave of arrows, he immediately led his troops to charge.


The 100,000 elite vanguard army followed in Ran Min's footsteps and rushed towards the enemy.

In the blink of an eye, the two armies were already close to each other.

Follow closely, the outcome is already divided!

Although there were many barbarian iron cavalry, they could not stand the collision of Nanyan iron cavalry at all. Just when they met, the barbarian army at the forefront had already become flesh and was trampled by Nanyan iron cavalry.

In particular, with Ran Min, a holy general, taking the lead, the barbarian army could not stop him at all. Ran Min was like a tiger descending the mountain, slaughtering among the young lambs.

At the beginning, the enemy army still wanted to resist, but after less than a quarter of an hour, those people no longer had any courage, facing the charge of Ran Min's troops, they ran back frantically.

For fear of running too slowly, he would become a muddy flesh under Nanyan Tieqi's feet.


Without any hesitation, Ran Minke led the army to chase and kill the enemy.

This scene made the new king of the Chensong tribe, Chensong Xiangbo, who was sitting in the Central Army, see it, and his face became very frightened.

He didn't expect that the five million former army would be defeated without holding on for two quarters of an hour.

Even without even finding out how many people there are in the enemy army, they have already retreated!

That's five million cavalry!

Although these five million cavalry are not warriors of the Chensong tribe, there are still five million people, and the speed of defeat is too fast now!

"Your Majesty, quickly order to shoot and kill the routed soldiers, otherwise when they attack our army, they may directly break up our formation, creating an excellent opportunity for the enemy to attack us!"

The general beside Chen Song Xiangbo hurriedly said.

Chen Song Xiangbo's expression changed. As the new king of the tribe, he naturally knew that if he was attacked by the defeated troops, his troops would be in big trouble.

He hurriedly ordered, saying: "Quickly order the army to shoot arrows to kill the defeated soldiers, quick!"

With the order of Uncle Chensong Xiang, the army of the Chensong tribe quickly shot arrows at the defeated soldiers.

You must know that the Chensong tribe's army has more than 50 million people. Even if it is only the army at the forefront, the sharp arrows shot are a terrifying number.

The dense array of sharp arrows formed a terrifying rain of arrows in the sky, but it was just a wave of salvos, and the defeated soldiers who rushed at the front had fallen to the ground and became corpses.

A wave of arrows rained, at least nearly a million soldiers were shot dead!

When the following soldiers saw it, they didn't dare to continue to escape.

But they stopped, and the 100,000 vanguard army led by Ran Min behind them continued to charge without the slightest pause.

Under the charge of Ran Min, a large number of defeated soldiers fell under the swords of the 100,000 vanguard troops.

This made the troopers even more at a loss.

Going forward, it was shot by arrows from the Chensong tribe, and then, it was massacred by the vanguard army led by Ran Min.

They have nowhere to run!

But soon, the front rower made a choice, beat the war horse desperately, and wanted to let the war horse carry him and run forward at the fastest speed.

Because the vanguard army that Ran Min brought behind rushed to kill them, it made them even more afraid.

Going forward, although there will be arrows shooting, maybe you can escape with luck.

In the future, that is Ran Min's iron cavalry who kills people without blinking an eye. No matter how lucky he is, he can't escape.

So, they made a choice, preferring to run the risk of being shot.


When Uncle Chen Song saw it, he roared, "A group of trash, they only know how to run away, but don't know how to resist. Such an army is not worthy of living in the world."

"The whole army listens to the order and shoots these waste troops for me as quickly as possible!"

Under the order of Uncle Chensong Xiang, the army of the Chensong tribe once again fired a large rain of arrows, causing those defeated soldiers to fall under the arrows.

Soon, only a part of luck was left with the defeated soldiers standing, and there were no more than 100,000 people in total.

The former army composed of five million soldiers who had escaped from other tribes, many died under Ran Min's vanguard iron cavalry sword, but no more than one million.

The rest were mostly shot by the Chen Song tribe themselves.

This made Ran Min, who was leading the charge, rather sigh.

The barbarian tribes are as rumored, they are ruthless towards humans, and even more ruthless towards the barbarians of their own race!

I only thought it was a legend before, but when I saw it today, I realized that such a rumor was justified.

However, the speed at which he led the charge did not stop at this point.

Now that those defeated soldiers are gone, he will continue to face himself, lure the army of the Chen Song tribe to come to chase and kill, and then find an opportunity to fight back!

"King... Your Majesty, the enemy... the enemy army is still charging!"

The voice of the generals beside Chen Song Xiangbo was trembling.


"What are you panicking about?"

Uncle Chen Song has stabilized now, and said coldly, "Send the army, all the soldiers shoot their arrow feathers at the fastest speed, I don't believe that the troops of the Nanyan Kingdom can't shoot to death!"


After Chen Song Xiangbo's order went down, those soldiers frantically shot the arrow feathers they carried, trying to kill Ran Min's army.

It's just a pity, it's useless!

Those arrow feathers caused very limited damage to the army behind Ran Min's block.

"This this……"

When the people of the Chensong tribe saw it, they were completely stunned.

So many arrow feathers were blocked by this General Nanyan, how could they fight?

Isn't this a joke?

Many people in the Chensong tribe were afraid, and the army was more or less turbulent.

"King... Your Majesty, what should I do?" Everyone around Uncle Chen Song Xiang looked at Uncle Chen Song in confusion.

Chen Song Xiangbo's face was gloomy and ugly, and he did not expect that Ran Min was so powerful that he could block the arrow feathers fired by so many people in his own army.

But soon he sneered and said, "Do you think the enemy can't stop it?"

"This king tells you that this is just the beginning of the war!"

"Come on, bring up the 'magic arrow' that would have been sent by the Wu clan!"

Remember Aishang for 1 second: . m.

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