"Finally forced you to come out of martial arts!"

Lu Feng was very excited when he saw the martial art form behind the emperor crocodile, and murmured in a low voice: "Just let your martial art form tell me how powerful my Jiuyoutian Lei Jue is!"

"Jiuyoutian Lei Jue, Ning!"



A harsh sound suddenly appeared in the surrounding space, followed by flashing purple-gold lightning, surrounding Lu Feng.

"That is……"

"Purple Gold Burning Thunder!"

When Hu Li'er and Xue Ying saw it outside the swamp, their expressions changed, and they said, "Didn't Zijin Fen Lei explode in the Thunder Pond? Why is it appearing around Lu Feng now?"

The two were a little confused for a while.

The two of them were puzzled, but Lu Feng during the battle had no doubts at all.

He looked down at his hands, there was purple gold lightning flashing in his palms, and he murmured in a low voice, "Is this the particularity of Jiuyoutian Leijue?"

"It's really amazing!"

After he used Jiuyou Tianlei Jue to summon the purple gold burning thunder that was absorbed in it, he obviously felt that there was a power of lightning in his body.

This power frantically blessed his infuriating energy, and in the blink of an eye, he could already feel that his infuriating energy had increased several times.

At the same time, a huge message also appeared in his mind, the message of Zijin Fenlei.

This information made Lu Feng understand how to control Zijin Fen Thunder, or in other words, how to use it to maximize the power of Zijin Fen Lei.


The emperor crocodile over there has completely condensed his martial arts.

The huge crocodile shadow was behind the emperor crocodile, and the power of blessing squeezed the four elephants trapped array, causing a lot of cracks in the four elephants trapped array.

The emperor crocodile was even more happy when he saw it.

If he was afraid of Lu Feng, it would be this initial Xuanwen.

Because there is too much information about the initial Xuanwen in the Emperor Crocodile's inheritance memory, and each of them is about how powerful the initial Xuanwen is.

This made Emperor Crocodile very jealous of the initial Xuanwen that Lu Feng performed.

Even if he knew that Lu Feng was only a martial artist at the peak of the Holy Venerable Three Heavens, not those martial arts emperors who could destroy the sky and destroy the earth in his memory.

But he was still very apprehensive.

But now the emperor crocodile clearly felt that under the blessing of his own martial arts, the profound formation created by this damn human boy in front of him could no longer stop him.

Even the initial Xuanwen can't stop him, so what should he worry about?

Thinking of this, the emperor crocodile was even more excited, swinging his body crazily.

The power of the Martial Dao Faxiang also became violent, and it collided with the Sixiang trapped formation, making the already cracked Sixiang trapped formation even more precarious.


In the end, with a loud noise, the four elephants trapped in the formation was completely smashed by the emperor crocodile.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The emperor crocodile laughed wildly, and said: "Human boy, your initial Xuanwen is useless to the deity, what else do you have?"

"Hurry up and capture it, this deity will make your death more enjoyable!"


When Lu Feng saw it, he was not in a hurry. He waved the Gan Jiang sword in his hand, and Zijin Fen Lei was wrapped around the Gan Jiang sword.

"True martial arts seal!"

Cast the True Martial Seal again.

The sword energy condensed, turned into a seal, and condensed on the tip of the sword, pointing directly at the emperor crocodile.


When the emperor crocodile saw it, he laughed disdainfully, and said: "Human boy, you have used this trick before, and it is useless to the deity. If you use it now, what is the use?"

However, Lu Feng ignored the words of the emperor crocodile, and controlled the real martial arts seal to directly hit the emperor crocodile.



The emperor crocodile snorted coldly, and slapped the Zhenwu magic seal with a slap, trying to disperse the Zhenwu magic seal.


The real martial arts seal hit the emperor's crocodile's hand.

In Di Crocodile's expectation, Lu Feng's attack will be broken by himself as soon as he touches him, which is one thing he is very sure of.

What surprised him was that after the real martial arts seal hit his hand, it was not directly broken.

"Is this something different from just now?"

The emperor crocodile finally reacted, but before he could think about it, a huge thunder force suddenly burst out from the real martial arts seal and hit him.

"what is this?"

The crocodile was stunned.

Where did this thunder force come from?

Why didn't I feel it just now?

But before he could figure it out, he felt his body go numb.

The power of this thunder can actually make his body, the demon saint of the seventh heaven, feel paralyzed.

At this moment, a sharp sword qi suddenly struck.

Emperor Crocodile saw that Lu Feng was attacking with a sword.

The emperor crocodile wanted to resist, but in a state of paralysis, he couldn't make any defensive actions at all, he could only watch the sword qi hit his body.



When the sword energy hit the emperor crocodile's body, accompanied by a loud noise, the emperor crocodile also vomited blood and flew out.

But Lu Feng frowned when he saw it, and murmured in a low voice, "This emperor crocodile's defense is so powerful without using passive magical powers!"

That sword energy just now, but Lu Feng's attack with the blessing of Zijin Fen Lei.

In the absence of defense, even if the warriors of the seventh level of the Holy Venerable will not be seriously injured, there will definitely be some injuries.

But in front of the emperor crocodile, don't watch it spit blood and fly out, in fact, for it, it is not an injury, and it can be completely ignored.

This was a surprise to Lu Feng, the defense of the emperor crocodile was too terrifying!

"Damn human boy, you completely pissed me off!"

The angry voice of the emperor crocodile came, followed by a sudden vertical motion of his body, rushing towards Lu Feng.

At the same time, the terrifying aura also completely locked on Lu Feng, making him unavoidable.

"Martial Arts!"

At the critical moment, Lu Feng was not afraid at all, he let out a deep shout, and the martial arts behind him condensed.

"hold head high!"

The high-pitched dragon roar sounded behind Lu Feng, and a flood dragon flew out into the air.

The terrifying dragon power instantly filled the world, causing the body of the emperor crocodile to tremble slightly.


It is the most terrifying power among the monsters. Even if it is as strong as the emperor crocodile, when facing the purest dragon power, the heart will involuntarily rise in awe.

Fortunately, it is the emperor crocodile. If you change to other monsters, you can only beg for pity and wag your tail under this dragon's might!

Damn, this human's martial arts is actually a dragon!

When the emperor crocodile saw it, he cursed in his heart.

Although it is not a real dragon, Jiaolong is the closest existence to a real dragon, and the dragon power on his body is also very strong, far from what he can compare to now.

"If you give me another hundred years, what should I be afraid of even if it is a real dragon?"

The emperor crocodile looked at the dragon dragon behind Lu Feng with gloomy eyes.

The bloodline of the emperor crocodile is not pure, it is not the bloodline of the emperor crocodile in ancient times, or even if he faces a real dragon, he will not be afraid.

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