The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1511 Supernatural power swallowing the sky

"However, what if you have the Flood Dragon? Today, you can only be your deity's meal!"

The emperor crocodile stared at Lu Feng with murderous eyes, his mouth opened suddenly, and the terrifying suction instantly filled the world.

"Swallow the sky!"

The emperor crocodile exerted his own active supernatural power, a very powerful supernatural power.

As soon as swallowing the sky opened, Lu Feng could clearly feel that the surrounding air was being sucked in frantically.

At the same time, the suction also began to wrap around him, pulling him into the mouth of the crocodile.

Lu Feng's face was solemn.

He remembered the last time he saw the information fed back by the emperor crocodile exploration technique, the emperor crocodile's active supernatural power swallowing the sky is extremely powerful, and it can swallow everything that is not stronger than the three small realms of the emperor crocodile.

Although this is only a theoretical power, it is certain that this magical power is very powerful.

In fact, he can also feel the power of swallowing the heavens.

Under this suction, he obviously felt that the flow of true energy in his body became very, very slow, as if he was deep in the mud, and it was difficult to struggle.

In this case, he could only let the suction suck him into the mouth of the crocodile.

It is no wonder that the information returned by the exploration technique said that it can swallow everything that is not stronger than the three small realms of the emperor crocodile.

Under this peculiar suction, even a warrior of the Holy Venerable Nine Heavens, it is difficult to condense the infuriating energy in the body, and can only be swallowed by the emperor crocodile.

I have to say that this bloodline comes from the ancient monsters, and it is really very powerful.


In the suction force, Lu Feng, who was constantly being sucked into the mouth of the emperor crocodile, was not worried at all. He whispered: "The body of the thunder!"



Lightning suddenly appeared in the space around him.

"what is this?"

The crocodile saw,


This magical power of swallowing the sky is not the first time to use it. Every time it is used, it can swallow the opponent, and within the range of this suction, there is no other energy at all.

But what's going on right now?

Why is there an electric light in the suction?

And his suction is actually useless against the electric light!

For some reason, Emperor Crocodile suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.


At the moment when the bad feeling in Emperor Crocodile's heart appeared, Lu Feng's martial arts appearance, which was originally just an ordinary Jiaolong, suddenly became an electric dragon.

In Di Crocodile's surprised eyes, the electric dragon drilled directly into Lu Feng's body.

In an instant, a pair of armor appeared on the surface of Lu Feng's body. The armor transformed from thunder and lightning completely wrapped Lu Feng's body in it.

More importantly, at the moment when the armor appeared, the emperor crocodile couldn't feel Lu Feng's existence in its own suction.

In other words, because of this armor, Lu Feng was actually out of the suction control generated by his divine power of swallowing the sky!

This made the crocodile even more shocked. He has been in the million-dollar mountain for tens of thousands of years. What kind of opponent has not seen?

There are countless enemies who died under his swallowing divine power, but he has never seen anyone immune to the suction generated by his swallowing divine power.

The crocodile has never met such an opponent!

"It seems that Jiuyoutian Leijue's information is true!"

At this time, Lu Feng's expression was filled with excitement.

The information that poured into his mind earlier contained various methods of using Zijin Fen Lei, one of which was to condense the armor.

Because Zijin Fen Lei carries the power of the fierce sun and the power of thunder and lightning, these two are the power of heaven and earth.

The blessing of the two allows the user to ignore the negative effects of the enemy's martial arts or magical powers.

Unless there is another power beyond the limit that Zijin Fen Lei can bear!

Obviously, although the Divine Crocodile Swallowing Heaven Divine Ability is powerful, it has not exceeded the tolerance limit of Zijin Fen Lei. Therefore, the suction force generated by him can no longer have any impact on Lu Feng.

The magical power of swallowing the sky can almost be said to be useless to Lu Feng.

This made Lu Feng very worried.

Not only because the emperor crocodile swallows the sky now, but also because the purple gold burning thunder can make him ignore all the negative effects lower than his power.

If coupled with the soul attack that was ignored by the soul martial art 'Emperor's Might', the current Lu Feng can almost ignore all negative effects.

If anyone wants to defeat him, they can only rely on the frontal strength to fight dignifiedly, not this kind of secret magic power.

As far as Lu Feng is concerned, he is not lacking in the ability to fight head-on.

Not to mention, he can ignore the negative effects caused by other people's attacks, but it does not mean that others can ignore his magical powers.

In frontal combat, Lu Feng's advantage is too great.

This, naturally, made Lu Feng very excited.

In particular, the Great Emperor Ruins is about to open. With this ability, he can ensure that his interests in the Great Emperor Ruins are maximized!

As for now...

Lu Feng stared at the emperor crocodile, his eyes glowing with killing light.

The emperor crocodile wanted to kill him, and he naturally wanted to kill the emperor crocodile.

Because he was never a man who believed in men and women, his motto was to seek vengeance.

Now that the only divine power he feared for the emperor crocodile, swallowing the sky, has proved useless to him, and then the real battle is next.

"Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword!"

Lu Feng gave a deep drink.

Lu Feng, who was wearing lightning armor, took a step forward and wrapped his sword with purple lightning in his hands.

The Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword is also one of Jiuyou Tianlei Jue's use of the Purple Gold Burning Thunder.


The long sword was slashed, and the purple lightning turned into sword energy, piercing the air towards the emperor crocodile.


Lightning shattered the sky, and the space shattered.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the crocodile.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Although Emperor Crocodile didn't understand how Lu Feng ignored his divine power of swallowing the heavens, the strength of his Holy Venerable Seventh Layer still gave him great confidence, and he was not afraid of Lu Feng's attack at all.


The emperor crocodile swallowed the heavens without stopping. Under his control, the suction force changed, and it frantically eroded the sword cut out by Lu Feng.

I want to destroy this sword of Lu Feng!

However, when he controlled the suction and hit Lu Feng's sword, Di Crocodile's expression changed drastically.

Because he was horrified to discover that the special suction force he had generated had just hit Lu Feng's sword, and it had already fallen behind.

And this disadvantage is still growing like crazy!


"Why did I feel the restraint of my supernatural powers from this sword?"

The crocodile looked very ugly.

He has never encountered such a thing in the millions of mountains for tens of thousands of years.

There are even martial arts to restrain his own divine power of swallowing the sky!

This is something that has never happened before, but today it appeared on a human warrior, which made the emperor crocodile uneasy.

"It didn't break?"

Lu Feng was a little surprised to see it.

Strictly speaking, Emperor Crocodile's swallowing divine power is a kind of devouring supernatural power, which belongs to the evil way supernatural power.

Therefore, Jiuyou Tianlei Jue will directly produce the first kind of speciality, causing the Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword to explode with ten times the power of the normal level.

But Lu Feng didn't expect that the ten times the power of the Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword did not destroy the divine power of the emperor crocodile in an instant!

"Emperor crocodile, emperor crocodile, it seems that I really underestimate you!"

Lu Feng looked at the emperor crocodile with a very solemn expression.

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