The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1512 Breaking the iron body of the emperor crocodile!

"Emperor crocodile, emperor crocodile, it seems that I really underestimate you!"

Lu Feng looked at the emperor crocodile with a very solemn expression.

The power of the emperor crocodile was beyond Lu Feng's expectations.

He originally thought that relying on the tenfold power of the Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword, not to mention killing the emperor crocodile, at least he would be able to inflict heavy damage.

But I never thought that the emperor crocodile actually blocked the purple gold burning thunder sword!

This surprised Lu Feng.

It also made him a little more vigilant. The realm of the saint is far from the realm of the emperor.

If it is in the realm of the emperor, even if he is still in the realm of the third emperor, relying on the power of the Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword, it is enough to kill the warriors of the seventh emperor.

But the realm of the Holy Venerable is completely unacceptable.

Not even the supernatural powers of the crocodile were broken.

"Saint Venerable Seventh Layer Innocent is worthy of Saint Venerable Seventh Layer Heaven, it is indeed very powerful!" Lu Feng sighed in his heart.

"Human boy, if the deity guessed correctly, the attack just now is the strongest attack you can perform." Di Crocodile looked at Lu Feng and sneered: "Even your strongest attack is useless to the deity, you still have What's the matter?"

In fact, when the Emperor Crocodile faced the Purple Gold Lightning Sword that Lu Feng cast, his heart was also very dignified.

Because he has seen the warriors of the Holy Reverence Triple Heaven, whether they are humans or monsters, and have killed them, but the power of the sword just now has never been seen by the warriors of the Holy Reverence Triple Heaven. .

Lu Feng's strike just now made him feel a little dreadful in his heart.

But fortunately, although that sword was powerful, it couldn't break his magical powers, which made the emperor crocodile feel at ease.

But the emperor crocodile was also a little more dignified in his heart.

The human boy in front of him is just too weird.

Obviously it is only the realm of the Holy Venerable Third Heaven, and the power of all kinds of martial arts displayed may not be able to be played even by the Martial Artist of the Holy Venerable Fifth Heaven.

If he is allowed to reach the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable,

It may be enough to kill himself with the previous means.

This made the crocodile a little scared.

He was afraid of Lu Feng's talent.

He cultivated for tens of thousands of years to reach the realm of the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable. This still relies on the blood in his body, or it may take tens of thousands of years to reach the current realm.

But he didn't expect that this human kid in front of him already had the strength to compete with him head-on when he was only twenty years old.

With time, isn't this human boy unparalleled in the world?

If there is no injustice and no enmity with this human boy, the emperor crocodile can at most sigh and sigh, but at the moment, the two sides are not in a situation of no injustice and no enmity.

Whether it was the last time he wanted to kill this human kid and his two monster beast companions, or this time the human kid came over to fight.

All represent one thing, that is, the two sides have been completely immortal!

Today, this human boy must die!

The blood-red eyes of the emperor crocodile were full of strong killing intent, staring at Lu Feng.


The emperor crocodile swooped over, armed with supernatural powers, and wanted to swallow Lu Feng directly.

"True martial arts seal!"

Lu Feng let out a low voice, and the sword move again, slashing at the emperor crocodile.

When the emperor crocodile saw it, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and it was just this attack that he ignored.

But with previous experience, what the emperor crocodile is afraid of is the lightning power hidden in the seal.

Previously, he was concentrated by the lightning power hidden in the True Martial Seal, causing his whole body to be paralyzed. He was finally hit by Lu Feng. If it wasn't for his very strong defense, the attack just now would have been enough to injure him.

With fear in his heart, the emperor crocodile decisively did not choose to resist hard, and his body flashed, avoiding the attack of the real martial arts that Lu Feng cast.

But it also delayed his own attack time.

"Xuanwen of Kendo!"

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, Lu Feng turned his right hand, and a sword-shaped mysterious text appeared in his hand.


As soon as the sword-shaped Xuanwen appeared, the surrounding space trembled.

The terrifying aura of the sword-shaped Xuanwen has enough room for shock.

The emperor crocodile wanted to attack, but suddenly stopped, staring at the sword-shaped Xuanwen that appeared in Lu Feng's right hand.

"Damn it, it's Xuanwen again!"

The crocodile complexion became very gloomy.

Out of fear of Xuanwen, he did not dare to attack rashly.

Moreover, he could also feel the terrifying aura contained in this sword-shaped Xuanwen, which was absolutely no less than the attack of Lu Feng's purple-gold burning thunder sword.

In addition, I don't know if it was an illusion, but he actually felt that there was an aura in this Xuanwen that made him very uncomfortable and made him very jealous.

But when he wanted to find out what was going on, the breath disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.


With a sharp wave of Lu Feng's hand, Kendo Xuanwen flew out of his hand and shot at the emperor crocodile.

In the blink of an eye, Kendo Xuanwen was already in front of Di Crocodile and took his head.


The emperor crocodile is not a vegetarian either. With a deep drink, the magical power condensed into a defensive shield in front of him, trying to block the attack of Kendo Xuanwen.


Kendo Xuanwen hit the defensive shield of the emperor crocodile, making a sound of gold and iron intersecting.


Seeing the crocodile, the sigh of relief in his heart was relieved.

But just as he let out his breath, a sudden 'click' sounded into his ears.

"What's broken?"

The emperor crocodile was stunned for a moment when he heard it, but he quickly reacted, his eyes focused sharply, staring at the defensive shield he made in front of him.

Cracks have appeared on the shield.


Under his gaze, the defensive shield suddenly burst, but Kendo Xuanwen lost its power and shot at the head of the emperor crocodile.


The emperor crocodile was shocked, he couldn't believe that the defensive shield condensed by his magical power was broken like this.

In a hurry, he didn't build a defense immediately, and saw the sword-shaped Xuanwen shoot at his head.

However, after all, he was a warrior of the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable, and his body's instinctive reaction still allowed him to make a simple defense and block in front of his head.

What Emperor Crocodile thought was to rely on this simple defense to buy time for himself, and then use his attack to break Lu Feng's attack.

But soon, something shocking happened to him.

Kendo Xuanwen actually passed through his defense directly and entered his head.

"Soul attack!"

The Emperor Crocodile's face changed dramatically, and now he finally knew what the uncomfortable feeling he had just now was.

There is even a soul attack hidden in this damn human kid's attack!

Damn human kid!

Emperor Crocodile's eyes were gloomy. His soul level has always been his weak point. If Lu Feng used ordinary martial arts, he would not be afraid at all.

But the attack of the soul happens to be his flaw.

This makes him very passive.

But had to deal with this damn soul attack.

But the means he possessed, apart from the iron body, had nothing to defend against the attack of the soul.

Once he casts his iron body, his movement speed will become very slow. Although he can defend against Lu Feng's attack, he cannot counter Lu Feng.

This is the drawback of the supernatural power iron body!

It is very, very difficult to get the crocodile to accept such a thing.

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