The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1513 Kill the Emperor Crocodile!

But in the current situation, even if the crocodile doesn't want to accept it, he has to accept it!

"Iron body!"

In a crisis situation, the emperor crocodile directly activated his magical powers.


A transparent barrier appeared in front of the crocodile, followed by a sword-shaped Xuanwen that was squeezed out.


When Lu Feng saw it, he was stunned for a moment, the passive magical iron body of the emperor crocodile was able to squeeze out the sword-shaped mysterious text that had been punched into his head!


It was the first time that Lu Feng had encountered such a situation.

"Little thing, if your attack is just a soul attack, the deity can't do anything about it. Unfortunately, you chose to hide in this so-called sword-shaped Xuanwen!"

The emperor crocodile laughed coldly, and said, "How can this deity's supernatural powers be avoided by such a small trick?"

"I see!"

Lu Feng was stunned.

It turned out that the divine power of the emperor crocodile could expel the true energy in his body, but it could not expel the damage caused by the soul martial arts.

No wonder the emperor crocodile has not found anomalies so far.

Looking at the emperor crocodile, Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "You are indeed very strong in defense now. I can't break your defense, but how can you kill me now?"

The crocodile didn't answer, just looked ugly.

Indeed, his current situation is that he can only passively be beaten, but cannot fight back.

That's the downside of his magic.

And now even if Lu Feng can't break his own defensive supernatural power, he can turn around and run, and he is slow to use his iron body supernatural power, so he can't catch up with him at all.

However, the crocodile did not have a good choice.

When the realm of the soul cannot catch up with the realm of martial arts,

That was the only way he faced a soul attack.

You can only choose to consume it until the enemy is impatient.

Originally, the passive magical power iron body, coupled with the active magical power swallowing the sky, the two complement each other, one kind of attack, one kind of defense.

Generally speaking, even if it encounters an opponent with powerful soul power, the emperor crocodile can use the swallowing magical power to swallow the enemy before the attack is launched.

But unfortunately, he met Lu Feng.

Lu Feng's strange ability made him ignore the swallowing of his own divine power, which led to all the troubles now.

Otherwise, if his supernatural powers are useful, Lu Feng has already become his meal, how can he continue to be arrogant!

"Unfortunately, it's a pity that it is now. If I give the deity another hundred years to let the deity swallow that treasure and improve my soul realm, how can I face this situation?"


The emperor crocodile sighed in his heart, but there was no good way.

Soul realm can't keep up, this is his flaw!

As for the current Lu Feng, Emperor Crocodile didn't want to let it go!

He looked at Lu Feng and said disdainfully, "Boy, if you want to escape, just be a coward and get out of here, because apart from this good opportunity, you will never have another chance to escape."

"Now is your only chance to be a coward, get the hell out of here!"

Emperor Crocodile wants to use aggressive tactics, and he believes that any martial artist will reveal flaws.

Not to mention that Lu Feng is only a young man in his twenties. He will definitely be furious when he is provoked by himself, which will lead to his own flaws, and then his chance will come.

The emperor crocodile has been fully prepared, as long as Lu Feng reveals his flaws, he will definitely kill him at the fastest speed, and there will never be any holding back.

"Clumsy tricks."

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Emperor Crocodile, you wanted to let me stay, and then you accidentally revealed your flaws, so that you could seize the opportunity to kill me, so you used the aggressive method, but it was still such a clumsy one."



Di Crocodile was not embarrassed after being pierced, just snorted.

"Lu Feng, let's take this opportunity to go!" Hu Li'er came to Lu Feng and said immediately.

Now that the crocodile has exerted magical powers and moved slowly, this is the best chance for them to leave here.

In Hu Li'er's view, such a good opportunity should be seized.

The blood eagle also came to Lu Feng's side and nodded quickly.

If the blood eagle wanted to compete with the emperor crocodile after awakening his bloodline before, but after seeing the battle between Lu Feng and the emperor crocodile, her thoughts were completely gone.

The strength of the emperor crocodile is too strong, if it is not for Lu Feng's own methods, he will be more fortunate than the emperor crocodile.

Now the emperor crocodile is slow, this is a good opportunity to leave here.

"Go? Why do you want to go?"

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Just an emperor crocodile, why did I leave?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The emperor crocodile heard laughing, the laughter was full of mockery, and said: "Little thing, if it's not that the deity can't keep up with the soul realm now, do you think you are qualified to talk to the deity?"

"Now that you think that you have a little advantage, you are qualified to ignore this deity? It's ridiculous!"

Hu Li'er was also stunned when she heard it.

Does Lu Feng really think that he can defeat the emperor crocodile!

That's a crocodile!

Even the Demon Lord of the Seventh Heavenly Venerable Heaven, even the Demon Lord of the Northern Tiger, who is his allegiance, is extremely jealous when he talks about the emperor crocodile. Where did Lu Feng come from with such great courage?

Hu Li'er really didn't know what to say to Lu Feng.

This man's self-confidence is too great.

Even, it is more appropriate to call it conceit!

"What? Did I say it wrong?" Lu Feng looked at the emperor crocodile with a smile, and said, "Who is the trash hiding in the turtle shell that I beat up now?"



The emperor crocodile looked ugly, snorted coldly, and said no more.

Because he didn't even know what to say.

No way, his soul power is weak, and he himself is not the opponent of a warrior with strong soul power like Lu Feng.

Facing such a warrior, all he can do is hide under the defense formed by the iron body.

Now Lu Feng calls him hiding in a turtle shell. Although it doesn't sound good, it's also pretty.

"But if you really think you can save your life by hiding in this turtle shell, then you're thinking too much."

Lu Feng looked at the emperor crocodile and smiled.


The emperor crocodile laughed again, and it was full of ridicule.

Said: "Little thing, don't say that the deity did not give you a chance, now you are attacking the deity crazily, the deity will never fight back!"

"Even if you fight for a hundred years, you can break the defense of the deity, and the deity will be your servant from now on!"


The crocodile finally laughed wildly.

He knew very well about his iron body supernatural power. After opening it, unless he was a martial arts emperor, he would never even think about breaking it!

The human boy in front of me is a holy venerable third-level peak martial artist, if it is not for having a few soul martial skills, can he live to this day?

Now that he is still trying to break through his own defense, it is simply a fool's dream.

"Never fight back?" Lu Feng listened, smiled, and said, "It looks like you can fight back now."

"Humph!" The crocodile just snorted coldly and didn't answer.

"But you think that I can't break your defense, which is a bit interesting. Today I will show you how vulnerable your tortoise shell is in front of this deity!"

A cold light suddenly appeared in Lu Feng's eyes.

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