The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1517 Holy Soul 9-day Spirit Fruit

Chapter 1517: Holy Spirit Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit

"I've never heard of it." Lu Feng shook his head.

He is not from this world, and he has not been in this world for a long time. Many powerhouses have never heard of the ancient secrets.


Hu Li'er was speechless when she heard it. She didn't know that it was the force that taught a monstrous genius like Lu Feng.

It is true that the force that Lu Feng taught must be very, very powerful, but it is too irresponsible.

Even Jiuyou Tiansheng didn't even know about it.

This was a well-known powerhouse in the Kyushu Continent back then.

Shaking her head, Hu Li'er explained: "Jiuyou Tiansheng is the descendant of the ancient divine beast Jiuyoutian beast. His bloodline is very powerful. When he appeared in the eyes of everyone, he was already a powerful demon at the level of a demon."

"Then it took hundreds of years to become a peerless powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Holy Venerable Nine Heavens, and it was at this time that his tragic fate began."

Lu Feng was a little surprised when he heard it. It took only a few hundred years for the monster to raise his realm to the peak of the Holy Reverence Nine Heavens. This is a bit powerful.

You know, compared to humans, the realm of monsters is more difficult to improve.

In a few hundred years, even some monsters with powerful bloodline could not improve so many realms, at most three small realms.

This Jiuyou Tiansheng actually broke through directly to the peak of the Holy Venerable Jiuzhongtian. Such blood and talent are indeed surprising.

However, he wanted to know the tragic fate behind Jiuyou Tiansheng even more.

Lu Feng looked at Hu Li'er, waiting for her next words.

Hu Li'er looked at the skeleton on the high platform, and sighed softly: "It took only a few hundred years from the birth of Saint Jiuyou Tian to the peak of the Nine Heavens. Demon Emperor."

"Then for hundreds of years, Heavenly Sage Jiuyou challenged all the powerhouses in the Kyushu continent and never failed. It was at that time that he was called the first saint of Kyushu, and he had infinite scenery."

"But no one thought that just when everyone thought that he would definitely become a new generation of martial arts emperor, he would not be able to make any progress in the next few thousand years."

"There are even rumors that several of the holy venerable nine-level peak warriors who have been defeated by him have secretly broken through to the realm of martial arts emperors, and he still has no progress."

"After that, Heavenly Sage Jiuyou began to travel across the continent, trying to find the opportunity to break through the Martial Dao Emperor, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't find it, and it was during this process that Sage Jiuyou Tian and my seniors from the Nine-Tailed Fox clan had a relationship. The intersection."

"In the next thousand years, I don't know what happened. Jiuyou Tiansheng gave up and continued to break through. He built the Jiuyou Emperor Palace in a million mountains, and never left the mountain until he fell."

"After its fall, the Jiuyou Imperial Palace mysteriously disappeared and has never been seen again."

"Whether it's the monster powerhouses in the million-dollar mountains, or the human powerhouses in the Kyushu continent, they spent countless hours trying to find the Jiuyou Emperor Palace, but they didn't get anything at all. But I don't want to..."

Hu Li'er had a complicated look and said, "The Jiuyou Imperial Palace is actually hidden in the swamp where the monster eating crocodile is located. No wonder those people can't find any trace of the Jiuyou Imperial Palace at all."

"The emperor crocodile discovered the Jiuyou Emperor Palace. It is no wonder that he was reluctant to leave the swamp in his life. He only needs to digest the treasure left by the Jiuyou Tiansheng in the Jiuyou Emperor Palace, which is enough to improve his strength."


After pondering for a while, Hu Li'er looked a little puzzled, and said: "We have checked all the previous Jiuyou Imperial Palace, but there are those weapons and elixir, but there is no treasure that Jiuyou Imperial Palace should have."

"Could it be that there are no treasures in the Jiuyou Emperor's Palace?"

"Not necessarily."

Lu Feng smiled slightly, pointed at the skeleton, and said, "There is something hidden in here."

"Jiuyou Tiansheng's skeleton?" Hu Li'er looked puzzled.

"You said Nine Nether Heavenly Saint is a monster, but why is it a human skeleton?" Lu Feng said.


Hu Li'er was stunned,

After reacting, he said, "You mean, this is not the place where Saint Jiuyoutian fell?"

"Of course not!"

Lu Feng's mind moved, and the power of his soul surged out, hitting the skeleton.


The skeleton hummed, followed by a tremor.

After a while, the skeleton changed, and a gray door appeared on the high platform.

"The real stuff should be behind this door."

Lu Feng pushed open the door and walked in.

While walking in, he also made an absolute defense to prevent possible attacks inside.

But there was no attack behind the door.

"This is the real Jiuyou Emperor Palace!"

Looking at the luxurious and luxurious palace behind the door, Hu Li'er sighed from the bottom of her heart.

The palace in front of you can be said to be made of spirit stones.

Because even the walls of the palace are high-grade spiritual stones that exude a strong spiritual energy.

The buildings inside are very, very rare top-quality spirit stones.

The spiritual stone consumed by the entire palace may far exceed the spiritual stone that a dynasty can obtain in one year.

Not to mention that the throne in the middle is actually inlaid with a demon pill. The energy contained in the demon pill far exceeds the energy contained in the demon saint level demon pill!

If Hu Li'er guessed correctly, it is definitely a demon pill at the level of a martial arts emperor!

Saying that this is the Jiuyou Emperor Palace, Hu Li'er definitely believes it.


Xue Ying looked at it and wondered: "Although there are many spirit stones in this palace, there are no traces of treasures. Is it possible that there are no treasures in Jiuyou Emperor Palace?"

"It would be strange if there were treasures here." Lu Feng said softly, staring at the throne in the center of the palace.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean by that?"

Hu Li'er looked at Lu Feng with some doubts.

"You'll know just by looking at it."

After the sound fell, Lu Feng suddenly shot and slapped the throne in the palace.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?" Hu Li'er hurriedly asked when she saw it.

At the same time, he looked at the throne worriedly.

If it is really a demon pill at the level of a martial arts emperor, this throne is definitely an invaluable existence. If it is destroyed by Lu Feng, it will definitely be a great loss.


Under Hu Li'er's gaze, the throne was shattered by Lu Feng's attack.


Hu Li'er sighed when she saw it.

But the next moment, she suddenly narrowed her eyes.

Because the broken throne fragments were not scattered all over the place, but changed. In the end, a small black tree more than one meter high turned out to be formed.

At the top of the tree tip, there is a dark black fruit, which contains very, very strong soul fluctuations.

"what is that?"

Hu Li'er looked at this fruit with a puzzled expression?

"Sacred Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit!"

Lu Feng stared at this dark black fruit with very, very excited eyes.

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