The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1518 A peerless genius, but heaven is jealous of talents!

"Sacred Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit?"

Hu Li'er and Xue Ying were puzzled when they heard it, they looked at Lu Feng in confusion, and said, "What is this?"

Lu Feng took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said, "This is the magical fruit that was rumored to be known as the Emperor Fruit in ancient times!"

"Eternal time?"


Hu Li'er and Xue Ying became even more strange when they heard this, and said, "What's the use of this?"

"The greatest use of the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul is to give the soul a second life!"

"Second life?" Hu Li'er and Xue Ying were still puzzled, they had never heard of such a word.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "If a warrior allows his soul to absorb the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul, he will be able to reunite his soul within a few days after the soul is broken."

"Compared with the previous soul, the reunited soul will not have any damage, but will make up for all the defects of the previous soul, ensuring that the reunited soul will become very, very perfect."

"You are all warriors in the realm of saints. You know very well how important the soul is after warriors reach the realm of saints."

"But whether it's a human warrior, a monster, or a master of any other race, no one dares to say that their soul is perfect."

Both Hu Li'er and Xue Ying nodded. They are both saint-level warriors now, and they all have the blood of ancient beasts in their bodies. There are many places in the inheritance memory that mention the importance of the soul.

It is also clearer that no warrior's soul dares to say that it is 100% perfect. All warriors can only say that they can make their souls more pure.

The purer the soul, the more important it is for the warriors after the holy realm, because it is related to whether they can log in to a higher realm.

As for the perfect soul, there are very few rumors.

But the owner, all of them are peerless powers!

"It is rumored that if a warrior has a perfect soul, then there is a 90% chance of entering the realm of a martial arts emperor!"

Lu Feng stared at the Holy Spirit Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit with excitement in his eyes.

That's why he was so excited.

No one dared to say that he had a 90% chance of entering the realm of Martial Dao Emperor.

Of course, except for Lu Feng, because he has a system, as long as he has enough experience points, he can enter the realm of martial arts emperor.

In addition, his soul power is very pure, the Holy Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit is of little use to him.

However, it was very, very useful to the rest of the people around him.

Especially Hua Mulan, Xue Nu, the eldest grandson Wu Gou, and Qu Xi.

Among them, Mulan has little demand for the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Spirit because it has the effect of Bodhi Spirit Fruit.

Changsun Wugou was originally at a very high level, and he only needed to improve his own strength to follow suit. The requirements for the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul were also not great.

But Xue Nu and Qu Xi are different.

The two of them were weaker than Hua Mulan and Changsun Wugou in terms of strength and talent.

For a treasure like the Holy Soul Jiutian Lingguo, it is very, very needed.

And, not just one, but two are needed.

Lu Feng never considered himself a good person, nor a cold-blooded person, but that was all for the enemy.

To his own woman, he never has the word cold-blooded.

He didn't want his woman to be unable to accompany him when he reached the top of Kyushu in the future.

If so, what is the use of this world?

Therefore, he will do whatever it takes to get the good things he needs, pave the way for his women, and let them accompany him forever and ever.

Now there is a Holy Spirit Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit in front of me, Lu Feng can't possibly miss it!

Looking at the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Spirit in front of him, Lu Feng took a deep breath and walked over step by step.


Just as he was about to approach, a barrier appeared in front of the tree bearing the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul, and the barrier was covered with words.

"what is this?"

Hu Li'er and Xue Ying both looked puzzled when they saw it.

Lu Feng looked at the text on it. It was an ancient text, but it wasn't difficult. He had seen it in Zhou Qilin's palace before, and he was proficient.

After reading it carefully, Lu Feng sighed softly and said, "This Nine Nether Heavenly Sage is indeed a peerless genius, but it's a pity that heaven is jealous of the talented!"

The text records how Jiuyou Tiansheng obtained the holy soul Jiutian Lingguo.

The Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Spirit is an ancient emperor fruit. It is an absolute treasure that countless saints will snatch even if they break their scalps. Even some emperors will fight for it in order to make their souls more perfect.

It can be said that the birth of the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul is an existence that can absolutely make the top warriors in the entire Kyushu go crazy!

However, it is precisely because of this that several Holy Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruits have been born since the early days of the ancient times, and there are no traces of them since.

So much so that in the end, the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul completely became a legend.

In the follow-up, whether it is in the ancient times or the ancient times, there are countless warriors looking for it, but no news has ever come out.

On the contrary, this Nine Nether Heavenly Saint, after discovering that he could not break through to the realm of Martial Dao Emperor because of his soul power, went crazy looking for the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Spirit.

In the end, he really found it.

It's just that the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul that he found was not a mature Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul at all, but was just born. It would take at least half a million years to wait until it matured.

A full half a million years!

Even if it is as strong as Jiuyou Tiansheng, a holy god at the peak of the Nine Heavens, his lifespan will not be 500,000 years.

Therefore, Heavenly Saint Jiuyou tried every means to give birth to the Nine Heavens Spiritual Fruit of the Holy Soul, and used all the things he had acquired in his life to give birth to the Nine Heavens Spiritual Fruit of the Holy Soul using a special secret method.

In an attempt to make the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul mature as soon as possible, so that his soul can be swallowed, and finally his soul will become the most perfect soul, successfully breaking through to the realm of Martial Dao Emperor.

But he didn't want to, he used countless methods, and the spawning speed was still very, very slow.

In the end, Jiuyou Tiansheng didn't know where to get a secret method. It recorded the method of devouring the holy soul Jiutian Lingguo. It turned out to be using the warrior's own soul to give birth to it, and waited until the last trace of his soul power entered the holy soul Jiutian. When in the spirit fruit, immediately activate the secret method.

In this way, the secret method can make the soul power of the warrior devour the effect of the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul, and finally return to the warrior's body.

In this way, you can completely absorb the effect of the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul and make your soul perfect.

But there is a drawback to this. Once there is a mistake at the last moment, it is not the martial artist's soul power that devours the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul, but the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul completely devours the soul power of the martial artist.

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