The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1519 Don't ask for it all the time

At that time, the soul power of the warrior will cease to exist!

It is equivalent to that, this martial artist completely dissipated in the heaven and earth, and was killed by the Holy Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit!

Jiuyou Tiansheng is such an ending!

At that time, in order to break through to the realm of Martial Dao Emperor, he was completely crazy, and he did it without considering the consequences at all.

In the end, he failed!

He didn't seize the last chance, and the whole person's soul was completely swallowed by the Holy Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit, which became the nourishment for this fruit to mature.

At the end of his life after the soul was completely swallowed, Jiuyou Tiansheng finally woke up, but by that time, it was too late, and he had no soul.

It can only use the last martial arts to leave such a barrier and make a throne to cover up the existence of the Holy Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit.

And then, even his dead body was sent under that tree by his own secret method of spawning the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul, and it became the nourishment of the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul, shortening the time for the ripening of the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul. .

Looking at this information, Lu Feng sighed in his heart. With the talent and strength of Jiuyou Tiansheng, even if he can't break through to the Martial Dao Emperor in a short time, he is the only one who sinks his heart and finds a way to improve the purity of his soul.

In the end, there is still a great possibility to break through to the realm of Martial Dao Emperor.

It's just a pity that Jiuyou Tiansheng was already crazy in order to break through the realm of Martial Dao Emperor at that time, and he couldn't calm down at all, so he couldn't break through to Martial Dao Emperor for a long time.

In the end, he actually took such a step, and let himself burn thousands of years of cultivation.


such a pity!

Shaking his head, Lu Feng waved his hand, and the barrier in front of him disappeared.

These barriers were placed by Saint Jiuyoutian when he was dying. Even though he was the peak of the Holy Spirit Nine Heavens, how powerful could the barriers he set up while he was dying?

Not to mention that after tens of thousands of years, the power of this barrier has long since disappeared.

Not only Lu Feng can pass, but also the emperor crocodile.

If Lu Feng guessed correctly, the emperor crocodile should have also discovered this place, so he never left this swamp all his life, obviously waiting for the Holy Spirit Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit to mature.

It's just a pity that he has not waited for the maturity of the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul before he met him.

"But this also means that the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul is not yet ripe!"

Staring at the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul, Lu Feng's eyes moved slightly. If the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul still needs several hundred years to mature, then he can't wait here for that long.

When his mind moved, Lu Feng threw an exploration technique on it.

Soon, the information will come back.

Holy Spirit Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit: After the warrior's soul is broken, the warrior's soul can be reshaped within a few days. The reshaped soul will be more perfect than the one before the warrior, and the warrior has a 90% chance of entering the martial arts emperor. boundary.

Realm: Diguo.

Restrictions: None.

Note: This Holy Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit is currently in the immature stage, and it will take a hundred years to mature.

"One hundred years?"

Lu Feng was speechless. In a hundred years, he didn't have to wait that long here.

"and many more……"

Suddenly Lu Feng's mind flashed, who said it would take a hundred years.

Before Jiuyoutian Sheng can give birth to the holy soul Jiutian Lingguo, why can't he do it himself?

And, if he guessed correctly, this palace should be built by Jiuyou Tiansheng in order to give birth to the holy soul Jiutian Lingguo.

Thinking of this, he immediately closed his eyes, his mind moved, and his soul power radiated out and entered the palace.

Not long after, he opened his eyes and whispered, "Sure enough!"

As he thought, this palace is a formation.

Unsurprisingly, it was the formation of the Holy Spirit Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit created by the Nine Nether Heaven Saint.

You only need to activate this formation, and add all kinds of heaven and earth elixir into it, and you can let this formation transform the heaven and earth elixir into nourishment and pour it into the Holy Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit, so that this Emperor Fruit has already matured.

think of this,

He immediately took Hu Li'er and Xue Ying outside the palace.

In their puzzled eyes, start a big formation.

It is not difficult to activate the formation, and it is enough to use a trace of soul power as an introduction.


The formation was quickly activated, and the entire palace was immediately enveloped by the formation fluctuations.

"This is……"

Hu Li'er and Xue Ying looked at it and were stunned.

Lu Feng did not explain, and quickly threw some elixir from the storage space that he had just obtained outside.

Among them, the lowest years are also millennium years.

After the elixir entered the formation, it was quickly decomposed by the formation, and turned into the purest nutrients and poured into the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul.

Each thousand-year-old elixir can only last for less than three seconds in the formation.

Fortunately, Lu Feng had enough elixir in his hands, otherwise he wouldn't be able to hold on.

Soon he threw out the elixir into the formation.

The formation method once again decomposed the elixir into nutrients and poured it into the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul.

This lasted for a total of three days.

On the fourth day, the formation stopped with a 'hum' sound.

At the same time, the Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit of the Holy Soul also revealed a wave of pure soul fluctuations, as well as a strong medicinal fragrance.

"Finally mature!"

When Lu Feng saw it, his face was full of excitement.

There is not much fluctuation in the maturity of the Holy Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit, just like the ripening of an ordinary Spirit Fruit.

But this is fine. If the fluctuations are too large, it will be a problem for Lu Feng to attract the powerful monsters in the millions of mountains.

The figure flickered, and Lu Feng quickly rushed to the Holy Spirit Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit.

Looking at this ripe Diguo, he had a smile on his face, but also a little sigh.

Jiuyou Tiansheng paid too much for this fruit, and even gave his own life in the end, but in the end, he was cheap.

This may be called life sometimes has to have it, and life can't be forced at all times!

Shaking his head, Lu Feng took out a high-quality jade bottle and put the Holy Soul Nine Heavens Spirit Fruit in it.

Hu Li'er and Xue Ying who followed him watched this scene with envy in their eyes.

The blood eagle is not bad. She is the descendant of the Sky Thunder Eagle, and she has the purest Sky Thunder Eagle bloodline in her body. As long as she is given enough time, she has a great chance to grow to the height of the Sky Thunder Eagle.

You must know that the Sky Thunder Eagle is an ancient mythical beast at the level of a Martial Dao Emperor!

Hu Li'er is different. Although she has the blood of the nine-tailed celestial fox in her body, it is not pure. It is almost impossible for her to become a martial arts emperor in this life.

Therefore, her eyes are very, very envious, and there is even a trace of greed in the depths.

Lu Feng felt Hu Li'er's expression, turned his head to look at her, smiled slightly, and said, "I think, you won't leak what happened today!"

Hu Li'er felt Lu Feng's eyes, and she hurriedly said, "I will never tell what happened today."

But Lu Feng still looked at her, obviously not satisfied with her reply.

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