The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1523 Ran Min and Huo Qubing

After all, the battlefield is no child's play.

Once the venture fails, it will affect the entire war situation, not just a local war.

Meng Tian would not agree to such an adventure.

"Dadutong, the last will know that you are not willing to take risks, but in the current situation, we have to take risks!"

Huo Qubing said solemnly: "The enemy has already attacked, and we have absolutely no way out, because once we retreat, the territory of the northern grasslands that we took for more than a month will be returned to the Wu clan."

"This is unacceptable to us, and even more unacceptable to the Nanyan Kingdom!"

"Therefore, we must win this battle, so we must take this risk!"


After a short pause, Huo Qubing said, "The final commander doesn't need 2.6 million iron cavalry, and the final commander only needs one million iron cavalry."

"one million?"

When Meng Tian heard this, he said directly, "Absolutely impossible!"

"Fighting at least 15 million cavalry against the enemy with 1 million is not called adventure, this is called death!"

"Dadutong, if you really use one million iron cavalry to fight against the enemy's at least 15 million iron cavalry elites, it will definitely be courting death, but I still have arrangements."

Huo Qubing looked at Meng Tian and said, "The last general means that I will lead a million troops, condense the army, and make direct contact with the enemy. army."

"But at the end of the day, I am confident that even if the entire enemy army is besieging me, I can last for more than five days during the siege."

"In these five days, at the end of the day, most people will need to arrange people to do two things."

"Those two things?" Meng Tian asked.

"First, at the end of the day, most of the troops will need to find the enemy's food and grass transportation routes, and completely smash the enemy's food and grass, so that the enemy's 200 million soldiers have no rations, and they won't be able to last long."

"The second is that on the fourth day, the commander will need Dadu to lead the remaining iron cavalry in the barracks to attack the enemy."

"Because if the enemy army can't destroy the army led by the last general for five days, the leading generals will definitely be very anxious. At this time, most of them will lead the rest of the cavalry to attack, which will make the enemy generals anxious."

"As long as the enemy's main generals start to worry, their decision-making will no longer be able to be unified. At this time, the last general can lead the troops to break out of the siege!"

"At that time, the enemy has no food and grass, and the first battle is defeated again. Whether it is morale or military morale, it will be greatly affected. For us, whether it is offensive or defensive, it is very, very beneficial."

Although the Wu clan gathered more than 200 million barbarian iron cavalry this time, because there were too many soldiers, they could not find a master to lead them in the future.

More than 200 million iron cavalry, even the top generals may not be able to command skillfully at one time.

At least, in the history of the Kyushu Continent, there has never been a supreme general who could command an army of more than 200 million at one time, not even 100 million.

Maybe the legendary emperor can do it.

But how can there be emperor generals in the mere witch clan?

Therefore, the Wu clan created as many as twenty generals among the two hundred million iron cavalry of the barbarians, each leading ten million iron cavalry.

Below these twenty generals, there are many deputy generals, who are in charge of the army.

This is the way to make these two hundred million army reluctantly operate.

But the twenty main generals have different ideas, how can they maximize the combat power of the army?

The Wu clan also thought of this, so let the Wu clan chief Gong Yangcheng take care of these twenty generals.

But Gong Yangcheng is not a person who is proficient in military affairs, nor can he make any specific commands, and the power still rests with these twenty generals.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Gong Yangcheng is pressing on it, and these twenty generals work together to destroy Meng Tian's army, but once there is a defeat, everything is uncertain.

If there is another problem with the transportation of grain and grass from the rear at this time, the situation will be even more unpredictable.

At the very least, the Lord in charge of delivering the grain will absolutely lose trust.

Once a general loses trust, the rest of the people will have more ideas.

After all, things on the battlefield are changing rapidly.

The human heart is even more elusive.

At that time, even if there is Wu Clan Chief Gong Yangcheng on it, it is impossible to hold back.

Meng Tian understands that Huo Qubing's current strategy seems to be attacking the enemy, but in fact it is attacking the hearts of the enemy's twenty generals!

After pondering for a moment, Meng Tian stared at Huo Qubing and said solemnly, "How confident are you that you can last five days under the siege of the enemy?"

"Ten percent!"

"Ten percent?"

Meng Tian frowned slightly and said, "You must know that there are witch masters in the enemy army. It is conservatively estimated that there will be at least two or three saints. Do you have 100% confidence?"


Meng Tian is very confident.

"it is good!"

"Since you're confident, do what you want."

Meng Tian quickly made up his mind and said loudly, "The Lord will obey orders."


"Huo Qubing!"

"The end is here."

"Let you lead a million elite iron cavalry to attack the enemy immediately, and be sure to persist for more than five days."

"Leader of the last general!"

"Ran Min!"

"The end is here!"

"Let you lead a million elite troops, set off immediately, bypass the enemy's location, and rush to the enemy's forage at the fastest speed. Be sure to completely destroy the enemy's forage!"

"I will let Jinyiwei immediately find out the enemy's food and forage delivery route and give it to you."

"The last general takes orders!"

"The rest of the generals, stay in the barracks and wait for orders at any time!"


After Meng Tian's order went down, the army immediately began to move.

Huo Qubing was the first to lead the troops and headed straight to where the Wu clan army was. He wanted to attack the enemy halfway.

Ran Min followed closely behind, leading his troops to take a detour, waiting for an opportunity to destroy the enemy's food and forage.

The rest of the army, whether it was an iron cavalry or an infantry, were all ready for battle, and they could go into battle at any time as long as Meng Tian gave an order.


Three days later, Huo Qubing led his troops to a high slope on a grassland.

In the west of them, it is the direction of the Witch Clan's iron horse, and it will arrive in one day.

"Have the scouts been released?"

Huo Qubing asked the lieutenant.

"It's all released." The lieutenant nodded and said, "According to your order, General, once they see the scouts of the Wu clan, they will immediately kill them, and they will never let the scouts of the Wu clan send back any information!"

"Okay!" Huo Qubing nodded.

The later the enemy army knows where his army is, the better it will be for him to march.


The lieutenant looked at Huo Qubing and smiled bitterly: "General, are you really sure?"

"Why aren't you sure?"

Huo Qubing laughed and said: "Before, outside the Manjiao City, you also asked this question against the Ice and Snow Dynasty. Didn't the army of the Ice and Snow Dynasty be repelled in the end?"

The lieutenant smiled bitterly, although this is true.

But that day, the army of the Ice and Snow Dynasty was only three million, and it had just come out of the Dongbo Mountains, and its combat power had dropped dramatically.

Today they are facing elite barbarians, and it is conservatively estimated that the number of the first wave of enemy troops is also at 15 million.

How can the two be compared?

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