The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1524 General Huo attacked the camp

"Is there still no news from the scouts?"

In another place, in the barbarian army, twenty generals were in the army tent, and their faces were not very good-looking.

None of the scouts they sent out came back.

In other words, now they have absolutely no idea what's going on ahead.

This is not good news for them who are marching and fighting.

"No news."

The lieutenant in charge of the scouts shook his head and said, "I have sent more scouts and hope to bring back information."

"Hmph, could it be that the people from the Nanyan Kingdom thought that sending someone to assassinate our scout would stop us from moving forward?" A general snorted coldly.

The rest of the generals did not answer. Although the assassination of the scouts could not stop them from moving forward, it made them unaware of the news ahead.

For them, it is impossible to make a battle plan.

"I think we think too much." After pondering for a while, one of the generals suddenly spoke.

His words made the other generals turn to look at him with puzzled faces.

One of them asked, "Murong Fengyu, what do you mean by that?"

Murong Fengyu smiled slightly and said, "You all focus on the killing of the scouts. We can't grasp the previous information, but you have forgotten the most fundamental facts."

"What fact?"

"Don't forget, in this battle, my barbarian iron cavalry has more than 200 million, but the enemy's combat troops only have 3 million iron cavalry!"

"With two hundred million iron cavalry, against three million enemy troops, do we need to consider so much? Just push it horizontally!"

"What if the scouts didn't send back the information ahead? Could it be that the enemy still dared to attack our army with a mere three million iron cavalry?"

"It's ridiculous!"

With a sneer, Murong Feng said: "For the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom, the only choice they can now is to stick to their positions and wait for reinforcements."

"Even if their generals are powerful, it can't change this fact. Don't forget, we are now sitting on more than 200 million iron cavalry. This is an absolute astronomical figure!"

"It's an absolute number that no general can change his life against the sky!"

When the other nineteen generals heard Murong Fengyu's words, they were stunned for a while, then quickly reacted and laughed: "That's right, we have 200 million iron cavalry, why should we worry about 300 in the enemy's military area? Ten thousand people?"

"Could it be that they still dare to fight?"

"It's ridiculous!"

"I suggest that we speed up our marching speed until dawn tomorrow, arrive at the enemy's position as soon as possible, launch an attack on the enemy, and let Meng Tian and the others see the power of our barbarian iron cavalry!"

"It doesn't matter to us whether or not a scout came back with the previous information!"

"That's right!"

Soon, the twenty main generals in the account all unified their thinking, regardless of whether the scouts had an accident or not, they only needed to push the army horizontally, and they could completely eliminate the enemy army.

Two hundred million iron cavalry, what is there to be afraid of?

Murong Fengyu looked at it with a smile on his face. This proposal was made by him. After waiting for Meng Tian's iron cavalry to be destroyed, the Wu clan's patriarch Gong Yangcheng will definitely reward him for his merits.

At that time, the person who made the suggestion will definitely get the biggest reward.

At that time, he might be able to become the first general of the Wu Dynasty.

Thinking of that scene, Murong Fengyu was excited.

After all, now he is only a general of a middle tribe. If it weren't for the Wu clan calling to fight this time, he could only be a general of a middle tribe in his life.

Where will there be a chance to step up to the sky.

Today, such an opportunity has come, as long as the Meng Tian army is destroyed, it is one step to the sky!


"How's it going?"

Not far from the Wu clan army, Huo Qubing led the troops here.

The enemy had no scouts to inquire about the news, so they had no idea that Huo Qubing had led a million elite soldiers to them.

"The scouts sent back news that the enemy troops had already stationed in place, and a lot of scouts were dispatched at the same time, but without exception, they were all assassinated." The lieutenant reported.

Huo Qubing nodded and said, "Is there any movement from the enemy?"

"There is no movement. It is exactly the same as the previous arrangement, as if it does not care whether the scout is assassinated." The lieutenant was still a little puzzled when he said this.

After all, when the two armies are at war, battlefield information is the most important.

The scouts are the most important thing to inquire about the battlefield information, but they did not expect that after all the scouts sent by the barbarians were killed, their army did not respond at all.

It's really strange.

"That's normal too."

Huo Qubing smiled and said: "In the eyes of the barbarian generals, they are an army of two hundred million iron cavalry, and we only have three million iron cavalry, and the number of troops occupies an absolute disadvantage."

"In this case, they don't need to care about the scout's information at all, it's enough to just push it horizontally, so it's strange that they don't react now, but it's normal."

The lieutenant listened and immediately understood.

Indeed, if he had an army of 200 million iron cavalry, and the enemy army only had 3 million iron cavalry, he would not care about any information, he just needed to push it horizontally.

Simple and fast.

However, the people of the barbarians definitely did not expect that Huo Qubing would be so courageous, and directly defeated millions of elite iron riders not far from them.

Looking at the location of the barbarian army, the lieutenant thought secretly, at this distance, according to the speed of the army, under the charge, it only takes two quarters of an hour to arrive.

At such a close distance, if the enemy scouts were not killed, the enemy would definitely find out.

But now, nothing was found.

So, everything is not so simple.

"Send the order, the army will check the dry food and equipment, and wait until the early morning to launch an attack on the enemy!" Huo Qubing ordered.


Soon, the morning has come!

On the northern grassland shrouded in darkness, Huo Qubing's million-strong elite iron cavalry remained absolutely silent, not making a single sound.

Even the war horses were muzzled to ensure that the information of the army would not be revealed before the start of the war.

Huo Qubing stood at the forefront, looked at the army behind him, and said only two words: "Charge!"

One million elite iron cavalry, immediately under his leadership, charged towards the barbarian iron cavalry barracks where tens of millions of former troops were stationed!

Soon, the army had reached the enemy's barracks.

"Fire arrows!"


Countless sharp arrows pierced through the air, covering the barbarian barracks camp walls.

The drowsy barbarian iron cavalry above had no idea that the iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom would attack the camp at this time. They were unprepared and caught by surprise.

A large number of soldiers fell under the rain of arrows.

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