The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1525 When you get up in the morning, the army is condensed!


Huo Qubing, who was rushing in the front, had already reached the gate of the enemy's barracks. With a loud roar, he slammed the barbaric gun in his hand with a violent infuriating qi directly at the gate.


The city gate burst.

But it's not over yet.

Huo Qubing took advantage of the enemy's lack of time to suppress him, a holy general, with the infuriating energy in his body, poured it into the Zhangba Pingman gun again, and hit the surrounding camp walls.


Those city walls couldn't withstand the attack of the holy general, Huo Qubing, and shattered directly.

A huge opening soon appeared in the barbarian barracks.

Huo Qubing led the troops to charge in, and it was an absolute massacre!

Under the leadership of the holy general, Huo Qubing, Nanyan Iron Cavalry was fearless at all, and the enemy army encountered was just a blink of an eye and became a dead soul under the sword.

Especially Huo Qubing, he knew that the enemy had not yet reacted and could not suppress him, so he violently used the strength of his holy generals to slaughter the enemy soldiers as much as possible.

Every time he attacked, he could inflict huge damage in the enemy's barracks, and spread to a huge range.

At least it can take thousands of enemy lives.

With a fierce general like Huo Qubing in front, those barbarian soldiers didn't dare to rush up on their horses, they turned around and ran like crazy.

But they didn't run fast enough, and in the next instant they became Huo Qubing's dead souls.

The iron cavalry of the Nanyan Kingdom behind Huo Qubing attacked in a very orderly manner.

The iron cavalry on the periphery on both sides complexly killed the enemy troops who were trying to rush from both sides. The iron cavalry in the middle took out the repeating crossbow that had been prepared for a long time, and kept shooting arrows to kill the barbarian iron cavalry.

In just half an hour, the number of soldiers lost by the barbarian cavalry in the hands of Nanyan cavalry and Huo Qubing was already more than half a million!

This is definitely a very scary number!

After all, it was only a short half an hour!

And this is just the beginning.

Under the leadership of Huo Qubing, the army never stopped the movements in their hands and slaughtered the enemy as much as possible.




All the soldiers have only this word in their minds, kill these damned barbarian iron cavalry in front of them.

It's not that the barbarian iron cavalry did not want to form a resistance, but unfortunately it was useless.

Their formation had just gathered, and before they could launch an attack, Huo Qubing was already shot, and the formation was broken.

There were also some barbarian soldiers who wanted to form an arrow formation to shoot the Nanyan Iron Cavalry, but they had just gathered together, and before taking out their bows and crossbows, Huo Qubing had already taken their lives.

When he discovered that these barbarian soldiers began to organize a formation to resist, Huo Qubing also changed from the initial frenzied slaughter to a selective attack.

His target is those barbarian soldiers who want to organize formations, because he is very clear that only when the enemy is scattered, is the best space for his soldiers to make use of.

Once they form a formation, it all becomes troublesome.

Although in the end the enemy army will definitely react to form a formation, but it must not be now.

Because at this time, it is his only attack time, and he wants to kill the enemy as much as possible during this time period.

When the enemy reacted, he switched from attacking to defending, delaying the enemy's speed and gaining enough time for Ran Min, who went around and cut off the enemy's food supply.

"Bastard, what's going on? Why did the enemy soldiers suddenly come and kill us, but we have no news at all?"

In the barbarian army barracks, the twenty generals finally got the battle report from the front and hurriedly gathered together to discuss.

The lieutenant in charge of the scouts was pulled out by them and cursed.

The lieutenant looked aggrieved and said, "I also planned to send more scouts before, but General Murong said that we don't need to care about these, so I didn't strengthen the scouts, so we didn't get any news when the enemy attacked, I..."

"To shut up!"

Murong Fengyu shouted angrily and said, "You are guilty of your own fault, and you are still thinking of shirk your responsibility,

It just doesn't make sense! "

"Come on, drag me down and take responsibility for sixty years, and set an example!"

The lieutenant was stunned. What you said, I did as you said. Now that something happened, how can I blame me?

It's just that before he could say anything more, Murong Fengyu's personal soldiers had already pulled him down.

The other generals in the account were all staring at Murong Fengyu, and some people sneered directly, saying: "General Murong, although that lieutenant is guilty, but what you said is indeed what you said, now the enemy is attacking the camp at night, you talk about it, we will What should I do?"

"That's right! General Murong, I think you must have a plan in your mind after you said those words earlier, so don't let us down."

"Otherwise, don't blame us for sue you at Lord Ram."

Murong Fengyu's face was very ugly.

The chief generals in the reconciliation account who made sarcastic remarks are even more eager to scold.

Mad, when I said that before, why didn't I see you come out and say no? Now that the enemy is attacking, they start saying that there is something wrong with my words. Why are you so shameless?

However, he also thought about these words in his mind.

If he really said it, angered these lieutenants, and united with Gongyangcheng to sue, he really couldn't bear it.

"What? General Murong, do you have any good suggestions?" A general looked at Murong Fengyu and sneered.

Murong Fengyu was silent for a long time, and after pondering for a while, he suddenly smiled.

This made those who wanted to see Murong Fengyu's joke stunned, looked at him strangely, and said, "Murong Fengyu, what are you laughing at?"

"I laugh that today is such a good opportunity, and you haven't found it yet." Murong Feng said.

"Good chance? What chance?" The rest of the generals looked at him suspiciously.

Murong Fengyu put away her smile and said coldly, "Naturally this is a good opportunity to seriously damage the morale of the army of the Nanyan Kingdom!"

"Heavy damage to the enemy's morale?"

A general frowned slightly and said, "Murong Fengyu, what do you mean..."

"Concentrate all the troops and directly attack this Nanyan army that dares to attack the battalion!"

"As long as we destroy this army, the morale of our army will rise. On the contrary, the failure of the attack on the battalion will definitely be a devastating blow to the morale of Meng Tian's army."

"It will be easier for us to beat them then."

"So, this is an opportunity, a perfect opportunity!" Murong Fengyu said loudly.

"It's so simple to say, but it's not so easy to do."

One of the generals looked at Murong Fengyu and said, "Don't forget, attacking the battalion only needs to severely damage the morale of the enemy, and then quickly withdraw."

"Although we have a large army now, our mobility is very poor when the battalion is attacked. When our army is surrounded, it will be morning at least. At that time, as long as the main general of the enemy's attacking battalion is not a fool, he will retreat. "

"Once the enemy forces retreat, what will we do to hit them hard?"

"Murong Fengyu, you are probably taking it for granted!"

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