The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1526 The confidence of the barbarian leader

"Ha ha."

When Murong Fengyu heard the general's words, he laughed and said, "You are right, but if we order the troops in front to keep retreating, the enemy will think we are easy to bully and seduce them to continue killing. "

"At the same time, we ordered elite soldiers to encircle them from both sides. When the enemy forces reacted, there is no chance. At that time, where does he want to run? Where can he run?"

"You're so sure that the enemy will be in the game? If they choose to be safe and don't continue to pursue, but withdraw their troops before dawn, what about you?" a general snorted coldly.

"In just one month, Meng Tian led his troops to sweep the entire northern grasslands and successfully captured more than two-thirds of the territory. No one has ever been a match for the barbarian iron cavalry they encountered."

"They took the two-thirds of the territory with a destructive offensive. That was the saddest moment for our barbarians, but again, this kind of war experience was enough for the generals of the Nanyan Kingdom to ignore the fighting power of our barbarian army."

"As long as our army retreats, they must think that we are vulnerable and will take the opportunity to continue to attack. This is our opportunity!" Murong Fengyu said.


"These are just your speculations, what are you sure about?" said the other general.

Murong Fengyu frowned slightly, looked at the main general, and said, "This is the way I can give, if you think it's useless, don't use it, but I also want to know, if you don't use this way, what can you do? Go deal with the battalion enemy!"


The rest of the masters will look at each other, indeed, Murong Fengyu's method is the only method they can think of now.

"Just follow General Murong's method."

"Well, I agree too."

A few generals slowly agreed, and then more generals agreed, and the remaining generals who were unwilling to agree had to agree in the face of such a situation.

After unifying their ideas, the twenty barbarian generals immediately went down to arrange an army.

After receiving the order, the barbarian army that was fighting Huo Qubing's army immediately began to retreat while fighting, making it easier for Huo Qubing's army to kill.

"General, the barbarian iron cavalry has retreated!" The lieutenant pointed to the enemy troops who were retreating while fighting.

Huo Qubing nodded. He also saw this scene and murmured in a low voice, "Strange, I chose to retreat at this time."

"What is the arrangement of the enemy army?"

"Report, General, there is news from the Jinyiwei spy."

At this moment, a soldier rushed to Huo Qubing's place, and the information came from the Jinyiwei spy on the ground.

After Huo went to see a doctor, it was written that the barbarian iron cavalry had already moved troops from both sides to form an encirclement of their army.

After reading the news, Huo Qubing instantly understood why the enemy army was retreating while fighting. He must have wanted to seduce them to continue their attack, delaying the retreat, and then let the encircling troops on both sides be in place to ensure that the elite soldiers he led could not retreat. must be eaten by them.

After knowing the intentions of the barbarians, Huo Qubing no longer had any fears.

Originally, he led his troops into the enemy's barracks, so he wanted the enemy to surround him, and then let himself delay it long enough for Ran Min to cut off the enemy's forage route.

Now the enemy army wants to encircle him, and he still deliberately lets the army in front retreat while fighting, so as to seduce the army to attack.

This situation is simply the best time for him to attack with a large army.

The enemy army retreats while fighting, and the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. At this time, leading troops to rush to kill will definitely cause the greatest damage to the enemy army.

"The whole army obeys the order, kill!"

Huo Qubing did not delay, and immediately led the troops to rush to kill.

Under his leadership, the army rushed to kill the enemy with a more crazy attitude.

The barbarian troops were reluctant in the Huo Qubing army, and there was not much resistance at all, and they could only passively accept the slaughter.

The entire battle continued until dawn.

When the sun just rose, Huo Qubing ordered the entire army to stop chasing and killing,

Stationed in place.

The army quickly formed a defensive formation.

"Hmph, it seems that Huo Qubing is not stupid. I have seen that our army has formed a siege against them, and I understand that I have no chance to retreat, so I chose to station in place."

Far away from the central army, the twenty barbarian generals sneered when they saw Huo Qubing's army stationed.

When Murong Fengyu saw it, he snorted coldly and said, "What's the use of defense at this time?"

"Could it be that he thinks that his army of one million can stop our two hundred million iron cavalry?"

"Although that is what you say, you still have to be careful."

Another general shook his head and said, "Although our army has 200 million, everyone knows that there are not so many who can really exert combat effectiveness."

"And Huo Qubing's army is not weak. Last night's attack on the battalion caused at least five million casualties to our former army, of which more than one million soldiers died at the hands of Huo Qubing."

"He is a holy general, we have to guard against him!"

"Gongye Haojian, you are raising the prestige of others!" Murong Fengyu looked at the commander who spoke and said, "Could it be that you think that Huo Qubing has only a mere million troops, and the million troops who have gone through a night of war can still give us What difficulties did it cause?"


Gongye Haojian was stunned and shook his head.

Although he is a very rational barbarian general, after so many battles, he knows that none of the generals of the Nanyan Kingdom is a simple role.

But it is also clearer that one side is a million-dollar army who has gone through an overnight battle, and the other side is an iron cavalry of over 100 million who has already calculated. There is no second result at all.

The only variable that may appear is the ability of that general Huo Qubing Shengzun!

But he is only one person, and it is impossible to change the whole battle situation.

"If everyone has no opinion, launch an attack!" Murong Fengyu said at this time.

"it is good!"


The twenty commanders ordered them to go, and the barbarian iron cavalry immediately launched an attack from around the Huo Qubing military camp.

It was only the first wave of the attack, and the barbarian iron cavalry had at least invested more than 10 million iron cavalry, making it clear that they wanted to break through Huo Qubing's army in one fell swoop.

"Fire arrows!"


Words cannot describe the scene of over 10 million cavalry cavalry, all riding and shooting in unison.

At that moment, the sun that had just risen was obscured.

Covered by those sharp arrows.

The sky made of arrow rain made the sky darken.

The sharp tip of the arrow glowed with a cold light, like the starlight in the sky.

It's just that this starlight is a deadly light!

"You said, just after this wave of arrows has passed, will Huo Qubing's iron cavalry all fall to the ground?" Murong Fengyu laughed while watching this scene.

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