The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1533 Ran Min Fights Gongyang Xu

"Ran Min, how are you strong?"

"Today, do you dare to kill the two of me?"

"Do you dare to carry the attack of the ancestors of the fourth-level peak of the Wuzu Holy Venerable, and kill the two of me?"

"Hahaha, trash!"

The two witch saints laughed.

They didn't think that Ran Min would be stupid enough to kill them with the attack of the four peak warriors of the Holy Venerable.

Unless Ran Min doesn't want to live anymore.

So, they have nothing to fear!

Therefore, they wantonly mocked Ran Min.


Ran Min looked at the two witch saints who were laughing wildly, as if looking at two idiots, and said, "Why didn't I dare to kill you?"


When the two witch saints heard this, their expressions suddenly changed, and they looked at Ran Min in disbelief.

Before they could react, Ran Min's attack suddenly accelerated, piercing through their bodies.


"how is this possible!?"

The pupils of the two witch saints slowly dissipated, and they lost their lives.

At the moment of death, they couldn't understand why Ran Min chose to kill them with the attack of a fourth-level peak warrior of the Holy Venerable.

does it worth?


Just after Ran Min killed the two witch saints, the attack from the sky also fell on him.


After all, it was the attack of the four-level peak warrior of the Holy Venerable. It hit Ran Min, and he was severely injured in an instant.

"you wanna die!"

The old and gloomy voice came out again.

In the void, an old man in a golden-grey robe stepped out step by step, his face gloomy, and it was difficult to see the extreme.

The eyes he stared at Ran Min were full of anger and murderous intent!

"Gongyang Xu!"

Although his body was severely injured, Ran Min's breath was not disturbed in the slightest, just like heyday.

He stared at the old man who stepped out of the void, smiled sarcastically, and said, "Gongyang Xu, in the past, the martial arts you were beaten by His Majesty the Emperor of our country were all shattered, and you will never dare to show your face."

"I ran out again today. Is the dharma image repaired? Otherwise, I will inform His Majesty the emperor of our country to let him come to meet you and see how long your repaired dharma image can last before breaking."

Gong Yangxu's originally gloomy face became even more ugly when he heard this.

The battle between the northern grasslands and Lu Feng in the past was the most humiliating battle he had lived for tens of thousands of years.

There were several saints of the Wu clan, including two warriors from the third heaven of the saint, and he, the warrior from the fourth layer of the saint, surrounded and killed Lu Feng. In the end, Lu Feng turned out to kill several people.

In the end, he was the only one left to escape, but the martial arts law was also smashed.

That scene was completely imprinted on Gong Yang Xu's soul, and he will never forget it.

Whenever he thinks of that scene, he can't wait to eat Lu Feng's flesh and drink Lu Feng's blood.

To this end, he tried his best to recover, exhausted all the secrets of the Wu clan, and used all the treasures in the treasure house of the Wu clan that were helpful to the martial arts, and now he has finally successfully restored the martial arts.

Moreover, the strength has gone even further, reaching the peak of the Fourth Heavenly Venerate.

Staring at Ran Min, Gongyang Xu took a deep breath, and a cold voice came out: "This deity will kill Lu Feng when he exits this time!"

"But today, if you dare to continue killing my witch saint before the deity gives an order, the deity will kill you!"

"Will you kill me?"

Ran Min listened, sneered, and said, "Gongyang Xu, in the past, after the majesty of our country smashed your dharma, he once told us that your witch clan sent waves of strong men to kill him in the imperial summons. Every one of them said that they wanted to kill."

"But in the end, it was the warriors sent by your Wu clan who became mortal one by one."

"Today, are you talking about killing again?"

"I think you want to die!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gongyang Xu laughed when he heard Ran Min's words and said, "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"

"If that Lu Feng is here, and he talks to the deity like this, the deity can still understand, after all, his strength is not bad, the deity admits this.


After a pause, his eyes became more gloomy, locked on Ran Min, and said coldly: "How old are you? What qualifications do you have to talk to this deity like this?"


Sound down, call out!

A huge golden handprint appeared out of thin air and landed on Ran Min.


Ran Min was not afraid at all, instead of retreating in the slightest, he took a step forward and attacked with both the hook halberd and the double-edged spear in his hand.

Two huge phantoms slammed into the golden handprint with a fierce breath.


A loud noise came out, and the void shook.

After the shock, Ran Min stood in the void with a double-edged spear in his left hand and a hooked halberd in his right hand.


Gong Yangxu's eyes shrank suddenly when he saw this scene, he couldn't believe what he saw.

His golden big handprint is a powerful martial skill of the Wu clan. When it is displayed in his hands, not to mention the beheading of the warriors of the Holy Reverence Triple Heaven, at least it can at least instantly injure the warriors of the Holy Reverence Triple Heaven.

Even if the martial arts method is used, it cannot change the outcome of being hit hard.

However, in front of his eyes, Na Ran Min actually shattered his golden big handprint without using the martial law, how could Gongyang Xu believe it?

But after the shock, he quickly reacted, staring at Ran Min, there was no disdain before, but a kind of fear instead.

The fight just now made him very sure that the Ran Min in front of him was very, very strong.

Definitely not weaker than the Lu Feng he met earlier!

"Why does the Nanyan Kingdom possess such combat power in addition to Lu Feng?"

"Then what secrets does the Nanyan Kingdom hide? Why did these Yuzhou people who never had a name appear suddenly?"

"And, the strength is so powerful!"

Gong Yang Xu's heart was very, very solemn.

Originally, having a Lu Feng in the Nanyan Kingdom made him very afraid.

This time, he has recovered his martial arts appearance, improved his strength, and has several secret techniques in his hands. He wants to kill Lu Feng.

Unexpectedly, it was here that he met Ran Min.

And this Ran Min is no weaker than the previous Lu Feng.

This makes Gongyang Xu extremely jealous!

"What? Don't you want to kill me?"

Ran Min looked at Gongyang Xu who was standing still in the void, smiled lightly, and said, "Don't be like the two wastes I just killed, you just have a strong mouth."

"Ha ha."

Gongyang Xu smiled, looked at Ran Min, and said, "Do you know? What is the biggest impression of your Nanyan Kingdom on me?"

"I'm not interested in knowing." Ran Min said lightly.

Gong Yangxu was not angry, shook his head, and said, "Just like the impression you left on me, the Kingdom of Nanyan is simply crazy."

"Up to your emperor Lu Feng, down to your little general, each one is more mad than the other, it's ridiculous."

"Do you really think that Yuzhou is your world? Do you really think that you are invincible in the world?"

"Never mind!"

"Just let me educate you, let you see what to do and don't be too crazy."

"Because that will pay the price of life!"

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