The first thousand five hundred and thirty-four chapters Wu mourns the king

"In the end, it's just that you want to kill me."

Ran Min shook his head and said, "If you want to kill me, just do it and see if you can kill me."

"It's useful to talk so much nonsense?"

"Ha ha."

"Suffer to death!"

Gongyang Xu laughed loudly and shouted, "Xumi Youhuo!"


The blue flames of the sky rose, covering the entire space in the blink of an eye, and quickly gathered around Ran Min.

In the blink of an eye, the faint blue flames had begun to attack Ran Min.


Ran Min let out a deep snort, and the infuriating energy in his body surged, quickly poured into his two-handed weapon, and slammed into the faint blue flame.

With a loud 'bang', Ran Min's attack landed on the blue flame, which directly shattered the flame.

But Gongyang Xu saw that there was no change in his expression at all, instead he just smiled coldly.


In the next moment, the shattered flames that Ran Min had just hit rose up again, and the power was even higher than before.


Ran Min felt the increase in the power of the flames, and frowned, the flames actually meant rebirth from ashes!

"Ran Min, ah Ran Min, do you really think that my ancient magic power of the Wu clan, Xumi Youhuo, is so simple? Just wait to die in this flame!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gongyang Xu laughed, and in his eyes, Ran Min was already a dead person.

"In the end, it's just that you want to kill me."

Ran Min shook his head and said, "If you want to kill me, just do it and see if you can kill me."

"It's useful to talk so much nonsense?"

"Ha ha."

"Suffer to death!"

Gongyang Xu laughed loudly and shouted, "Xumi Youhuo!"


The blue flames of the sky rose, covering the entire space in the blink of an eye, and quickly gathered around Ran Min.

In the blink of an eye, the faint blue flames had begun to attack Ran Min.


Ran Min let out a deep snort, and the infuriating energy in his body surged, quickly poured into his two-handed weapon, and slammed into the faint blue flame.

With a loud 'bang', Ran Min's attack landed on the blue flame, which directly shattered the flame.

But Gongyang Xu saw that there was no change in his expression at all, instead he just smiled coldly.


In the next moment, the shattered flames that Ran Min had just hit rose up again, and the power was even higher than before.


Ran Min felt the increase in the power of the flames, and frowned, the flames actually meant rebirth from ashes!

"Ran Min, ah Ran Min, do you really think that my ancient magic power of the Wu clan, Xumi Youhuo, is so simple? Just wait to die in this flame!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gongyang Xu laughed, and in his eyes, Ran Min was already a dead person.


Ran Min let out a deep drink, and the surging True Qi in his body released even more violently, and a terrifying aura permeated out, filling the flames.


Affected by this terrifying breath, the faint blue Xumi Youhuo suddenly burst out with terrifying energy, pressing down on Ran Min with the momentum of thunder.


Ran Min snorted, the infuriating energy originally raised in the body was suppressed by the secluded fire of Xumi.

"Stop struggling, you can't live under the secluded fire of Xumi."

Gongyang Xu looked at Ran Min, and he already had the chance to win.


Ran Min looked at Gongyang Xu, and suddenly sneered, and said, "Do you really have the strength to be Nan Yan's general?"

"I'll give you what you just said." Gong Yangxu looked at Ran Min and said, "Is it useful to say so much nonsense? You can talk about it while you live under the deity's Xumi fire."

"Wu Mourning!"

Ran Min didn't say much, just snorted, a blood-red infuriating qi suddenly poured out of his body, and instantly filled his surroundings.

With this blood-red True Qi, the power of Xumi Youhuo was instantly reduced a lot.

Even, the blood-red infuriating qi actually revealed a faint restraint on Xumi's secluded fire.

"what is this?"

Gongyang Xu's eyes narrowed sharply. He was very confident in his own Xumi Youhuo, but he didn't expect that the blood-red infuriating qi that suddenly emerged from Ran Min's body turned out to be towards his own Xumi Youhuo. Has some restraint.

This made him restless.

"Ning Kai!"

Ran Min's eyes suddenly closed.

When he closed his eyes, the blood-red infuriating energy that permeated around his body quickly gathered towards the surface of his body.

With the rapid completion of the gathering process, Ran Min's own momentum is also growing wildly.

In a short period of time, it has actually grown to the realm of the early stage of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable.


Gong Yangxu's complexion changed greatly when he saw it, not only because Ran Min's current aura had improved, but the most important thing was that under this aura, he clearly felt that the power of his own Xumi Fire was being madly being used. weaken.

Just like his previous perception, this damn blood-red infuriating energy actually has a natural restraint effect on his Sumeru Fire!


In the next moment, a violent humming sound suddenly sounded between the heavens and the earth, and a terrifying aura permeated from Ran Min's body, filling the whole world.

At the same time, the blood-red infuriating energy on his body has been successfully condensed.

A layer of blood-red armor wrapped around Ran Min's body, making him full of killing intent.

Like a sharp sword that kills countless people!


Ran Min in Xuekai suddenly opened his eyes, and two blood-colored infuriating qi gushed out from his eyes, hitting the flames that wrapped the empty Xumi.


With the loud noise, Xumi Youhuo instantly trembled.


Seeing this scene, Gongyang Xu's face suddenly became very, very ugly.

He never thought that his Xumi Youhuo was actually suppressed by Ran Min.

You must know that this Xumi secluded fire was found in the ancient secret books of the Wu clan.

It is a god-level middle-grade supernatural power left by the Wu people in ancient times.

The power is very, very huge.

Cast to the deepest point, you can burn the void at will.

Although Gongyang Xu has not yet cultivated to the deepest depths, he is very confident. With the strength of Xumi Youhuo, he is absolutely qualified to fight against the warriors of the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable.

Moreover, with the help of a few secret techniques, it is not impossible to kill the warriors of the Fifth Heavenly Heavenly Venerate.

But now, the secluded fire of Xumi that he cast was actually suppressed by Ran Min, the Holy Venerable Third-level Heavenly Martial Artist.

It made him unable to believe it at all.

But this scene happened in front of him, but he couldn't help not believe it.

"Nice Ran Min."

Staring at Ran Min coldly, Gongyang Xusen's cold voice came out: "I didn't expect that this deity actually underestimated you, and you have such a secret technique."

"But that's the end of it all!"

"I'll let you see what is called a real Holy Venerable Fourth Layer Heavenly Martial Artist!"

"Next, is the real battle!"

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