The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1542 Charge that ignores casualties

The first thousand five hundred and forty-two chapters ignore the casualties of the charge

Meng Tian took Huo Qubing to the main general's account, and Wei Qing and the rest of the lieutenants were already waiting here.

Meng Tian didn't delay, and said directly: "The situation is very clear now, as long as the enemy is not a fool, they will definitely attack us in the shortest possible time."

All the generals in the account nodded when they heard it.

The enemy's food and grass have been destroyed. If the attack is not launched and the battle is ended as soon as possible, then there will be no need to fight again, and the remaining food and grass will be exhausted.

Therefore, next, the enemy army will definitely launch an attack on its own barracks in the shortest possible time.

"Huo Qubing, you have fought with the enemy, talk about your views on the enemy." Meng Tian asked Huo Qubing.

Huo Qubing nodded and said, "The barbarian iron cavalry has a good individual strength, and their ability to serve as a soldier is quite strong. It may have something to do with them growing up on horseback since childhood."

"But because they don't have a strong military future, they can't turn these individual soldiers into a whole."

"As long as we have a military formation as a basis, the enemy will not be able to break through our military camp, even if they have hundreds of millions of iron cavalry."

"Not to mention, the enemy's food and grass are now damaged, which is a big blow to the morale of the army. I think we only need to block the enemy's attack for two or three days in front."

"There is no need for us to do any further attacks in the future. The enemy itself will be completely defeated because of the problem of food and grass. At that time, we will lead the troops to clean up the battle situation."

"In this way, even if the Wu clan made a move, they did not make any changes to the barbarian army." Wei Qing frowned slightly and said, "The enemy army is roughly the same as what we had before!"

"Not to be underestimated."

Meng Tian shook his head and said, "Although the enemy army doesn't have a powerful leader, there is the Wu clan behind them."

"The Wu clan has a strong heritage and should not be underestimated. We still have to make adequate preparations."


Next, Meng Tian made a battle plan with the generals under his command.

And one day after Huo Qubing's army returned to the barracks, the barbarian army finally arrived in front of Mengtian's army.

"The whole army obeys the order."


After reaching a suitable attack range, the barbarian lord, under the instruction of Gongyang Xu, directly ordered the army to attack, and did not give the army time to rest at all.

As a result, the entire army appears to have no energy.

But the chief generals of the barbarians have no way to change anything. After all, even if they take a rest, because of morale, the combat effectiveness of the army will not be improved.

On the contrary, it will waste more food and grass. It is better to launch an attack directly now. Maybe the enemy is not ready and will be caught off guard.

But, obviously these people think too much.

On the city wall of the military camp, Meng Tian looked at the barbarian iron cavalry who had no energy, shook his head, and said, "Sure enough, the morale of the enemy army is gone."

"Such an enemy army does not pose a big threat to us." Wei Qing looked at it and said, "The only thing that can threaten us is the Wu clan behind the barbarians."

"Although we got the news that the Wu clan's high-end combat power is now only Gong Yang Xu, Gong Yang Cheng, and a black-robed saint who doesn't know the name, but we can't let our guard down."

Meng Tian nodded and said, "Where is Ran Min?"

"General Ran Min has just returned to the barracks alone, and he can attack as an extraordinary soldier to ensure that the Holy Venerable of the Wu clan cannot cause too many casualties to us." Wei Qing said.

According to the battle plan made by Meng Tian and the others, Ran Min just returned to the barracks to participate in the battle, and the troops under his command were left behind the enemy.

As long as the war in the back heats up, the army in the rear can launch a surprise attack to ensure maximum damage to the enemy army.

After all, in terms of defending the city, it doesn't need too many cavalry.

"it is good!"

After getting the exact news of Ran Min, Meng Tian's last worries were gone, he looked at the rushing enemy army and said, "Go ahead and send the order,

Wait until the enemy has charged to the best range of our common crossbow before firing arrows to kill. "

"At the same time, order the bed crossbow and the strong crossbow to release the arrows after the ordinary bows and crossbows are released to ensure maximum damage to the enemy!"


"Why hasn't the enemy army fired arrows yet?" The chief general on the barbarian side was puzzled when he saw that there was no movement in Meng Tian's barracks.

It's just that no one knows what's going on.

As time passed, the barbarian cavalry soon reached the optimal range of the common bow and crossbow of Meng Tian's army.

"Fire arrows!"

Following Meng Tian's order, the bowmen who had already prepared in the barracks fired ten thousand arrows.

In an instant, the sky darkened.

The sky-like rain of arrows poured down towards the barbarian iron cavalry.


The harsh sound of sharp arrows breaking through the air rang out in the ears of the barbarian iron cavalry soldiers, followed by taking their lives.

Large swathes of barbarian iron cavalry fell under the arrow rain and became the souls of the arrows.

Meng Tian commanded the bowman and shot out a space covered by a rain of arrows.

In the blink of an eye, none of the barbarian cavalry that entered this space survived.

Let the large open space in front of Meng Tian's barracks be filled with barbarian corpses.

One charge, the barbarian iron cavalry has suffered heavy losses!

"My lord, order to retreat. The enemy is well prepared. If we continue to fight like this, the army will not suffer losses."

The barbarian chief looked at Gongyang Xu and asked to retreat.

At first, they wanted to catch Meng Tian by surprise, but obviously this idea is impossible now.

Meng Tian's army was already ready, and if they continued to attack under such circumstances, it would only be a waste of the lives of the soldiers of the army.

Retreat is the best option for a long-term plan.

"To shut up!"

Gongyang Xu stared coldly at these barbarian chiefs and said, "Whoever dares to say the word retreat, kill without mercy!"

As soon as these words came out, those barbarian leaders trembled, and they didn't dare to say any more.

Just looking at the soldiers under his command who kept charging forward to die, he couldn't bear it.

However, it can only be unbearable.

It is impossible for them to risk being beheaded by Gong Yang Xu to persuade them any more.

"The enemy is still attacking?"

Wei Qing was very surprised to see this scene, knowing that his own side was well prepared, the enemy army was still charging, sending the soldiers to death in vain.

This made him really a little confused.

Meng Tian also frowned.

No matter how incompetent the general is, in this situation, he will definitely order a retreat, prepare the army, and launch an orderly attack.

But now the enemy is still charging, which makes him a little confused.

However, even so, he did not hesitate, and directly ordered the army to continue to shoot arrows to kill the enemy as much as possible.

No matter what the enemy's plan is, as long as it can shoot the enemy to the greatest extent possible, it will be a good thing for one's own army.


The sound of arrows breaking through the air came again.

In the blink of an eye, the sky-like rain of arrows appeared in the sky again.

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