The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1543 Gongyang Xu's trump card

"It's over!"

Looking at the terrifying rain of arrows in the sky again, the hearts of the barbarian generals were filled with despair.

It was just such a rain of arrows, which caused at least 500,000 to 600,000 cavalry charges to be lost.

Now, here it is again!

"Hmph, do you really think that everyone in my witch clan is unstoppable?"

Just as the rain of arrows in the sky was about to fall, Gongyang Xu snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and he appeared on the battlefield.

"grown ups!"

The originally desperate barbarian lord saw Gong Yang Xu rushing out, and his eyes instantly filled with joy.

In their opinion, Gongyang Xu is also a warrior of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable. Although he was defeated by Ran Min before, his strength is still there.

There should be no problem blocking the rain of arrows.

As long as the rain of arrows is gone and their army is charged enough distance, they will definitely make Meng Tian pay a heavy price.


Gong Yangxu stood in the void, roared angrily, and slammed a huge handprint on his right hand, facing the arrow rain.

He wanted to use this handprint to shatter all the arrows.

"Gongyangxu, do you think I'm invincible in Nanyan?"

It's just that he just shot, a cold voice came from Meng Tian's barracks.

Immediately after, Ran Min appeared in the void, standing in front of Gongyang Xu, and the hook in his hand fell and landed on the fingerprint.


The handprint was directly shattered and dissipated in the void.

The rain of arrows in the sky was no longer blocked, and it fell directly on the charging barbarian iron knights.

Only at this time, neither the barbarian general nor Gong Yang Xu paid any attention to the casualties of the soldiers below.

Their eyes are on the military general in the air!

"Ran Min!"

Gong Yang Xu's face was very ugly.

He had played against Ran Min, and naturally he knew Ran Min's strength, so he couldn't kill Ran Min without his trump card.

With his trump card, he could no longer deal with Lu Feng.

However, if Ran Min is not killed now, the army will not be able to launch an attack at all.

The chief generals of the barbarian tribe looked at Gong Yang Xu nervously.

They know about Gongyang Xu's defeat on the battlefield in the rear. Now that he meets Ran Min again, can Gongyang Xu win?

"Ran Min, remember to this deity, you must die!"

Gong Yang Xu snorted coldly, but his figure returned to the barbarian army.


The barbarian generals were stunned when they saw this scene.

I thought it was a fierce battle, how did it become like this?

Come back after a harsh sentence? What kind of martial artist of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable is this?

Ran Min was also a little stunned, he didn't expect Gongyang Xu to say something cruel and then go back.

This made him feel a little overwhelmed.

But soon he shook his head. Since Gongyang Xu didn't want to fight, he didn't need to fight, just let the soldiers of the barbarians keep rushing up to die.

Anyway, the arrow feathers in Meng Tian's army are absolutely sufficient now.

His figure flashed, and he also returned to the army.

"Old Ancestor, this is you?"

After Gongyang Xu returned to the barbarian army, Gongyangcheng looked at him incomprehensibly.

Even if Gongyang Xu wanted to keep his cards against Lu Feng, he shouldn't keep his hands like this at this time!

Could it be that he didn't know that admitting counsel in front of the army was a devastating blow to the morale of the army?

After Gong Yangxu came back, he had already discovered that the morale of the barbarian army had fallen to a low point. If it wasn't for the fear of their witch clan, these soldiers might have fled for their lives long ago.

"I have my own arrangements." Gongyang Xu said with a sullen face.

Gong Yangcheng was puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions.

On the other hand, the barbarian army continued to attack, and then fell one by one in front of the Nanyan Kingdom army camp, becoming one of the countless corpses.

This attack lasted for three days.

The three-day attack, no, maybe it shouldn't be called an attack, it's more appropriate to call it a death sentence!

During these three days, the barbarian army launched an uninterrupted attack.

Meng Tian couldn't remember how many waves of attacks the enemy had launched, but only one thing was certain.

That is, no matter how many waves of attacks, the enemy has never approached Meng Tian's barracks, and at a long distance, they have been shot by bows and crossbows.

This resulted in a large open space in front of the barracks, but behind the open space, there were corpses.

There are war horses and barbarian soldiers.

Blood, blood flow into rivers!

The three-day uninterrupted attack caused a huge consumption of arrow feathers in Meng Tian's barracks, more than half.

But the rear is constantly replenishing, ensuring that there will be no arrow feather problems.

But the barbarian enemy army, these three days of uninterrupted attack, at least cost the lives of more than 50 million soldiers.

Those corpses fell to the ground, raising the altitude of the earth a lot, but the enemy still did not stop attacking.

It was as if the 50 million soldiers who were shot were not theirs, but just wicked animals, without any distress.

This made Meng Tian, ​​a hostile general, shake his head when he saw it.

How could a general arrange an attack like this?

Really unseen, unheard of!

"What kind of medicine is sold in this witch gourd?"

Huo Qubing looked at the enemy troops who were stepping on the corpses of the barbarian soldiers and were still charging here, frowning, and said, "The three-day charge is completely because the enemy is dying, and it doesn't look like a war at all. "

"Those troops are also demoralized. The soldiers who rushed over were like corpses. They had no morale. In this case, why did the Wu people continue to attack them?"

"What exactly did they plan?"

Next to Wei Qing, Ran Min and the main general Meng Tian all shook their heads when they heard it.

They were all very surprised that the three-day attack of the Wu clan was not a war at all, but let the soldiers come to die.

Let more than 50 million soldiers come to die in vain, even a good general like Meng Tian Ranmin can't understand what this is.

After pondering for a while, Meng Tian opened his mouth and said, "The people of the Wu clan are not fools."

"They keep letting barbarian soldiers come to die, they must have their own arrangements, and we still can't relax our vigilance."

Wei Qing and others nodded when they heard it, and they all understood this.

In the face of opponents like the Wu clan, unless they are completely killed, or absolutely cannot relax any vigilance!

Otherwise, no one knows what will happen.

"Look, the enemy has withdrawn!"

At this moment, the enemy soldiers who were still charging forward suddenly withdrew their troops.

When Meng Tian and others saw it, they were stunned for a moment. Did they withdraw their troops?

They looked carefully at the front of the barracks, and sure enough, the enemy had indeed withdrawn.

But soon, Meng Tian, ​​Ranmin and Huo Qubing frowned, and their faces were very, very solemn.

Just in front of the barbarian army, a very large and evil aura emerged.

Just for a moment, it filled the entire sky.

The figure of the ancestor of the Wu clan, Gong Yangxu, also appeared in the void along with this breath.

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