The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1544 Wuzu Blood Sacrifice

After Gongyang Xu's figure appeared in the void, the evil aura in the sky also grew to the extreme.

At the same time, the corpses of the barbarian soldiers who were originally on the ground turned into blood and merged into the evil aura in the sky.

In just a few seconds, the bodies of the barbarian soldiers on the ground disappeared without a trace.

All turned into blood and merged into that evil aura.

The evil aura that had grown to the extreme, after absorbing the blood energy transformed from the corpses of these soldiers, actually started to grow again.

In an instant, it reached a very terrifying level!

"In the past three days, you killed very well, didn't you?"

Gongyang Xu's icy voice entered the ears of Meng Tian and others.

Meng Tian and the others did not speak, but frowned, staring at the very evil aura in the sky.

"Your Nanyan Kingdom is just a small low-level kingdom, but it has been ignoring my noble Wu clan again and again."

"Today, this should all end!"

"In the blood sacrifice of my Wu clan, your lives and the lives of the Nanyan Kingdom will all be sacrificed to our ancestor gods of the Wu clan."

"You guys, damn it!"


When the sound fell, that evil to the extreme aura suddenly turned into a very, very violent aura, filling the entire sky.


Gong Yang Xu roared, the violent aura poured into his body crazily, and in just a few blinks, the violent aura in the sky disappeared.

Completely entered Gongyang Xu's body.


Gong Yangxu's aura grew wildly in his body, and in just a few moments, he broke through the bottleneck of the fourth-layered heaven and entered the realm of the fifth-layered saint.

And, it's far from over.

His breath is still growing.

The early, middle, late, and peak of Saint Venerable Five Heavenly Layer!

In the end, it turned out to be rushed into the realm of the early stage of the sixth heaven of the Holy Venerable.

At this time, the growth of the breath in his body was completely stopped.

"This is the realm of the sixth heaven of the Holy Venerable!"


Gongyang Xu closed his eyes and made a comfortable voice.

He could feel the energy in his body, the energy in his hands, as if he moved his fingers at will, and the world would be under his control.

Holy Reverend Sixth Heaven!

Meng Tian and the others looked very ugly. None of them would have thought that Gongyang Xu had used a secret technique to directly improve his strength to the realm of the sixth heaven of the Holy Venerable.

You must know that in the realm of the Holy Venerable, the gap between each small realm is very, very huge.

Due to their particularity, the generals of the Nanyan Kingdom can often fight in a small realm, but if the realm is too different, it is impossible to fight against each other.

If Ran Minneng fights against the warriors of the Fourth Heavenly Reverence, if he seizes the opportunity, he may even kill him.

But now, Gongyang Xu has reached the realm of the Sixth Heavenly Venerate, let alone Ran Min, but even if the three of them go up together, they are not necessarily opponents.

Now Meng Tian understood why Gongyang Xu let his soldiers charge at any cost three days ago.

It turned out that what he wanted was not for these people to break through his own army camp, but only to let his arrow feathers shoot those charging soldiers, and then use their corpses to perform such evil secret techniques.

I have to say, Gongyang Xu is a ruthless man!

This was something Meng Tian and the others never thought of.

"Are you ready to die?"

After enjoying the beauty of the Sixth Heavenly Realm, Gongyang Xu looked down at Meng Tian and the others, and said lightly.

His voice was very indifferent, with a dash of arrogance.

Now, he does indeed have such qualifications.

The realm of the Holy Venerable Sixth Layer is enough for him to be aloof.


Ran Min sneered when he heard it, and said, "Gongyangxu, do you say something like this?"


Gongyang Xu heard it and snorted coldly.

He also thought of the previous battle, and he put a lot of ruthless words, but he never realized it once.

But that was before.

Today is different!


Gong Yangxu's right hand slammed down, and he controlled a large area of ​​void to press towards Meng Tian's military camp.


Ran Min was the first to shoot, standing in front of the military camp, with the weapon in his hand blocking him, and the terrifying True Qi poured into the weapon from his body in an attempt to block Gongyang Xu's attack.


Gongyang Xu's attack fell on Ran Min's weapon.


Ran Min immediately vomited blood and swayed.

Ran Min of the third level of the Holy Venerable blocked Gong Yangxu of the sixth level of the Holy Venerable, and the difference in strength was too great.

But soon, Ran Min gritted his teeth and stood firm.


Gongyang Xu looked a little surprised when he saw Ran Min.

He knew that Ran Min's strength was quite good, but he didn't expect that after he reached the sixth level of the Holy Venerable, he could actually block his attack.

Although his attack just now was only one-tenth of his strength, it was also the attack of the Holy Venerable Sixth Heaven.

How could it be that a mere Saint Venerable third-level Heavenly Martial Artist could resist?

But soon, with a sarcastic smile on his face, he said: "The man's arm is a car, and it is beyond its own power!"


Gongyang Xu stretched out the middle finger of his right hand again, and moved towards the void that he used to attack Ran Min.

The power in the void instantly increased dozens of times, pressing down on Ran Min.


Ran Min spat out a mouthful of blood again, and his body shook even more severely.

But he did not give in the slightest, and roared: "Wu Miao!"


The blood-red True Qi poured out from his body and poured into his two-handed weapon, increasing the energy contained in the weapon by a lot.

It also made Ran Min, who was under Gongyang Xu's attack, feel better.

But Ran Min knew very well that this was not enough.


The martial arts quickly condensed behind Ran Min, and terrifying energy was poured into his weapon, blocking Gong Yang Xu's attack.

"court death!"

Ran Min was not killed in the two attacks, which made Gong Yangxu's face a little uneasy.

How could he be blocked by Ran Min again?

He changed his hands, made a handprint, and fell on Ran Min.


But just as his attack condensed, a huge air explosion came.

Huo Qu Bing has taken action!

Moreover, there was no hesitation in the shot, and with the martial law, the majestic True Qi condensed on the Zhangba Pingman Spear and hit Gongyang Xu's attack.


Meng Tian over there also made a move. He is also a warrior of the first level of the Holy Venerable. Although he does not have the terrifying combat power of Ran Minhuo Qubing, he is also very powerful.

He also shot with martial arts and hit Gongyang Xu's attack.


After being attacked by Ran Min and the others, the void that Gongyang Xu had just used to attack finally couldn't bear the terrifying energy, and there was a sound of shattering.

A few seconds later, with a 'bang' sound, the void exploded.

Gongyang Xu's attack was blocked by Ran Min and the others!

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