"Zhongzheng, is this the wise, brave and powerful emperor you were talking about?"

The strong man looked at Lu Feng, and said in a humming tone: "You took me not far from Jianzhou to such a barren land as Yuzhou, and let me see such a boy who has not even grown his hair. ?"

Juggernaut Zhongzheng opened his mouth, but when he was about to speak, he saw Lu Feng's gaze, and he closed his mouth instantly.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sympathetically glanced at the strong man beside him. Lu Feng was someone who could kill even a fifth-level Heavenly Martial Artist of the Holy Venerable. If he said this, he was afraid that he would suffer.

But Zhongzheng Juggernaut didn't say anything, he knew very well the character of his friend.

If you don't see Lu Feng's true abilities, you won't be convinced.

The Sword Saint Zhongzheng didn't speak, and the strong man looked at Lu Feng again and said, "Boy, you asked Zhongzheng to bring me here. What did you say you have the qualifications to let us enter the Great Emperor Ruins?"

"It's me!" Lu Feng nodded.


The brawny man sneered and said, "You're just a boy with no hair growing up, how dare you say that you let us enter the Great Emperor Ruins? Could it be that your Yuzhou has been defeated to the point where a hairy boy is in charge?"

"You're crazy!" Lu Feng said lightly, staring at the strong man.

"Haha, I am Jian Jiu mad because I have the qualifications to be mad, and you..."


Before he finished speaking, the sound of sword chants started.

In the next instant, Lu Feng was already in front of him, he put his sword on his neck, and said lightly, "Is this your arrogant qualification?"

"What... what?"

Jian Jiu was completely stunned.

what happened? Why did this kid who was sitting in front of him suddenly come to him and put the sharp sword on his neck?

You must know that you are a warrior at the peak of the Fourth Heavenly Heavenly Venerate!

But just now, he didn't react at all, and he didn't even see the kid in front of him move!

how can that be?

"What? Not crazy anymore?" Lu Feng said lightly.


Jian Qi's "I" for a long time, but I don't know how to say the following words.

A warrior who can become the pinnacle of the Fourth Heavenly Venerate is naturally impossible to be a fool.

Lu Feng can put the sword on his neck without him reacting, and can pierce his throat with a sharp sword without him reacting.

There is no doubt that Lu Feng's strength is definitely very strong, otherwise he would not be able to make himself unable to react when facing his attack.

This made Jian Jiu a little embarrassed. Just now, he said that Lu Feng was a boy without even hair, and in a blink of an eye, he put the sword on his neck.

And fully capable of killing himself.

But it is impossible to convince him like this.

Jian Jiu stared at Lu Feng and said, "I admit that your strength is very strong, and I apologize for what I said just now that you are a brat. But..."

After the conversation changed, Jian Jiu said solemnly: "Although you are putting your sword on my neck now, you did it when I was not prepared, I am not convinced!"


Lu Feng looked at Jian Jiu, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay! Tell me, how do you take it?"

"You and I have a fair fight. As long as you can beat me, I will serve you for five hundred years like Zhongzheng!" Jian Jiu said.

"No." Lu Feng shook his head.

"Don't you dare?" Jian Jiu said with more disdain.

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Zhongzheng has served me for five hundred years. The condition I gave is to bring him to the Emperor's ruins to ensure that he can get a lot of good things to improve his strength."

"You have the same strength as Zhongzheng, and the conditions given by me are naturally the same. Now if you have one more request, you will naturally have to pay more."

"Then what do you think?" Jian Jiu frowned.

"It's very simple, if I defeat you, you will serve Nanyan for eight hundred years!" Lu Feng said lightly.

"Deal!" Jian Jiu said without hesitation.

Eight hundred years is nothing but a long-term retreat for a warrior at the level of the Holy Venerable.

But after pondering for a while, he still said: "If I win against you, I can also serve you for five hundred years, but... hehe, you have to give me a few holy-level middle-grade medicine pills."

"Okay!" Lu Feng agreed.

"Haha, I, Jian Jiu, like to make deals with cheerful people like you."

Jian Jiu laughed, his face full of excitement.

He knew from Zhongzheng Swordsman that there were middle-rank alchemists in the Nanyan Kingdom. If he could get a few middle-rank elixirs, it would be of great use to a martial artist of his realm. .

"Where are we going?" Jian Jiu asked.

"It's in this imperial study."

"Here?" Jian Jiu frowned and said, "The space in your imperial study is too small to be used at all!"

"You can cast it, don't worry about damage." Lu Feng smiled.

"That's what you said!" Jian Jiu said, staring at Lu Feng.

"Yes, I said that."

"Okay, let's get started!"

Jian Jiu took a step back, his right hand suddenly pulled out the giant sword on his back, pointed at Lu Feng, and said, "Go ahead!"

"You are about to become a minister, I will let you do it first!" Lu Feng's words were full of confidence.

When Jian Jiu heard it, he snorted and said, "You are quite confident, but I don't know if your sword is so confident!"

"Furious Wind Slash!"

As soon as the sound fell, Jian Jiu slashed at Lu Feng with a giant sword in hand.

The sword qi slashed out, and the space in the imperial study suddenly swayed, and it was on the verge of breaking under this sword.


Only soon, Lu Feng pointed a finger, and the surrounding space was instantly blocked.

"Wizard God Emperor Strength!"

The next moment, Lu Feng's figure suddenly appeared in front of Jian Jiu, and with the strength of the Witch God Emperor, he punched Jian Jiu with a punch.


Unlike last time, Jian Jiu has raised his vigilance this time, but he did not expect that Lu Feng would suddenly appear in front of him again.

But he quickly reacted and wanted to use martial arts to avoid Lu Feng's attack.

It's just that Lu Feng's punching power has already hit before he can develop his martial skills.

You know, now Lu Feng is already close.

The fist energy came in an instant, and it slammed directly on Jian Jiu.


Jian Jiu, who suffered a heavy blow, vomited blood, and his figure flew out.

But before he flew out two meters, Lu Feng moved again and came behind him again, also punching him in the back.

The second wave of Wushen Huangjin's attack was three times as powerful as the previous attack, and it struck Jian Jiu, instantly making him feel as if his internal organs were about to be split open, and the pain was unbearable.

But before he could do anything, Lu Feng's third wave of attacks came again.

The rams are attacking his back.

"Wait, I admit defeat, I admit defeat!"

Feeling that the third wave of Lu Feng's attack was about to hit, Jian Jiu's expression changed greatly, and he hurriedly shouted.

"Oh? Admit defeat?"

Lu Feng retracted his third wave of attacks, moved his body, returned to his previous position, looked at Jian Jiu with a smile, and said, "Aren't you going to continue to see my strength?"

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