The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1562 The Great Emperor Ruins Open!

"No, no!"

Jian Jiu said with lingering fears.

He is not a fool either, he can see that his strength and that of Lu Feng are not on the same level at all.

It's self-inflicted bullying to keep fighting.

The Zhongzheng Juggernaut next to him also sighed softly when he saw it, Lu Feng really became stronger and stronger.

The last time I saw Lu Feng, although Zhongzheng Juggernaut didn't think he could kill Lu Feng, he could at least go through hundreds of rounds under Lu Feng's hands.

But today, Jian Jiu, who is not weaker than him, defeated Jian Jiu in just two rounds in the face of Lu Feng's attack.

Moreover, he was always observing when the two were fighting.

Jian Jiu's attack seemed to be powerful, but it didn't even shatter the space in the imperial study.

This is not because Jian Jiu's attack is not good, but because at the moment Jian Jiu's attack, Lu Feng has already locked this space.

In this case, Jian Jiu's attack was naturally unable to shatter the space in the imperial study.

And Lu Feng's attack was carried out when he was distracted and locked the space in the imperial study.

Dual-purpose, but also to play their own strength to the extreme!

Such strength, too strong, too strong!

Most importantly, it had only been less than two months since the last time he saw Lu Feng.

In less than two months, Lu Feng's strength has increased by such a big step, which really made the Juggernaut Zhongzheng sigh, and he felt that the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead, and a new generation beat the predecessors.

Naturally, the way he looked at Lu Feng also became very complicated.

Looking at the young Lu Feng, thinking of his strength, and then looking at his own strength, it really made him sigh.

Fortunately, now he is Lu Feng's subordinate, not an enemy.

The Great Emperor Ruins are also eligible to enter, and when the time comes, if you get some good things, you may be able to improve your strength to another realm.

When I see Lu Feng again, I won't feel a little shameless.

Jian Jiu pondered for a while and said, "I, Jian Jiu, will be a member of the Nanyan Kingdom in the next eight hundred years, and I will definitely be loyal to Your Majesty."

Lu Feng glanced at Jian Jiu, then nodded, and at the same time threw an exploration technique on Jian Jiu.

Soon, the information will come back.

Jian Jiu: The ninth generation descendant of Jianzhou Jianmen (Note: Jianmen is Jianzhou Zongmen, and it will always be a single generation from generation to generation. The strength of the founder has reached the realm of emperor.)

Realm: The pinnacle of the Four Heavens of the Holy Venerable.

Loyalty: 86.

Looking at this information, Lu Feng was a little surprised.

Jian Jiu's loyalty is actually 86, which is 6 points higher than Zhongzheng Juggernaut's 80 points.

It is said that he was introduced by Zhongzheng Swordsman, and his loyalty should be lower than that of Zhongzheng Swordsman.

But I didn't expect it to be higher than the Zhongzheng Juggernaut.

Maybe it's because of the personalities of the two people.

Jian Jiu is more straightforward.

In addition, the Jianmen where Jian Jiu is located also surprised Lu Feng. Ordinarily, since the ancestors of his sect had once been to the realm of emperors, Jian Jiu's strength should not be at the peak of the fourth-layered heaven by now.

But unfortunately, Jian Jiu's strength is only at the peak of the Holy Venerable Fourth Heavenly Layer!

After pondering slightly, Lu Feng asked aloud: "Jian Jiu, tell me about your situation in Jianzhou, what sect do you belong to?"

To be on the safe side, Lu Feng knew more or less.

Jian Jiu was stunned when he heard it, and then smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not afraid of your Majesty's jokes, I belong to Jianmen in Jianzhou."

"The strength of Jianmen was very, very strong in the past. The founder was the famous Sword Emperor of Jianzhou. Moreover, Jianmen has been passed down from generation to generation. It is said that I belong to the descendant of Jianmen. The strength should be very strong. But... …”

Jian Jiu looked helpless and said, "Because of my lack of talent, I can't comprehend the profound techniques and techniques of Jianmen. I can only rely on some inferior techniques and techniques to cultivate."

"This time Zhongzheng Swordsman asked me to come to Yuzhou to be loyal to Your Majesty because I hope to get some good things from the Great Emperor Ruins to change my talent.

Thus comprehending the profound techniques and techniques of Jianmen, strengthening himself, and making the name of Jianmen stronger again. "

Jian Jiu didn't lie to Lu Feng, because he knew very well that when they reached their realm, lying would be seen at a glance.

Instead of deceiving Lu Feng, it is better to tell the truth. Anyway, many people in Jianzhou know the news.

Also because of this incident, he, the Sword Sect descendant, was laughed at by many martial artists of great powers.

Thinking about it, the sect established by the dignified emperor has spread to the present, and the disciples have practiced for more than 2,000 years, but they only have the strength of the fourth-level peak of the Holy Venerable.

Compared with the sects established by other emperors, this strength is really not worth mentioning.

After listening to Jian Jiu's words, Lu Feng did not doubt it. He could see that Jian Jiu was not lying.

"Your Majesty, it is less than five days before the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins. When will we set off?" Zhongzheng Swordsman asked at this time.




The next day, Lu Feng said goodbye to Hua Mulan and the other girls, and left Nanyan City with Jiansheng Zhongzheng and Jianjiu, and went to the place where the Great Emperor Ruins opened.

The location where the Great Emperor Ruins was opened is in the east of Yuzhou, in the territory of the Eastern Xia Dynasty.

This news was also informed by the talents of the dynasty two days ago to the various forces in Yuzhou.

It is said that when the ancestors of the Eastern Xia Dynasty knew that the ruins of the Great Emperor were actually in the territory of the Eastern Xia Dynasty, they were so angry that they almost slaughtered the entire Eastern Xia Dynasty's intelligence system.

Think about it, they paid such a high price and tolerated the dynasty to change the opening time again and again, isn't it just to know the location of the opening of the emperor's ruins?

As a result, the ruins of the Great Emperor they dreamed of were actually within the territory of their own dynasty.

This is not bad for the ancestors of the Eastern Xia Dynasty.

The three of Lu Feng passed through the teleportation array and arrived at the place where the dynasty said that there was still one day before the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins.

Guanquan Mountains in the Eastern Xia Dynasty!

When the three of Lu Feng arrived here, a lot of warriors had already gathered here.

At a glance, the weakest is also the peak of the emperor Jiuzhongtian.

But this is only a small part.

Most people turned out to be in the realm of saints!

It can be said that seven out of ten people are in the realm of Saint Venerable!

Of course, most of the saints are the first and second heavens of the saint, and there are very few people who reach the third layer of the saint.

As for the warriors of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable, there are very few, but there are some faint breaths in this realm.

When the three of Lu Feng arrived, many warriors also discovered him.

Everyone looked at him with very complicated eyes.

After all, the most famous person in Yuzhou during this time must be Lu Feng.

First kill Tong Yuxian, the ancestor of the Hundred Nations College, the fifth-level heavenly martial artist, and then kill Gong Yangxu, the ancestor of the Wu people who used a secret technique to raise his strength to the seventh-level heavenly realm.

The two beheadings were all unparalleled powerhouses in Yuzhou!

With such a movement, it is difficult for the rest even if they don't want to know!

"Lu Feng!"

At this moment, a cold voice with strong killing intent entered Lu Feng's ears.

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