The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1566 City of Emperor Realm

Ji Yanfeng looked at the frowning brows of the warlord Qinglei, and said anxiously: "General, the bigger picture is the most important thing!"

Ji Yanfeng is not a fool, he knows very well that at this point in time, if he fights with Lu Feng, let's not say whether he can kill Lu Feng.

Taking a step back, even if they killed Lu Feng, their dynasty would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Lu Feng and the two warriors of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable behind him are not good people.

Once their own side suffered heavy losses, Chu Mingjian and Yi Shaojun would be the ones who would benefit from the fisherman.

For the dynasty, this is absolutely unacceptable!

After pondering for a while, General Qing Lei Zhan glanced at Lu Feng coldly, took two steps back, and did not make another shot.

No harsh words.

Lu Feng smiled, but didn't make a move.

He is very clear about the current situation, and the first person to do it will definitely not end well.

Therefore, in the case that Qinglei Zhanjiang did not continue to do it, he would not do it again.

Everything will be said after the opening of the Great Emperor Ruins.

After entering the Great Emperor Ruins, it will be the beginning of everything!



Seeing that the General Qinglei didn't make a move, and Lu Feng didn't make a move, many saints around him sighed in their hearts.

The scene they want to see will not happen.

This time, the pressure on them is still not small.

Lu Feng didn't do anything with the people of the dynasty, and the other people around didn't cause any trouble. For a while, the Guanquan Mountains were very quiet.

After a few hours, some saints could not sit still.

Especially Chu Mingjian, he frowned, stared at Ji Yanfeng of the dynasty, and said, "Ji Yanfeng, when will the Great Emperor Ruins open? We have waited long enough!"

"Calm down, don't be nervous,

The Great Emperor Ruins will be soon..."


Before Ji Yanfeng finished speaking, a huge humming sound suddenly came from the air.

Immediately after that, the surrounding space began to tremble.

Not long after, with a 'click' sound, the void in the center of the Guanquan Mountains suddenly shattered, but it was indeed not a crack in space, but a giant door slowly opening.

"That's the entrance to the Great Emperor Ruins!"

Many saints are staring at the open giant door with fiery eyes.

These saints who are high on weekdays gather in this small Guanquan Mountain Range, isn't it just for the ruins of the Great Emperor?

Today, the Great Emperor Ruins is finally about to open, and their dream place is finally open!


Soon, another huge humming sound came.

The stone gate is completely open!

"Quick, the Great Emperor Ruins are open, let's go in!"

Soon, a voice came from the surrounding crowd.

When the sound fell, there were already many warriors flying inside.

But the fastest runners are those warriors in the realm of the emperor.

The Holy Venerable Warrior did not move a single one.

They know very well that although the Great Emperor Ruins is open, no one knows if there will be any danger inside. It may be of great benefit to go to the first one, but it may also die without a burial place.

The first wave of warriors who entered were impulsive warriors in the realm of emperors.

There are still many rational emperor realm warriors waiting, waiting for the first wave of people to move in.

After just waiting for a short while, after finding that there was nothing out of the ordinary, more warriors couldn't hold back and entered the giant gate directly.

Many holy warriors also started.

After most of the surrounding warriors entered, Lu Feng also brought Zhongzheng Juggernaut and Jian Jiu into Shimen.

Inside the stone gate is a teleportation formation.

After Lu Feng and the three entered the stone gate, they soon felt the surrounding space changed, and at the same time they felt a sense of loss.

By the time they recovered, they were already in another secret realm.

"This is... a city?"

Zhongzheng Jiansheng looked at the things in front of him and hesitated.

In front of them was a very, very grand city.

There is a very obvious barrier outside the city, blocking the surrounding space.

Only there is no barrier at the gate of the city!

But shouldn't this be the ruins left by the Martial Dao Emperor? How can it become a city?

Could it be that the ruins are the city?

Jian Jiu also had a strange face.

Not only them, but the faces of the people around them are also strange.

Because this is a little different from what they know about the ruins.

Just seeing that many warriors have entered the city, they hesitated a little and walked in.

Lu Feng also led people in.

Passing through the city gate is a huge square.

In the center of the square is a very, very large arena, with a flag hanging beside it that reads: Life and Death!

There are very, very complicated restrictions around the platform of life and death, and there is a strong majesty inside.

Let people not underestimate!

In front of the stage of life and death, many warriors stood in front with strange faces.

Isn't this the Great Emperor Ruins? How can such a life and death platform appear?

Many warriors have locked their eyes on the people of the dynasty.

The news of the Great Emperor Ruins was released by the people of the Dynasty. The people of the Dynasty will probably know more about what happened to this life and death platform.

"Ji Yanfeng, what is your dynasty doing?"

Chu Mingjian looked at Ji Yanfeng coldly.

"Chu Mingjian, do you think my dynasty can set this kind of restriction?" Ji Yanfeng said lightly, pointing to the restriction around the platform of life and death.

Chu Mingjian stopped talking.

A warrior of his realm can naturally feel that the restrictions around the platform of life and death are very powerful, and even if he takes action himself, he cannot break these restrictions.

Moreover, he also felt that this prohibition existed for at least tens of thousands of years.

It can keep the prohibition for tens of thousands of years and still maintain a strong formidable power. It is conservatively estimated that the person who arranges this prohibition has at least the cultivation of the Holy Venerable Nine Heavens.

It may even be arranged by the owner of the Great Emperor Ruins during his lifetime.

He asked Ji Yanfeng because he wanted to see if Ji Yanfeng would say something.

Obviously, Ji Yanfeng also understood his purpose and did not say much.

"Haha, after so many years, a junior finally came here."

At this moment, an old laughter suddenly came from the void.


When all the warriors on the scene heard it, their expressions changed greatly, and they looked around vigilantly.

Only the warriors above the fourth level of the Holy Venerable have their eyes locked on the stage of life and death.

That voice came from the platform of life and death!

Soon, the space of the platform of life and death fluctuated, and after a while, a phantom of an old man with white hair appeared on the platform of life and death.

He opened his mouth and said, "You juniors came here for the purpose of entering the imperial city that I left behind."

"It stands to reason that I don't know how many years this old guy has been dead, so I'll just leave the place for you."

"But think about it, this city of emperor realm is the hard work of this old guy in my life. If all cats and dogs can enter casually, wouldn't that be an insult to me?"

"So, I set some rules, only those who do things according to the rules can enter the city of emperor realm!"

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