
When all the warriors in front of the life and death stage heard it, their brows were slightly wrinkled, they were not fools.

There is a stage of life and death here, and you don’t have to think about it to know that, in all likelihood, this rule is related to the stage of life and death!

Everyone knows the role of the platform of life and death.

Therefore, all the warriors present looked very ugly.

"There are too many people present, and only half of them can enter the Imperial City."

The phantom spoke again and said, "Every time you need to come out and fight two people on the platform of life and death, the body of the loser of the duel will be absorbed by the platform of life and death and turned into the key to let him enter the city of the emperor."

"The rules of the duel: Every duel must be in the same realm, the realm of the emperor versus the realm of the emperor, the half-sage versus the half-sage, and the sage versus the sage."

"When there are two warriors of the same realm standing on the platform of life and death, the platform of life and death will start."

"The rules have been said, and then it's up to you to see your own actions. If you want to enter the city of the emperor, you must pass the test of life and death."

The voice fell, and the phantom of the old man disappeared.

"Hmph, it's quite funny!"

A Holy Venerable sneered and said, "An old thing that popped up out of thin air, just say a few words as a rule? Don't we think we are all fools?"

"I think that this matter may be the ghost of the dynasty."

A saint next to him pondered: "After all, this rule is too strange. Half of us will die before entering the Great Emperor Ruins. This rule is not normal."

"I am also inclined to be the ghost of the dynasty, and I want to use this life and death platform to weaken our strength."

Everyone present heard it, and their eyes were all staring at the people of the dynasty.

Indeed, they are very suspicious.

There is very little that person will set such a rule to do things. Before entering the emperor's ruins, he will pay half of his life without even seeing the baby. Who would like this?

And if they really are half of them,

It is indeed a good thing for the dynasty that has always wanted to weaken the forces of all parties in Yuzhou.

Therefore, they can't help but wonder if this is the layout of the dynasty.

After all, the news of the Great Emperor Ruins was released by the dynasty.

"Haha." Qinglei Zhanjiang felt the gazes of those around him, smiled disdainfully, and said, "Although the dynasty has declined a bit over the years, it's not enough to use this kind of inferior means."

"Humph!" Ji Yanfeng also snorted coldly: "If we really have the ability to do this, then don't we have the ability to open the Great Emperor Ruins? If we really have the ability to open the Great Emperor Ruins, how can we give you a piece of the pie?"

Many people around listened, and their faces were sullen.

Indeed, when the Great Emperor Ruins was opened before, they could feel that it was not something that a Saint Venerable realm warrior could do.

Dynasty did not have the ability to set up such a game.

There is no problem with the Great Emperor Ruins.

It is also impossible for the dynasty to use the ruins of the emperor as bait for the sake of calculation, it is not good.

"Haha, General Qinglei, it seems that some people don't believe you anymore."

At this moment, a loud laughter came from behind.


Everyone heard a frown and turned to look behind.

When they saw the entrance where they had just entered, there were three more people.

Three middle-aged men in purple-black robes.

When the people of the dynasty saw these three middle-aged men, their faces showed a smile.

But when the other warriors saw it, their expressions changed and changed.

Especially Chu Mingjian, he can clearly feel that the strength of these three warriors is not inferior to him at all.

In other words, the strength of these three middle-aged people is also at the peak of the Holy Venerable Fifth Layer!

The strength of the Holy Venerable Fifth Layer's peak is also considered an absolute powerhouse in the entire Kyushu continent, and it is even ranked in the top five in Yuzhou.

However, Chu Mingjian had never seen the three warriors at the peak of the five-layered heaven in front of him.

Not even a bit of news.

When did the dynasty still hide such terrifying power in the dark?

Looking at the three warriors, Lu Feng frowned slightly. Even he could not take it lightly.

But, why are there three warriors of the fifth-level peak of the Holy Venerable suddenly appearing here?

If the dynasty really had these three sacred warriors at the peak of the fifth level, then there was no need to tolerate the development of the Cangchu dynasty and other forces in Yuzhou over the years.

As for who the three were, he didn't bother to ask, just waited, someone would say.

The people from the dynasty saw a smile on the faces of the three demons in Nanzhou.

Finally, the three demons of Nanzhou arrived.

Their plan is finally underway.

Ji Yanfeng glanced coldly at the other warriors present, with no good intentions in his eyes.

Qinglei Zhanjiang stepped forward to meet the three demons in Nanzhou, and said with a smile: "Haha, the three are worthy of being the three gods in Nanzhou. When we passed the news to you earlier, we thought you would not feel it, but we didn't expect you to come. The strength is strong enough and the speed is fast enough to come here.”

"With your participation, we will surely sweep the crowd this time!"

Nanzhou three statues?

When the warriors present heard the name, their faces were filled with doubts. They had never heard of such a strong person.

Only some of the family members of the top forces in Yuzhou heard the name, and their expressions instantly became very solemn.

They know more or less about the situation in the rest of Kyushu.

They know who the three statues of Nanzhou are.

To be more precise, these three people should not be called the three gods of Nanzhou, but should be called the three demons of Nanzhou.

These three people are rumored to be three brothers, who are members of the Nanzhou Demon Dao, relying on their own strength to traverse Nanzhou for thousands of years.

In the 10,000 years that spanned Nanzhou, there was only one impression left on the people of Nanzhou martial arts, cruel!

In order to improve their own strength, the three demons in Nanzhou are willing to pay and do everything at all costs.

There have even been acts of slaughtering hundreds of millions of living beings and using their blood to improve their strength.

It can be said that the three demons of Nanzhou represent death for the warriors who are in the world of martial arts.

This name is an existence that can definitely stop a child from crying!

The Nanzhou Three Demons also have a hobby. They hate others calling them the Nanzhou Three Demons. Whenever they hear someone call them that, they will definitely make it worse to call that person's life than death, and then they will become involved in the nine clans.

Therefore, everyone only dares to call them the Three Respects of Nanzhou!

The faces of Chu Mingjian, the leaders of Yuzhou's top forces, gradually turned from solemn to very ugly.

Where did the dynasty find these three devils!

It's not a good thing for them.

Chu Mingjian and Yi Shaojun looked at each other with worry in their eyes.

The Dynasty's move today really exceeded their expectations.

The arrival of the Three Demons of Nanzhou was destined to instantly raise the dynasty's strength by a notch, leaving them far behind.

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