The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1577 shoot you to death

"What? You only have this strength?"

Lu Feng looked at the Gorefiend, shook his head, and said, "Anyhow, he's also a warrior of the fifth-layered heaven of the Holy Venerable. Don't be such a waste, okay? Do you want to do it?"


The Gorefiend was even more angry when he heard Lu Feng's extremely insulting words.

"Blood Kai!"

He roared angrily, and the blood-red infuriating qi condensed and covered him with blood-red armor.

Staring at Lu Feng with bloody eyes, he said, "Lu Feng, you completely angered me!"

"I tell you, I won't kill you directly, I will cut off the flesh on your body bit by bit, bit by bit, piece by piece, I want you to experience the feeling of Ling Chi, I want to make you worse than life die!"

"Your Majesty, be careful, the True Qi on the Gorefiend's armor has great restraint on warriors." Zhongzheng Sword Saint saw the Gorefiend's armor and hurriedly said to Lu Feng.

When he fought the Gorefiend earlier, it was because he didn't know that he suffered a big loss, which led to a direct defeat.

Otherwise, according to the strength of his sword cultivation at the peak of the Fourth Heaven of the Holy Venerable, even if he cannot defeat the Gorefiend, he can definitely guarantee that he will not lose so badly.

But because he didn't know the power of the blood-red armor, he was directly defeated and almost killed!

"This armor is good."

Lu Feng looked at the armor, nodded, and said, "You're almost the same as this. You look like the peak of the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable."


Gorefiend clenched his fist and slammed towards Lu Feng.

This time, his speed was much faster than before.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Lu Feng, and slammed into Lu Feng's head with a devastating fist.

"Wizard God Emperor Strength!"

Lu Feng directly unleashed his Witch God Emperor's strength, and also punched him directly, hitting the Gorefiend's fist.


With a loud bang, terrifying energy spread out from where the two fists touched.

But soon, the violent energy disappeared without a trace, replaced by blood-red energy, which quickly penetrated into Lu Feng's body.

"Jie Jie!"

"Lu Feng, die!"

Seeing that the blood-red energy had penetrated into Lu Feng's body, the Gorefiend let out a gloomy laugh and said, "Under the deity's blood-devouring supernatural powers, what if you are powerful? It's still a dead end!"


However, just as he finished speaking, several waves of attacks from the back of Wushenhuang Jin hit him on the body, sending the Gorefiend out.

But Gorefiend's strength is very good, and he was not injured. He quickly stood up in the void, stared at Lu Feng coldly, and the cold smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

Looking at Lu Feng's eyes is more like looking at a dead man.

"His Majesty!"

Zhongzheng Sword Saint looked at Lu Feng worriedly.

Although he didn't know what those blood-red energies were, he could sense a deadly threat from those energies.

Now that all these energies have penetrated into Lu Feng's body, how can Lu Feng be okay?


Listening to Gorefiend's words, Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Do you really think that you are invincible if you have supernatural powers?"

"Jiuyoutian Lei Jue!"

"The body of Tianlei!"


A loud noise came from Lu Feng's body, and a terrifying thunderbolt came out of his body along with the loud noise.

Lightning armor quickly formed on Lu Feng's body.

As soon as the lightning armor was formed, a blood-red energy appeared on the armor, which was madly eroded by lightning.


The blood demon's eyes shrank suddenly, and he could naturally see that the blood-red energy that was being eroded by lightning was his supernatural blood bite!

The blood bite that got into Lu Feng's body was forced out by the lightning armor?



The Gorefiend was stunned.

He couldn't believe what had happened before him at all.

That is his own magical blood bite!

How did it get broken like this?

"You are so magical, aren't you?"

After completely breaking the blood demon magical power, Lu Feng looked at him and shook his head slightly.


The blood demon reacted,

He cursed in a low voice, turned and ran without hesitation.

However, no matter how fast he was, he was not as fast as Lu Feng.

When the Gorefiend just turned around, Lu Feng's figure had already appeared behind him.

The Gorefiend just turned around when he saw Lu Feng in front of him.

"how is this possible?"

Gorefiend was shocked, unable to believe that Lu Feng, who was on the other side just now, ran in front of him.

But he reacted quickly, and directly punched Lu Feng.

Lu Feng also punched and hit the Gorefiend's fist.

With a 'bang', the Gorefiend was sent flying again.

But this time, before the Gorefiend could stand firm in the void, Lu Feng had already chased after him, and he threw a few punches again. When the Gorefiend could not stop it, he directly slammed into his armor.

With a 'click', the blood-red armor on the Gorefiend shattered directly.


The next moment, Lu Feng slapped the Gorefiend directly on the face.

The Gorefiend's face was crooked.


The Gorefiend was furious and roared: "Martial Art!"


The terrifying aura behind the Gorefiend filled the air, and he was about to condense martial arts.


It was just that before the Dharma was condensed, Lu Feng punched the Gorefiend directly in the face.

"Bang!" With a sound, the Gorefiend's head was directly smashed into pieces of watermelon.

The martial art form that had condensed behind him suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The Gorefiend was directly killed by Lu Feng's punch!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the Saint Venerable Fifth Heaven peak martial artist and gaining 3.2 billion experience points."

The system prompt sounded in Lu Feng's mind.

Looking at his experience points, Lu Feng nodded in satisfaction.

After several battles, his experience value has increased a lot. If this goes on, maybe he will get rid of those people in the dynasty, and his realm can be raised to the fifth heaven of the Holy Reverence in the city of the emperor.

The Zhongzheng Juggernaut next to him watched this scene, and the whole person was stunned.

He knew that Lu Feng's strength was very, very strong, but he didn't expect that the blood demon among the three demons in Nanzhou, the guy who beat him to the point of being seriously injured and almost died, was killed by Lu Feng like this.


This is too scary!

However, Zhongzheng Juggernaut quickly reacted. For him, now he has decided to be completely loyal to Lu Feng, and he will be a warrior of the Nanyan Kingdom in the future.

The stronger Lu Feng is, the better for him.

Because only by following such a strong man can he have the opportunity to enter a higher martial arts!

"Tsk tsk, things are pretty good."

Lu Feng held the Gorefiend's storage ring and nodded in satisfaction.

There are a lot of treasures in the Gorefiend storage ring, not to mention the spirit stones and the like, which are simply countless.

The most important thing is those medicine pills, the grades are very high, and none of them are lower than the low grade of heaven.

Thinking about it, he doesn't like anything below the heaven level for a warrior in the realm of Gorefiend.

"The harvest of killing a Gorefiend is much more than opening those attics."

"It seems that the people in the dynasty should be able to provide me with a lot of good treasures during this trip to the city of the emperor."

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