"Huh, is this?"

In the corner of the Gorefiend's storage ring, there was a lacquered stone, which looked nothing special except black.

Just like an ordinary stone!

But in the Gorefiend's storage ring, there is such an ordinary stone that is the most extraordinary.

After all, in the Gorefiend storage ring, there are some treasures that are not below the heaven level except for the spirit stones.

This stone is so different.

Lu Feng's heart moved, and he took the stone out of the storage ring.

"Your Majesty, what is this?"

Jiansheng Zhongzheng looked at the stone in Lu Feng's hand with a puzzled expression, wondering how such a stone could exist in the Gorefiend's storage ring.

He can also see that this stone is too ordinary, but it is because it is too ordinary that it makes Zhongzheng Juggernaut strange.

Such an ordinary stone should not appear in the Gorefiend's storage ring.

Lu Feng shook his head and looked at the stone carefully.

After a few glances, he really couldn't find anything, but helplessly, he threw an exploration technique on it.

Soon, the exploration technique returned the news.

Sealed stone: The stone that is sealed by the formation has a not-so-simple mystery hidden in it.


Lu Feng was stunned when he saw the news returned by the exploration technique.

Just a word?

What's the use of this?

But soon he frowned.

Exploration can't find out the details of this stone, which is enough to prove that this stone is not simple.

"But the information on the exploration technique, this stone is sealed, can it be sealed there?"

Lu Feng looked at the stone strangely.


Checking the seal intentionally, Lu Feng soon found that the stone was a little different.

On the surface of the stone, there is a layer of faint black halo, if you do not observe carefully, you will not be able to find it at all.

And this halo gave him a very familiar feeling.

"It feels like..."

Lu Feng pondered slightly, stared at the stone, and murmured in a low voice, "Why does it feel like the original Xuanwen?"

That faint black halo actually gave him the feeling of an initial mysterious text!

It's just that this feeling is very light and light, as if it has something to do with the original Xuanwen, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.

After taking a few more glances at the stone, Lu Feng pondered for a moment, then moved his left hand and typed out an initial Xuanwen with the character "Hong".


The initial Xuanwen of the word 'hong' had just appeared, and the stone in Lu Feng's right hand trembled, followed by the black halo on the surface becoming very rich.

In the next instant, the halo lifted off, forming a very ancient formation.

"Ancient seal formation?"

Lu Feng was a little surprised that this formation turned out to be a seal formation left over from ancient times.

And with the help of the power of the initial Xuanwen, it became very mysterious.

At the same time, there are a lot of hidden means on it, no wonder he can't see what this stone has at first glance.

"What kind of stone is this, it was actually sealed by the ancient seal formation?"

Lu Feng stared at the stone with confusion on his face.

"Your Majesty, can you unlock this seal formation?" Juggernaut Zhongzheng became more and more curious about this stone.

As a Sword Saint of Jianzhou, he naturally recognized that the aura above this seal formation was an ancient aura.

Being able to seal this seemingly ordinary stone with a seal formation from the ancient times is enough to prove that there is absolutely nothing simple in this stone.

"You can try it."

Lu Feng placed the stone in the void with infuriating energy, and quickly created ancient mysterious patterns with both hands.

Under his control, these lines were soon covered on this ancient seal formation.

Slowly, the lines of these ancient mysterious texts began to erode this seal array.

Very slow very slow.

Three hours passed before Lu Feng showed a smile and said, "Fortunately, this ancient seal formation has existed for too long, and many connection points have become fragile.

Otherwise, I really can't open this ancient seal formation! "

When the sound fell, there was a 'click' sound from the ancient seal formation on the stone, and it shattered into nothingness.


Just as the ancient seal formation dissipated, a shocking sword roar came from inside the stone.

Immediately after, a terrifying sword energy was released from the stone and shot straight into the void!

The sword energy lasted for a while before disappearing!

"Okay... such a strong sword energy!"

After the sword qi disappeared, Zhongzheng Sword Saint dared to sigh with lingering fears.

The energy contained in the sword qi, Zhongzheng Juggernaut did not dare to feel too much, because it is too powerful, it feels like it will be shattered by a slight touch!

Lu Feng also had a solemn expression.

The feeling that the sword energy gave him was beyond the strongest attack of Gong Yang Xu before.

You must know that Gongyang Xu's strength at that time was upgraded to the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable through a secret method.

This sword energy can surpass the attack of the Seventh Heavenly Warrior of the Holy Venerable, enough to see how terrifying it is.

And that's not the scariest.

The most terrifying thing is that this sword qi was sealed in the ancient times, and it must have weakened for so long. If it is in its heyday, one can imagine how terrifying this sword qi is!

And the stone in the void, after releasing this sword energy, is still as ordinary as before, with nothing special.

But Lu Feng did not dare to underestimate it.

After pondering for a while, he threw an exploration technique on it.

The information from the previous exploration technique was not careful, because there was a seal on it. Now that I have cracked the seal, the exploration technique should give me more information!

Soon, the exploration information was fed back.

Sword Enlightenment Stone: When a sword emperor at the level of martial arts emperor understands kendo, the overflowing sword intent is scattered into it, forming a sword enlightenment stone, which contains the sword intent of the sword emperor.

Level: None (Sword of Enlightenment is a special item, no level exists)

Effect: Warriors can comprehend the Sword Intent of the Sword Emperor, thereby improving their kendo cultivation. (Note: Only the purest sword cultivator can comprehend the Sword Emperor's sword intent from the Sword Enlightenment Stone.)

Lu Feng was stunned when he saw the news returned by the exploration technique.

This is actually the Enlightenment Stone left by the Sword Emperor!

This is absolutely beyond Lu Feng's imagination.

Sword Emperor, that is the real Martial Dao Emperor!

Gorefiend's luck is so good, to be able to get a baby of this level, this Nima, the luck is too bad!

"However, the Gorefiend had good luck and got the Sword of Comprehension, but unfortunately, it ended up in his own hands."

"Thinking about it this way, hehe, it seems that my luck is better!"

Looking at the Sword Enlightenment Stone in his hand, Lu Feng showed a smile on his face.

Although the Sword Enlightenment Stone can only help the purest sword cultivator comprehend the Sword Emperor's Sword Intent, for other warriors, it can also be used for reference.

Moreover, he also has a pure sword cultivator under him.

Zhongzheng Juggernaut is a ready-made sword repairer.

"Your Majesty, what is this?" Zhongzheng Sword Saint asked aloud at this time.

He could feel the sword intent in this stone, but it wasn't obvious.

"This is……"

Lu Feng just wanted to answer, but before he could finish speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Don't worry, we have guests here."

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