The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1613 Could it be Shao Siming?

Lu Feng clearly remembered that when the character he summoned had originally surpassed the Sixth Heavenly Reverence's strength, a character would be added.

Incidental mission loyalty is unknown, and the camp is unknown.

Now that you have summoned four warriors whose original realm exceeds the sixth level of the Holy Venerable, there will be four accompanying characters.

If the strength of these four incidental characters exceeds that of the Holy Venerable Sixth Layer, then there will be additional incidental characters.

Just look at the strength of these four incidental characters now.

Soon, the system called up the information of the four accompanying characters and appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

The first one, name: Feng?

Occupation: Warrior

Realm: Holy Venerable Triple Heaven Peak.

Loyalty: Unknown.

Alignment: Unknown

This is a character from Zhou Yafu.

The second, name: Wu?

Occupation: Warrior

Realm: Holy Venerable First Layer Peak.

Loyalty: Unknown.

Alignment: Unknown.

This is a task that Xiao He comes with.

The third, name: Zhao?

Occupation: Emperor

Realm: Holy Venerable First Layer Peak.

Loyalty: unknown

Alignment: Unknown

This is Deng Yu's incidental character.

Fourth, name: less?

Occupation: Unknown.

Realm: The pinnacle of the fifth heaven of the saint.

Loyalty: Unknown.

Alignment: Unknown.

This is a character that came out of Ximen Chuixue.

Lu Feng looked at the information about the four incidental characters, but didn't care about the first three.

The strongest of the three was the military general surnamed Feng, who had the strength of the Holy Venerable Triple Heaven Peak, but for the current Lu Feng, such strength really did not pose any threat.

It was the fourth one that Lu Feng valued a lot.

Because in his memory, there is really no person with the surname of 'Shao'. If there is really one person, it is only the Shao Siming in Qin Shimingyue's world.

It's just that Lu Feng didn't know if this person was Shao Siming.

If so, then he was really looking forward to the day he met her.

However, that will come later.

Now, after all the summoning opportunities were exhausted, Lu Feng didn't do anything else and opened the array he had arranged earlier.

"His Majesty!"

Zhongzheng Juggernaut and Jian Jiu immediately bowed down.

But soon, the two of them were instantly shocked, stared at Lu Feng, and said in shock, "Your Majesty, your strength?"

Lu Feng smiled slightly: "There is a small improvement."

Little improvement?

Zhongzheng Juggernaut and Jian Jiu twitched the corners of their mouths.

Although they couldn't feel what realm Lu Feng was in right now, their martial artist's intuition told them that if Lu Feng wanted to kill them now, he might be able to do it with just one look.

This is definitely not an illusion!

The only explanation is that this time, Lu Feng's strength is definitely not as small as he said, but it must be a big improvement!

This made Zhongzheng Juggernaut and Jian Jiu envy for a while.

In fact, most of their talents are considered very good among martial artists, but in front of Lu Feng, they really can't raise their heads.

They are only twenty years old, and their strength has completely crushed them.

This feeling, uncomfortable ah!

Fortunately, Lu Feng is not their enemy, but the object they follow. Otherwise, they may really choose to commit suicide first, lest they die too miserably when they meet Lu Feng.

Lu Feng didn't say much, and took Zhongzheng Juggernaut and Jian Jiu to leave here and return to Nanyan Kingdom.


"What? Neither Ji Yanfeng nor Qinglei Warlord came out of the Great Emperor Ruins?"

In the secret realm of the dynasty, Ji Yinfu, the ancestor, listened to the reply of Ji Yanghong and Ji Yangting, the two supreme emperors of the dynasty, and his face instantly turned gloomy.

Ji Yanghong shook his head and said, "Old Ancestor, the Great Emperor Ruins they entered is a completely enclosed space, and it is impossible for anything to come out from it, so our soul cards are useless."

Ji Yinfu's expression became more solemn, and he said, "Apart from this, what news is there?"

"This..." Ji Yanghong and Ji Yangting looked at each other and hesitated.

"Speak!" Ji Yinfu said with a cold face when she saw it.


Ji Yanghong responded and said, "I got news from those warriors who came out, all warriors in the dynasty are...all..."


"They were all killed by Lu Feng!"

Ji Yanghong lowered his head after saying this.


When Ji Yinfu heard it, he was furious and shouted, "Then how could Lu Feng's child have the courage to kill someone in my dynasty?"

"Not to mention that there is still a Thunder Warrior in my dynasty. He is the peak of the fifth level of the Holy Venerable, and he is only half a step away from entering the sixth level of the Holy Venerable. What ability can Lu Feng have to kill him? ?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

Ji Yanghong and Ji Yangting smiled bitterly. In fact, when they first got the news, they couldn't believe it.

But soon they learned from the mouths of several warriors who wanted to befriend the dynasty, and that was the case.

The warriors of the dynasty were beheaded by Lu Feng outside the imperial palace, which was what they saw with their own eyes.

This time, even if Ji Yanghong and Ji Yangting couldn't believe it, they had to believe it.

They are all saints, and those people can tell at a glance that they are not lying.

These news, they just didn't dare to tell Ji Yinfu directly, for fear that Ji Yinfu would anger them.

It's okay now, although Ji Yinfu was furious, he didn't anger them, and it also made them feel relieved.

Ji Yinfu took a deep breath here, calmed himself down a little, stared at Ji Yanghong and Ji Yangting, and said solemnly, "How true is the news?"


Ji Yanghong and Ji Yangting looked at each other, lowered their heads and said, "Nine...nine points."

They didn't dare to say very much, they were afraid of Ji Yinfu.

"Are you sure?" Ji Yinfu asked again.

Only this time there was a trembling in his tone.

This time, Ji Yanfeng and Qinglei will go to the Great Emperor Ruins, but they have used one-third of the dynasty's high-end combat power.

All damage is a fatal blow to the dynasty!

He wished he could hear the good news.

really hope!


Ji Yanghong smiled bitterly and said, "Ancestor, the news has been confirmed that Qinglei Zhanjiang and the others were really killed by Lu Feng."




Ji Yinfu couldn't control himself at all, and cursed loudly.

A terrifying aura instantly swept through the surrounding space.

Ji Yanghong and Ji Yangting, who were standing in front of him, made a 'thump' and hurriedly knelt on the ground, saying, "Old Ancestor calm down!"

"Relieve your anger? What does this deity do to relieve your anger?"

Ji Yinfu roared angrily: "This deity asked Ji Yanfeng and Qinglei Zhanjiang to bring one-third of the dynasty's high-end combat power to get them back to the treasures in the emperor's ruins."

"But now it's better, where's the baby? Where's the baby that the deity wants?"

"What about the elixir that the deity wants to restore the injury?"

"Not only did they not get the things back, they even damaged one-third of the dynasty's high-end combat power in the ruins of the Great Emperor, and died under that hairy boy Lu Feng!"



"Go on, order the five imperial armies to start immediately, and this deity will destroy Nanyan within three months!"

"This deity wants to kill Lu Feng!!!"

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